Detailed description and description of the variety of tomato Leopold
If you consider yourself a novice gardener and did not have time to decide which tomatoes to grow in order to prevent numerous mistakes - we recommend paying attention to tomato culture Leopold. Many claim that the plant was created specifically for such cases. It does not pay attention to the permissible misses, perfectly tolerates changes in climatic conditions, does not need special care. The characteristics and description of this tomato variety are presented below.
Table of ContentsLeopold
It can be grown both in greenhouse conditions and in outdoor beds. The plant is determinant, does not require a pinching. In their genetics, the bushes are able to successfully withstand the most common tomato diseases. Leopold is distinguished by precocity, brings early harvests.
bushes average height, less than seventy centimeters. When growing in open ground, it is recommended to form bushes in two or three stems, one will be enough for greenhouses. The first inflorescences appear after the sixth - seventh leaf, and each next - through the next pair. The yield ranges from three to four kilograms from a bush; less than four plants are recommended to be planted on one meter square.
The variety is early ripening, begins to bear fruit three months after planting. Tomatoes are round, stogrammovye, red, perfectly suitable for canning.
The advantages and disadvantages of the variety
The main advantages include a number of characteristics:
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