What kind of building hair dryer to choose and how to further exploit it

What kind of building hair dryer to choose and how to further exploit it


A technical hair dryer is an electrical device designed to conduct adhesive and welding operations, as well as other types of construction or installation activities. Which model should be chosen in accordance with the owner's requests?


  • 1The device of the technical hair drier
    • 1.1Principle of operation
    • 1.2Specifications
    • 1.3Application area
  • 2How to choose a building hair dryer
    • 2.1Power
    • 2.2Maximum operating temperature
    • 2.3Adjustment of temperature modes
    • 2.4Stabilization
    • 2.5Minimum length of supply cable
    • 2.6Video: choice of building hair dryer
  • 3What sets of devices exist
    • 3.1Nozzles (nozzles) and their types
  • 4Using the device at home
    • 4.1Paint removal
      • 4.1.1Video: paint removal from the door
    • 4.2Soldering of plastic pipes
      • 4.2.1Video: soldering (welding) of plastic pipes
    • 4.3Wood singeing
      • 4.3.1Video: Processing of Uli
  • 5The main faults of hair dryers and their repair by their own hands
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1Method of fault diagnosis
      • 5.1.1Video: diagnostics of a technical hair dryer
    • 5.2Periodically disconnected during operation
    • 5.3When you turn the hair dryer on and off, you hear "creak"
      • 5.3.1Video: engine lubrication

The device of the technical hair drier

Internal devices of technical hair dryer

As can be seen from the figure, a technical (construction) hair dryer is a design consisting of an electric motor, a heating element (thermoelectric heater) with a thermal protective casing, a switch and a nozzle.

Principle of operation

The functioning of such hair dryers is similar to household appliances.

Cold air arrives at the entrance of the device, which passes through the heater with a fan activated by the electric motor and gradually heats up. At the outlet of the device - the nozzle we get heated air.

The coils are wound with a nichrome wire

The only thing that distinguishes this dryer from household appliances is the magnitude of temperatures and flow rates of air currents, which are determined by certain technical features.


The main technical characteristics of building hair dryers are: power and temperature. Below is a comparative table with the characteristics of hair dryers for some manufacturers.

Model Power Min. working temperature Working temperature Temperature adjustment
Makita HG 5012 1600 W 350 ° C 500 ° C there is
InterSkol FE-2000E 2 thousand. W 80 ° C 80-600 ° C Smooth
Bosch PHG 600-3 1800 W 50 ° C 600 ° C there is

Application area

The device is a universal technique that allows you to adjust the air temperature up to 650 ° C and has a high output from 200 to 650 liters / minute. Due to the fact that it is endowed with a function of temperature regulation, its application area is practically unlimited and it can be used in the following industries and production processes:

  • Furniture industry.
  • Spike microcontrollers and other radio elements.
    Piping the tracks with a hair dryer
  • Welding works.
  • Household purposes, etc.

How to choose a building hair dryer


To pick up a technical hair dryer is quite simple. The only choice when choosing should be based on the availability of the following parameters and functions.


From this parameter, the speed and degree of power heating. Modern models of hair dryers have a power from 930 to 2300 watts.

Maximum operating temperature

As a rule, it is not more than 650 ° C. With the increase of this indicator, the functionality of the device is expanding.


Adjustment of temperature modes

A fairly convenient function that allows you to choose the temperature you need for work. However, it should be remembered that there are two adjustment mechanisms:

  • Normal (stepwise) - two three modes with fixed temperature values.
  • Smooth - the ability to select any temperature within the range.
Technical dryer with continuous adjustment


This function allows you to fix the temperature at the required level, so that it will not be affected by the change in load.

Minimum length of supply cable

To ensure comfortable work, the length of the wire should be more than 2.5 meters.

Some models of hairdryers are equipped with a built-in LCD display that show the current temperature value.

The screen displays the current temperature

Video: choice of building hair dryer

What sets of devices exist

A set of technical hair dryer depends on the model and manufacturer of a particular device and consists of four parts:

  1. The device itself.
  2. Case for storage of hair dryer.
  3. A set of additional accessories.
  4. A few baits.

Nozzles (nozzles) and their types

A set of any such hair dryer includes one or several nozzles that are designed for a wide range of works. However, the standard equipment does not include nozzles used in specific production areas, for example, the welding of cable lines and their need to purchase separately. In the market of professional and household technical equipment, the following attachments are implemented:

Round focusing

They are used to seal gaps that have different thicknesses, using welding tape, soldering using a contactless method, as well as repairing skis, spools, boats etc.

One of the options for nozzles for a technical hair dryer


Used in the event that it is necessary to remove layers of old putty, residues of building paint, film materials and wallpaper.


Are intended for carrying out of works with a foam plastic, or more precisely, its figured or direct cutting

Glass protection

This kind of nozzle is used when working with materials susceptible to high temperatures (glass), as well as for removing varnish residues from various surfaces


The following types of baits can be classified as specific:

  • Wide-blast.
  • Reducing gears.
  • Welded.
  • Welded type "mirror".

Using the device at home

Due to its features, the technical dryer can also be used for domestic purposes, for example, for removing old paint or soldering plastic pipes, as well as other types of work.

Paint removal

Due to the fact that most technical hairdryers have the ability to adjust the temperature it can be used in practical applications in all areas of activity. In everyday life it can be used to remove old layers of paint and other finishing materials. However, it is necessary to take into account the basis with which the paint will be removed, for example, dismantling from plastic products will be rather difficult, and with wood more convenient and comfortable.

In order to remove the old paint, you need to do the following:

  1. Take a technical hair dryer and set the temperature in the range from 500 to 650.
  2. Output the airflow to the maximum level (if there is an appropriate adjustment).
  3. Arrange the product in sections of 2-5 cm visually (with a pencil) and evenly heat the surface of each of them.
  4. Wait until the last stage of deformation of the paint (detachment from the product).
  5. Take the scraper and slowly start removing the paint while continuing, heating the material being removed.

Video: paint removal from the door

Soldering of plastic pipes

Sometimes there are situations where it is necessary to couple several plastic pipes together or attach to to the operating system an additional element, for example, when repairing or modernizing the sewage system in the bathroom room. In order to solder the plastic pipes, you need to do the following:

  1. Take a hair dryer and set the temperature in the range of 250 to 350 (sometimes it may take 500).
  2. Output the airflow to the minimum level.
  3. Place the machine in a vertical position (nozzle up).
  4. Take the pipe and evenly warm one of its ends.
  5. Further, to the heated end quickly connect the second pipe.

Video: soldering (welding) of plastic pipes

Wood singeing

Wood singing is used to impart a darker color to the wood, as well as to the processing and disinfection of products made from it. In order to burn wood with a technical dryer, you need to do the following:

  1. Take the subject on which the work will be done.
  2. Treat it: clean the surface of the wood using a brass brush and then grind it with a fine-grained sandpaper.
  3. Wear a wide nozzle on the dryer (before turning on the machine).
  4. Turn the device on and adjust it to a temperature between 500 and 600, as well as a high speed air flow.
  5. Find the optimum distance of the nozzle from the surface of the product, which should be more than one centimeter.

Video: Processing of Uli

The main faults of hair dryers and their repair by their own hands

During the operation of hairdryers, as well as other electronic devices, various malfunctions may arise from problems related to power supply prior to the failure of the heater.

The most common faults are the following faults:

  • Overheating of nichrome spiral (TEN).
  • Open or short-circuit the supply cable.
  • Damage of triacs, diode bridge or capacitors.

Method of fault diagnosis


To carry out the diagnostics of the device, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Take a technical hair dryer.
  2. Enable the multimeter in the diode diodes.
  3. Connect the test leads to the terminals of the supply cable.
  4. Through the switch, turn on the hairdryer and look at the meter reading.
  5. If the device does not show any resistance, that is, the figure "1" remains on the screen, then, most likely, a break occurred in the circuit and further diagnostics are needed. It should also be carried out in the event of a resistance change, as one of the radio elements on the board is damaged.
  6. Disassemble the hairdryer using a small crosshead screwdriver.
  7. Check the output of the cord (inside the dryer). To do this, connect the black probe to one of the plug terminals, and the other to the bottom of the shoe (corresponding to this pin). Similar actions should be taken with the second output. In the case of a working power cord, in both cases the multimeter must give an audible signal.
  8. Check the switch. To do this, connect the probe to one of the contacts, and the other to the weight. Similarly with all the others. If the circuit breaker is in good condition, the multimeter will "play down".

Video: diagnostics of a technical hair dryer

Periodically disconnected during operation

Possible cause of periodic disconnection of the hair dryer may be a power failure. To ensure that the cable is working properly / faulty, you need to do the following:

  1. Disassemble the hair dryer.
  2. Carry out measurements of the resistance of the input and output parts of the cable.

In case of a cable failure, the following should be done:

  1. Take the screwdriver and unscrew the two screws holding the shoe.
  2. Remove the top cover of the pad and pull out the unsuitable cord.
  3. Then take a new two-wire network cable and prepare it (cut, slightly sever the veins and irradiate them).
  4. Measure it with a new cable and set it to the floor.
  5. Insert the upper cover of the shoe and fix it with screws.

When you turn the hair dryer on and off, you hear "creak"

This behavior of the hair dryer is typical for the partial drying of the lubricant in the area of ​​the bushings. In order to lubricate the bushings, you need to do the following:

  1. Remove the hood.
  2. Remove the heater with the casing so that the engine with the lid remains in the device.
  3. Remove the wires from the engine (be sure to remember the soldering points "+" and ). If the polarity is not respected, the fan will spin in the opposite direction.
  4. Remove the ointment. To do this, we take two non-figured screwdrivers, we pull it from two sides and slightly pull up.
  5. Take engine oil and drip on both sides.
  6. Smoothly from side to side several times to scroll the bushing.
  7. Once again, scroll it, but this time abruptly and around its axis.
  8. In the case of the disappearance of the squeak, repeat the same procedure with the bushing located at the bottom of the engine.
  9. Next, assemble the unit in the reverse order.

Video: engine lubrication

From the right choice of hair dryer, the quality and productivity of the work process depends. However, choice is not the only factor that should also be properly monitored and looked after the tool so that it does not fail at the most inopportune moment.

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