Unpleasant smell in the washing machine: the causes of odor and ways to eliminate it

In the washing machine design, there are places where water stagnates. It was there that prefer to grow colonies of bacteria, mold fungi. Accumulation of microorganisms and contribute to the fact that the freshly laundered linen stops to smell the freshness and the smell of the drum is not clean.

What if there was a bad smell in the washing machine - how to get rid of it? First, find out what actions trigger the problem.

The content of the article:

  • Causes of accumulation and development of microorganisms
  • Simple ways to fix the problem
  • Stages of cleaning meropriyatikh
    • Step # 1 - dismantle stiralku
    • Step # 2 - Clean or change the cuff
    • Step # 3 - clean the detergent loading compartment
    • Step # 4 - cleanse the drainage system
    • Step # 5 - cleanse the water supply passage
    • Step # 6 - clean or change the heater
  • Methods of protection against odor
  • Useful videos on the topic

Causes of accumulation and development of microorganisms

The most obvious and common operating error - closing the hatch (horizontal loading) or the cover (vertical loading) immediately after washing. The machine needs time to evaporate the moisture, so leave it open after use for at least 2-3 hours.

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The second error - keeping second-hand clothes in the drum. High humidity plus the dirty laundry - a breeding ground for microorganisms.

Soiled clothing should be stored in a special basket. It does not take much space, and in fungi and bacteria have less chance.

Caring for the washing machine
Wipe drum elastic sealing inside and outside with a dry cloth after each use of the machine, not to create favorable conditions for the development of bacteria, fungi

Create a convenient platform for the development of micro-organisms and some detergent. If they are of poor quality, or used in excess, it leads to the formation of the film in the tray and on the walls of the machine.

It contributes to the appearance of bad odors and washing in a low-temperature mode.

Simple ways to fix the problem

If the smell just appeared, it can be removed from the washing machine thoroughly wash all internal surfaces. Suitable for this warm soapy water. After treatment, you must wipe dry all surfaces and leave the machine open on the day.

And helps wash at maximum temperature. Use things that are not shed. At the same time check whether the machine heats the water to the specifications listed in indicators. You can add vinegar, it is harmless to health and kills bacteria.

Bluestone for the washing machine
Help get rid of mold and copper sulfate: virtually dissolve 1 g of the powder (or 50 ml solution, if present) in 100 ml of warm water, fill the drum, run the quick wash in the maximum temperature, put a rinse mode and leave open the machine on day

Run an empty car on the longest mode and maximum temperature. The container for the powder load bleach or tablet for dishwashers. When a complete cycle is finished, put another short rinse.

Usually this pain is enough to remove the cause of the odor from the washing machine. If it was, I would have to find the source and solve the problem of more radical methods.

Stages of cleaning meropriyatikh

Try to understand the machine and check all the available details of the mechanism for the presence of various unpleasant microorganisms on them.

Step # 1 - dismantle stiralku

To do this, you need to disable it from the mains supply and drain water, to provide access to equipment from all sides.

After disconnecting the power from stiralki wait 15-20 minutes to all appliances are turned off. It is advisable to move the car up and check the space underneath: the dirt on the floor, the stand can also be a source of unpleasant odors.

Prepare the necessary tools:

  • pliers, pliers or plier;
  • Phillips and flat-blade screwdriver
  • hammer;
  • keys - carob, head;
  • marker;
  • old toothbrush;
  • brush (better than Kevlar);
  • flashlight.

First, remove the top, bottom and side covers stiralki. Refer to the construction: panel fastened with screws, unscrew the remaining pull over.

The control unit, the wire drum, the motor does not need to touch. If there is dirt on them, gently remove. Look inside the machine, enlighten flashlight every detail, remove debris, dust, where there is opportunity.

The main units of washing machines
Learn the basic components of the washing machine before dismantling, check out the instructions: it describes the design features is your model

Take pictures or filmed their actions, then it is easier to put the parts in place. Now let's deal with the individual elements, which prefer to live in colonies of microorganisms.

Step # 2 - Clean or change the cuff

The rubber seal is constantly in contact with moisture and is not capable of self-cleaning due to its shape. The stagnation of fluid therein leads to the formation of rot.

The black spots can be diluted with water to remove any bleach - the usual "whiteness" or "Domestos", "Free duckling."

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Wear rubber gloves.
  2. Rinse the bleach cuff boot hatch.
  3. Close the machine.
  4. After 30-40 min. You need to turn the rinse mode. But the machine we have dismantled and off, do it later.

If it is impossible to wash the cuff or she has fallen into disrepair, it can be removed and replaced by a new. Rubber seal attached to the body of the tank two clamps.

First it is necessary to bend the leading edge and remove the latch from the first plastic clamp. If the metal clip, it is removed with a screwdriver.

Removing the metal clamp
A metal clamp has a spring, it is necessary to pull over and loosen screw (if any) to unscrew, then the ring comes off easily

Next, gently pull out the first part of the cuff marker to make notes and then to easily insert a new gum. It must then be combined with a mark on the tank.

Free the similarly another part of the second cuff collar and dressed with an elastic band inside of the drum.

How to remove the cuff loading hatch
To completely remove the cuff, you need to unscrew the bolt back, remove the housing cover, pull out the powder container, unscrew under it bolts loosen latch control panel to remove it, to remove the lower panel facade untwist and provide access to seal gum

Try to wash the removed sealing gum, it might even serve. If it will not save anything, take the old collar and buy the same new size.

Before installing a new tank to wash the cuff edge with warm soapy water. Soap film does not fade, it will serve as a lubricant. To put the gum in place, attach the upper part of the tank to the edge of the labels and pull the gum with your thumbs.

Marks on the cuff loading hatch
The triangular mark on the drum and the loading hatch cuff must be the same: if the seal gum will shift even a couple of millimeters, will be leaking

Skim from the center of the circle. When the collar is in place, check the perfect seal and fix it with clamps.

Step # 3 - clean the detergent loading compartment

To remove the item simply have machines with vertical load - unscrew the plastic screws and remove the tray. Some stiralok with horizontal loading, he pulled harder. Do not rush to pull and pull the container.

Look in the manual of the machine - there is a model in which it is removed at the touch of the tongue near the rinse aid compartment. If the container goes out like a fan, it is necessary to open the stop, then lift, pull over and pull out.

How to get a powder tray
Consider tray detergents, there certainly is a special valve - modern manufacturers make this design simple and easy removable

Removing the direct horizontal tray for detergents:

  1. Pull it all the way.
  2. View the bottom of the tank.
  3. If the depth of teeth visible on both sides, lubricate any vegetable oil.
  4. Lift up and pull the container onto itself, it is displaced by 1-2 mm.
  5. Push the tray from the top until it clicks and pull it must be free to come out.

After extracting the tray must be cleaned of plaque and mold. Use a suitable household chemicals. Possible to fill the tray soda, ethyl or acetic hot soda solution.

Exposure time - 6-8 hours. After that, the dirt will fall behind and easy to remove. Suitable and citric acid. Dry with a clean tray, put back into the cell of washing machine.

Step # 4 - cleanse the drainage system

The system may be cleaned without disassembly with special means which remove deposits. Powders, solutions, tablets are used according to package directions.

Suit and the usual soda. 150 g of powder needed to fill the drum and scroll it no laundry in the long mode. But we have dismantled the machine, so clean all completely.

To get to the drainage system:

  1. Blanketed the floor with a soft cloth and turn over on its side stiralku.
  2. Put a lot of rags to stay there the water does not damage the floor under the drainage system.
  3. Using a flat screwdriver remove the bottom panel.
  4. Unscrew the bolts that hold the filter.
  5. Remove the filter.
  6. The expandable clamp pliers, separate the hose from the pump and the housing.

Hose. In typewriters with vertical loading hose arranged laterally. To take it off, release the attachment, remove the cover, unscrew the clamp, pull out the hose.

When he was in his hands, starting to clean it by inserting a brush with the one or the other side. Wash hose under hot running water and return it to the place of.

Replacing the drain hose washing machine
If the drain hose has worn, it is easy to replace: Measure the desired length, buy the item (it is better to take an ordinary, not telescopic) and put it in place of the old

Now for the filter. Cleanse it from all dirt, rinse with water. If there is plaque, soaked filter in a solution of citric acid for several hours and then remove the layers.

Flashlight illuminates the filter installation space and also clean it from debris. Return the item in place.

Do not forget about the filter for a long time. It easily goes to the outside of the machine by simply turning the plug itself counterclockwise.

If the filter is bolted, it is easy to unscrew indiscriminately machine. Clean detail necessary every 2-3 months or six months, depending on the frequency of washes.

Pump. Another participant of the drainage system - the pump. Disconnect the wires leading to it, and unscrew the device. The most problematic part - the impeller. Its easy to get by removing the screws that connect the body.

In operation stiralki impeller rotates, so it pulls the trash. Remove any dirt, wipe the inside of a pump, hoses cleanse and collect it all back.

Step # 5 - cleanse the water supply passage

If you remove the filler pipe open inbound filter. This fine mesh neatly extract pliers. Pull it with the utmost care, it is very fragile. Happened? Now clean filter toothbrush and washed with water.

Incoming filter washing machine
The manufacturers recommend cleaning the filters twice a year and do not forget the nest - carefully inspect all parts of the flashlight will help

Cleanse and wash the oil filler tube. Often on its walls is going to waste, there is a slimy coating. A brush clean, washed with hot running water. We are putting all the pieces together and set back.

Step # 6 - clean or change the heater

Scale Spiral (Tene) - another source of bad smell. This is not exactly a traditional plaque is on the wall of the kettle. It is formed not so much the quality of the water, but from dust, residues of detergent.

If you rarely use the machine and include it in the mode of minimum temperature, plaque begins to rot, emitting in the characteristic "flavor". But also high washing temperature does not help - there is a smell of burning.

Remove the scum in two ways - physical and chemical. Physical involves removing plaque manually with hard objects.

it is not recommended to do it yourself, there is a risk to damage the coil. We dispense chemicals, using citric acid solution. But more on that later.

Let us see in what condition the heating element. Remember, at the beginning of the wash at the maximum temperature needed to check - and whether heated water is enough? Maybe machine washes without heating and the cause of odor in this?

Then need a replacement heating element. In most models, it is located at the back, so it is easy to find.

The heating element of the washing machine
How to understand that heater needs replacement: visually thereon lot scale, which is not cope citric acid, plus possible multimeter to measure resistance - the working instrument displays 24 ohms

Let us consider in detail the process of replacing the heating element:

  1. Remove from the heating wire element.
  2. Scroll the lock nut in the middle of PETN (let it remain on the edge of the thread, do not remove it).
  3. Dent nut inside, you can tap with a hammer.
  4. Gat heater. Unless it turns out to hook his blade screwdriver, a knife.
  5. The old part is set aside and install a new one, repeating the sequence of actions in reverse order.

If you still did not need replacement of heating element, the amount of sludge is not critical, return to the place of all the details, close the machine, spin all the bolts, connect it to water and electricity.

We filled in a container for powder 150-200 g citric acid expose longest mode at the maximum temperature and drives stiralku without underwear.

If you have cleaned all the places where they could develop their ability to live microorganisms replaced who came into the details of disrepair, but unpleasant odor was a problem hiding in obschedomovyh communications.

This is evidenced by the smell of rotting shells. Refer to the servicing company. Well, if the bad smell was gone, but how to prevent such a situation in the future?

Methods of protection against odor

Check your pockets before washing. Paper napkins, crumbs, sweets are excellent substrate for the development of mold. Things to nap or small parts are placed in special bags, mesh.

Liquid detergent for washing machines
Do not use liquid detergent for washing clothes with oil and fat stains (sweat, food, skin particles): they did not remove all the dirt and remains in the machine

And a few recommendations:

  1. Leave the machine open during the break between uses.
  2. Remove the washed laundry from the drum immediately after the end of the selected program.
  3. Expose washing temperature of at least 40 degrees.
  4. Use extra rinse mode.
  5. Wipe dry with inner surfaces of the machine.
  6. Remove, rinse and dry the load compartment detergent.
  7. Do not forget to clean the filter - one of the most polluted places in the washing machine, it often becomes a source of odor.
  8. Do not use cheap and of low quality powders, balms, bleaches, conditioners.

Put the detergents in the amounts indicated by the manufacturer. Remains will not settle on the walls of the tank, creating a breeding ground for microorganisms.

Correct operation - the key to true and a long service life of washing machines. Wipe it, ventilate, clean periodically places where they like to settle bacteria, fungi, and linen will always smell fresh, not swamp slime.

Useful videos on the topic

A clear demonstration of removal and replacement of parts will help to better understand the processes.

Replacement Charging Port Cuff:

The nuances of the replacement of the heating element discussed in the following video:

Cleaning the drain filter:

Unpleasant odor from the washing machine is transmitted things, enters the premises. It is easier to get rid of it, than to endure "flavors" constantly. To eliminate odors emanating from stiralki, using high-quality detergents, rinse and brush your time working elements - and washing will bring only positive emotions.

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