Dill is a very useful plant that can withstand temperatures up to -4 degrees Celsius. That is why to plant green seeds in open ground is recommended in early spring. Cucumber, cabbage, beans and potatoes are considered the best predecessors for planting.
To get a good harvest of greenery, it is recommended to know some details of this business. Why not grow dill in the garden? That is what we will continue to talk about.
Table of contents
- The main reasons why dill does not sprout and grow in the garden?
- Bad soil
- Lighting
- Bad seeds
- Improper planting
- Planting late varieties
- How to accelerate the germination and growth of dill?
The main reasons why the dill does not sprout and grow in the garden?

The main causes of poor plant growth are:
- increased soil acidity ;
- insufficient lighting ;
- wrong seed preparation ;
- bad seeds ;
- surplus of fertilizers.
We will discuss this further in detail.
Bad soil
Dill is an unpretentious plant, but it requires fertile soil for normal development. And if the soil is infertile or not at all sour, you will not wait for a beautiful lush and bright green bush.
Gardeners do not even recommend liming land on acid soils. In this case, a similar procedure should be carried out a few years after planting dill, already under a different cultivated plant.

Seedlings like a moist environment very much, especially if it is the summer season. That is why it is not possible to allow cracking and crust formation on the land plot. Otherwise, the culture will shoot an arrow early for flowering, but worst of all, the seeds will be inferior. Their gardeners are not advised to use the next year for planting.
For the normal development of dill, it is necessary to ensure good illumination. Otherwise, the leaves of green may turn yellow, and the stems will be too thin. Practice shows that such greens need to receive light about 16 hours a day. That is why it is worth choosing the right land for planting.
Bad seeds
Much depends on the quality and proper selection of the seeds themselves. You can often hear commendable words about such varieties of dill as Alligator and Kurai. They are late. In this advertisement tells about the unique properties of the plant and the possibility of not throwing an arrow for a long time. There is nothing unique in this. Since the variety is late, he simply does not have time to do this.

Improper planting of
Very often, people make the same mistakes, not allowing the greens to grow and develop normally:
- if you already use sprouted seeds, you cannot throw them hard. It is recommended to plant very carefully so as not to discourage shoots;
- can not be planted seeds in dry ground. It should be wet, because this plant loves moisture;
- can not be planted only once. It is recommended to make several visits at intervals of two weeks. So you can provide yourself with greens for a long time;
- is better than not planting seeds deeper 20-30 mm, otherwise they will grow for a long time;
- It is not necessary to increase amount of fertilizer in the soil. is not necessary for dill. This will not increase the amount of the harvest, but only raise the nitrate content in greens.
. Planting later varieties.
. It is recommended to sow late varieties in May and June, while can be harvested throughout the summer season. Due to the fact that the variety is late, he does not have time to throw out umbrellas, forming lush and green bushes rich in leaves. This is the main advantage of this kind of greenery. The most popular varieties of late dill is considered to be Alligator and Naughty.

How to accelerate the germination and growth of dill?
- If dill develops poorly and grows, is recommended to fertilize the soil. For this, it is best to buy a BIO, which is diluted in water at a ratio of one to twenty. If you use urea or nitrate( calcium magnesium sludge) in the plant, nitrate accumulation will occur. And this is bad for the human body. If desired, you can apply a complex of fertilizers, for example, soluble. His only need one tablespoon per bucket of water. This composition is watered plot with dill. The result will not take long;
- to improve germination, you can go the other way. To do this, in advance in May-April, is harvested seedlings in a regular milk bag. It is laid out on its side, a hole is made in the corner to ventilate the soil and eliminate condensate. After a couple of weeks, the first shoots will appear, which can be swooped into a separate container, for example, into a regular plastic cup. The optimum temperature at this time is + 20- + 25 degrees Celsius. In a week, it can be lowered to + 18- + 20 degrees. It is important to ensure that throughout the entire growth of plants soil moisture and looseness. In a month, when it gets warmer on the street, you can plant dill in the open ground. Thus, although more time will be spent and get back with greens, but the result will delight you;

- pot before planting seeds are advised to rinse in hot water in order to wash off the essential oil;
- redden dill can from the increased content of ash and lime in the soil, as well as an excess of phosphate fertilizers. That is why such nutrients are prohibited for this type of greens;
- if you decide to use the sprouts dill, then the distance between the beds of must be increased from 0.1-0.15 m to 0.2-0.25 m. It is recommended that the plant make room for normal development;
- it is important to ensure that has the correct neighborhood. So, he does not like to grow near a tomato, but prefers a neighborhood with cucumbers, beans, onions and cabbage. And in the latter case, the dill will be a reliable protection of the cultivated plant from pests, for example, a bear;
- so that after thinning the plants do not fall and regain their strength more quickly, it is recommended that plant the seeds in a harrow with a 50 mm wide zigzag;
- to increase seed germination gardeners advise them to soak for two weeks in water before germination.
In order to get a good crop of dill at his dacha and not to feel a lack of greens during the summer and autumn, is recommended to plant several varieties of greens after some time. Although the choice of location and the correct preparation of seeds for planting is an important question. Here you need to think carefully about everything and only then your efforts will be crowned with success.