The best iron for the home: choosing the right

In many countries, the habit of ironing clothes after strika gradually falls back to the rank of moss antiquity. Here's another, to spend at home time and energy to smooth out what will still be confused.
On the streets one can easily notice people who have obviously left the house in a shirt that has not come into contact with an iron in their life, and therefore has wrinkled, shrank and looks sad. Many people do not even think to stroke their jeans, and even more so bedding - why? They are happy people, I guess. They do not have to figure out how to choose an iron for the house, so that ironing becomes an easy and pleasant process. ..
But our people used to live differently. We iron sheets and duvet covers, curtains and curtains, carefully iron the arrows on the pants of a business suit and steam the curtains on a sundress. Because it is better, more beautiful and more pleasant. There would be only a good iron at home, with a good sole, and best of all - so that the steam generator was. Here are just a range in stores so great that the right to choose the best becomes a little difficult.
Everything will become easier if you look at the points and answer a few simple questions:
- How many things do you have to do at home weekly?
- How much time do you have for household chores?
- How much are you willing to pay for a good iron with a steam generator( or without it)?
- 1 Criteria for choosing an iron
- 2 Tank capacity
- 3 Sole
- 4 Weight and shape
- 5 Useful functions
- 6 Rating of irons: the best manufacturers of the
Criteria for choosing an iron
To know how to use the tools, how, to use the tools, to use the tools, and to use the tools,null, to use the tools,null, or to use the help of the way,null, or to use the taps, and with the help of the world, for example, to get the help of things, or other things, like, to use the help of the way, or other, and other things, it is like, to get the help of things, like, to use the help of the other side, or to make;Only heating time depends on this indicator, but power does not affect the quality of ironing. You still don’t need much heat: most modern materials need to be ironed at relatively low temperatures.
For an iron with a steam generator, the pressure with which steam is supplied is important. And again: this indicator will not affect the quality of ironing. The power of the iron itself and the pressure of the steam supplied affect only one thing: the time you spend on the process.
The more powerful the iron is, the higher the steam pressure is provided by the steam generator, the faster things will be smoothed with such an iron. Energy consumption for the process will be approximately the same.
Some firms produce models that can be called superpower. The steam generator quickly heats up to the working temperature, forms a large amount of steam, supplies it under high pressure( up to 6.5 Bar).But in everyday life such facilities are not needed, as practice shows.
Optimum performance for a domestic iron with a steam generator - power consumption up to 1300-1700 W, steam pressure provided by a steam generator, up to 4 Bar.
Tank capacity
Household appliances companies offer irons for every taste. In some models, the water tank is built into the body of the iron. You need steam - press the button, the water flows to the hot heating element, turns into steam. The steam escapes from the holes of the sole, the thing is smoothed. The capacity of this small, not more than a glass of water. Accordingly, it will have to be replenished frequently.
Such irons quite cope with small volumes of linen. Due to the built-in capacity, irons of this type are somewhat more bulky and heavy. But they are cheaper.
Another thing - irons with a separate steam generator. The steam generator is a kind of small boiler. You turn on the device in the network, the steam generator( or rather, the heating elements in it) is heated, the water in the tank begins to turn into steam. Steam enters the soleplate of the iron through the hose. The iron itself in such devices is lighter, and the vapor pressure is much higher.
A steam hose may be some inconvenience, but you can quickly get used to it. The main thing is that this hose be of sufficient length and not pulling the steam generator standing aside.
The steam generator can be equipped with a fairly solid in volume water tank: up to 2.5 liters. This allows you to iron without a break for several hours. In some models, the steam generator can be refilled with water, without waiting until it cools down. But often it is necessary to disconnect the steam generator from the network and wait for it to cool down, and only then add water.
Immediately it is worth noting that distilled water should be used to fill the tank.
For individual models, this is a prerequisite, for others it is highly desirable. So you prolong the life of your iron with a steam generator. Many trading companies offer bottled distilled water in the same stores where you will buy yourself an iron for the house.
The sole is made from different materials. Outdated aluminum, easily scratched, is practically not used anymore, it is difficult to find an aluminum base in stores. But a lot of irons with soles of solid and durable stainless steel.
The irons with a sole with a ceramic coating behave perfectly when used, but this material is quite fragile. Throwing such an iron on the floor is highly undesirable, but it is unlikely to make it happen on purpose.
The most successful are irons, the sole of which is made of titanium or steel with a teflon coating. Models with such a sole are not the cheapest, but they are durable and make your work as easy as possible.
When buying an iron with a steam generator, pay attention also to the shape of the sole and its nose, as well as the number and location of the holes for steam.
Related article: which sole of the iron is better
If you often have to iron things with lots of small details, children's clothes at home, then it will be right to choose a model with a sharp nose.
For big things, an iron with a rounded toe and a sole with a large number of holes for steam is better suited.
The weight and shape of the
The heavier the iron, the better it smoothes wrinkles and creases. And the more physical strength you have to spend on the process of ironing. But since the steam generator greatly facilitates smoothing, the weight becomes not so relevant indicator. It is better to choose an iron that will fit comfortably in your hand, not to cause muscle over-tension and not to cause discomfort when moving your hand. Be sure to check when buying how easy it is for you to use the buttons and levers located on the case.
Useful functions
When buying, it is better to choose the iron with a steam generator, which is equipped with some additional and very useful functions.
- Automatic shutdown. If you forget to turn off such an iron with a steam generator, then you will not face either a fire or a full steam room: the steam generator and the iron will shut off automatically, ensuring safety.
- Continuous steam function. This will allow you to steam things hanging vertically. For example, curtains, coats, jackets.
- Anti-drip system. This feature eliminates the unpleasant effect when rather large droplets of water are pulled out of the nozzles instead of steam. Some tissues from such droplets may remain difficult to remove stains. Sometimes this effect is obtained if you start ironing when the steam generator has not yet reached operating temperature.
- Water spray function. Sometimes it is more practical to sprinkle the most crumpled place slightly than to smooth it for a long time.
- Steam shot. Some models have the ability to produce large portions of steam under higher pressure. Such a blow allows you to cope with the most difficult places, to smooth heavily crumpled, parched things.
- Regulator for heating temperature and evaporation rate. This will allow you to choose the best mode, even for a very delicate fabric.
Rating of irons: the best manufacturers of
Judging by sales statistics, Philips is considered the market leader for irons with a steam generator. It is the products of this company most often take home buyers. They are followed by the company Rowenta, and closes the top three Tefal.