How to deal with late blight potato

Late blight occurs on the green parts of plants: stems, leaves, peduncles, and also affects the tubers. The disease affects the potatoes more intensively with high humidity and moderately warm weather. Of course, growers want to get rid of the disease in a short time and protect planting in the future.

. ContentsFolk remedies

  • Trihopol
  • Wood ash
  • Milk with iodine
  • Means to fight your own cooking
    • Garlic infusion with
    • wheyand chemical means of protecting potatoes and folk .Consider what are the main methods of control and prevention of the occurrence of phytophthora.
      The manifestation of late blight on potatoes

      Preparations and processing time before planting

      In the ground there may be vegetation contaminated with fungal spores. In order not to spread the infection, in the spring, before planting, the soil is watered with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulphate solution( 1-3%), then the earth is dug up.

      To combat late blight on potatoes, tubers are sprayed before planting with Prestige, for this purpose, 60 ml of the drug is dissolved in 0.6 l of water. This composition is enough to handle 60 kg of tubers.
      instagram viewer

      The composition is prepared on the day of planting, and mixed before spraying. Put the solution in a sprayer and spray the sprouted potatoes, wait 1-2 hours, after planting the tubers. It is advised to deliver tubers to the landing site in closed packages.

      You can treat instead with Maxim .

      What to process - seeds or tubers

      Usually, when planting, it is the tubers( and not the seed for planting) that are sprayed with the drug from late blight.

      How to protect potatoes from late blight after planting

      To protect the crop from disease, apply compounds with copper, for example, Bordeaux mixture of 1% ( it is prepared by pouring 100 g of copper vitriol, 100 g of lime into a ten-liter bucket of water).

      Interval between spraying 7-10 days. Last sprayed 21 days before harvest.

      At the same time as spraying the Bordeaux mixture, no other fungicides can be used.

      Bordeaux Mix

      Potato Prevention Products for Phytophthora

      Phytophlorosis resistant potato varieties: Arina, Spring, Blue, Mavka, Nevsky, Spark, September.


      • Isolate healthy bushes from diseased, including garbage collection, weeding, this will delay the appearance of the disease on the stems and leaves until the budding time.
      • For planting, pick only healthy potatoes.
      • Use fungicides to seed tubers.
      • Observe the crop rotation : plant potatoes for a year, after 2 years lupine, beans, beans, and then potatoes again.
      • If you pile up the bushes high, it will partially protect them from secondary infection.
      • Sanitary measures - we do not allow stagnant moisture;Do not water the potatoes by sprinkling in the evening, as otherwise dew will appear in the morning;timely weed out the weeds.
      • Avoid excess nitrogen.
      • Cut the tops a week before harvesting , if you plan to use potatoes, and 10 days if you plan to plant the tubers in the future.
      • Harvest when there is no rain, after drying potatoes for 5 hours. Dig the aisles 5 days before harvest. This makes picking potatoes easier and removes weeds.

      Fungicides for potatoes

      Contact fungicides

      Must remain on the plants when the pathogen comes into contact with them, it will die.

      Table 1 .Contact fungicides against late blight and fungicide application rate

      Norm kg / ha
      pennkotseb 1.1-1.6
      bravo 2-2.3
      novozir 1.6
      Kuprikol, copper oxychloride 2.4-3.2
      kuprosat 5.0 ​​
      utan 1.2-1.6
      shirlana theThis is an acrobat, kurzat.


      The principle of operation of the systemic fungicides: they pass inside the stems and leaves, spread, inhibit the development of a pathogenic microorganism, as they directly affect it or as a result of metabolism. So the drug helps from phytophthora.

      Even after 2-6 hours from the time of treatment, the rains will not reduce the effect of their action. And they take 2-3 weeks off the pathogen. But pathogens produce resistance to them.

      Therefore, it is advised that apply them 2 times per season of .And if you still need spraying, you can use contact drugs or systemic fungicide with a completely different composition.


      Table 2 .System-contact fungicides and their dilution rate

      Fungicide Norm
      Thanos 0.6 l / ha
      Acrobat Mc 50gr.per 10 liters of water
      Tattu 100ml.10 liters of water
      Ridomil Gold Not more than 2.5 kg / ha

      50g.per 10 liters of water

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