Summer cottage works in the garden in October

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The summer season came to an end, but it does not mean that the garden has come to an end in October -

videoarms. October is the link between summer and winter, which means it's time to prepare your garden for the winter. Ahead of the summer people there is a lot of work, so we recommend that you be patient.

Harvesting apples and pears

The more apple expanses in your garden, the larger the front work to be done in the first half of October. Apples and pears of late varieties should be carefully collected and packaged for storage. In order for fruits to be preserved as long as possible, they should be cooled by placing them in a temperature between -2 and +7 degrees. Pears are recommended to be stored at a temperature of +3 +7 degrees. Otherwise, they will not mature and quickly deteriorate.

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Before storing the harvest of fruits, carefully re-sort them. An apple or pear damaged by a parasite or as a result of hitting the ground should be thrown away. Here are some more tips on how to stack apples and pears for the winter:

  1. Divide fruits by size into small, medium and large. That is how they should be distributed in containers. This is important, because the larger the fruit, the faster it matures and the more it releases substances that affect the maturation of the fruit located nearby;
  2. Thoroughly rinse the fruit before placing it in the container;
  3. Containers with fruit, before putting them in the cellar, pack them in cardboard boxes or in translucent plastic bags.
Read also: Useful properties of melons and contraindications for its use

Cleaning the territory in the garden

Probably during the height of the summer season you devoted very little time to cleaning. Summer and early are very likely occupied you with other pleasant troubles. But October is ahead, which means it's time to bring your garden in order and prepare it for winter.

If there are young fruit trees in your garden, first of all you should loosen the soil around them by 10-15 cm. For this you need strong forks. Pristvolnye tree circles need to peat. For his absence, you can use sawdust or compost.

If previously you did not bring phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to tree trunks, then in October this must be done in order for the trees to more easily survive the winter.

A few more types of garden cleaning work in October:

  1. . Whiten the trees. Before that, they should be cleaned from dead bark. Young trees under the age of five years, recommend whitening solution of chalk. More mature trees are better painted with a solution of lime and clay, or sunscreen.
  2. To the maximum, free the garden from foliage with the help of a rake.
  3. Clean the garden from all sorts of plant residues, weeds, dried shoots of various shrubs or trees. You will notice how the updated garden will sparkle with new colors.
Read also: What do you need to do at the holiday garden supply in October?

Planting fruit trees

October is not only the time to gather fruit, but also to plant trees for next year. Apple trees, pears, plums and many other fruit trees are extremely important to have time to plant before the onset of strong frosts. Otherwise, all your work will go down the drain.

In October, you can trim the ground part of the seedlings at the berries. All other trees can be pruned with the onset of spring, but this must be done, otherwise the seedlings will not take root in the soil.

When you notice that the foliage on the trees has started to turn yellow( and this usually happens in the period September-October), then prepare a solution of urea in the ratio of 500 g of liquid to 10 liters of water. Spray the leaves with a solution to free the trees from fungal diseases and scab spores.

Read also: What kind of fertilizer does raspberry need in spring, summer and early autumn

Soil fertilization

October is the most favorable month for fertilizing soil with compost or manure. Organic matter saturates the soil with humus in the best possible way, making it more permeable and pliable. If the main "ingredients" for fertilizer are not available, then you can use a mixture of freshly chopped legumes, carrots, nettles, and the like, previously chopped with a shovel. It will also be a good organic fertilizer for your soil.

As a protection of the soil from various pests and fungal diseases, you can use marigold and calendula, yarrow, chamomile stalks. They also need to be crushed and embedded in the soil.

Pruning shrubs

If you have currant or gooseberry bushes in your garden, in October, get rid of their dry and thickening branches. Only loose branches can fully grow and ripen good berries.

Do not leave hemp in the garden for wintering after cutting trees. In winter, pests will breed in them, which will surely multiply in the spring along your plantings.

After all the above types of work have been carried out, you can assume that your garden is ready for wintering, and you have protected it from all sorts of pests and fungus that blooms with the arrival of spring.

Gardening in October - video

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