Horse chestnut - medicinal properties and contraindications to use

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With the onset of May, snow-white “candles” of chestnuts bloom on our streets or parks. This tree is remarkable not only for its lush beauty, but also for its useful properties, which have already been studied, continue to be successfully used by official, traditional medicine. It is also important that not only the fruits of this tree, but the leaves, bark, flowers( inflorescences) have healing properties. What is the value of horse chestnut? Healing properties and contraindications, as well as its scope, we consider here.

  • Harvesting of medicinal raw materials, composition of useful compounds
  • Horse chestnut, healing properties and use of its components
  • Healing chestnut-based tinctures

Two chestnuts grow in the Krasnodar Territory:

  • horse chestnut mass of the chestnut mass of the chestnuts: aspatry and aspirinage, aspirstystystystystystmmaglyggly of –– like ––– or –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Sown chestnut( edible) - grows in the subtropical zone.
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I really love chestnuts. Any. Horse chestnut is so positive in spring when it blooms! When I see flowering chestnuts, my mood always rises. Light candles of chestnut - what could be more beautiful!

There is an opinion that the name “horse” is due to the association of the appearance of the fruit with color and gloss of horses of bay color. It is also called "ordinary" in order to mark, somehow distinguish among other members of the family of horse chestnut. This magnificent tree blooms by May, continues to bloom for about 25 days.

Ancient Slavs used the power of living trees to restore the health of the whole human body or its individual parts. Healers, healers, and healers knew the healing properties of trees that give energy to man. Chestnut tends to take away negative energy from a person.

It is best to treat chestnut in the early morning, at sunrise. You need to hug a tree, pull your body against it, ask the tree to take away your negative energy. Chestnut energy is kind, soft. Therefore, it does not cure much, but rather relaxes a person, relieves internal stress, which is associated with a person’s physical condition, calms, relieves from a constant feeling of discomfort.

From time immemorial, information from the druids reached us that each person has his own tree, which gives a person certain qualities. So, people born from 15. 05 to 24. 05 or from 12. 11 to 21. 11 refer to people of chestnut.

Blooming chestnut, photo:

Horse chestnut in the yard of my house - comfort, shade, positive
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Preparation of medicinal raw materials, the composition of useful compounds

Around August-early September, the stalk of the chestnut tree is ripe, becoming suitable for further use. For the preparation of medicinal drugs kernels are separated from the peel( pericarp), laid out in an even layer, leave to dry for about a month. When a dryer is used for this case, a temperature of + 60 ° C is sufficient. Enough a couple of days to achieve the desired state of the fruit. The horse chestnut prepared in this way retains its healing qualities for about 2 years.

For medicinal purposes, the bark is harvested in the spring - it should be removed from the branches that are at least 3 years old. Dry the bark in a well-ventilated room, so it retains its healing properties for about a year. As for the inflorescences, they are collected during flowering. Immediately after collecting, flowers are laid out on a clean surface, in a sunny place, after which the rest of the time is dried in the shade. Leaves, as well as flowers, can be harvested from May to September - they can be stored for no more than one year.

All the above parts of the tree contain flavonoids, vitamins, acids, enzymes, and other useful components.

Consider them in more detail:

  1. Glucosides help to cope with the problems of the central nervous system, working on the expansion of blood vessels.
  2. Organic acids contribute to the removal of toxins from the body, and also optimize the state of the blood vessels.
  3. Fatty oils help speed wound healing, stop inflammatory processes.
  4. Vitamins of groups "A", "B", "C", "K" help to strengthen the immune system, provoke the production of hemoglobin. The presence of vitamin "A" helps fight cancer, "includes" the regenerative processes in the body.
  5. Coumarins dilute blood.
  6. Tanning components help fight inflammation.
  7. Pectins help treat cardiovascular diseases.
  8. Flavonoids help reduce pressure( arterial, ocular).
  9. Starch, whose initial component is A-glucose, works as a source of energy for muscles( especially for the heart muscle).

In addition to the above substances, chestnut kernels contain chromium, iodine, calcium, iron, bromine.

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Horse chestnut, medicinal properties and use of its components

What chestnut has no competition, so it is the ability to lower blood density, prevent the formation of blood clots. These qualities have been successfully used to treat varicose disease, capillary fragility, manifestations of thrombophlebitis.

Horse chestnut varicose vein, tincture recipe: take 50 g of horse chestnut flowers, fill with vodka( 500 ml).Hold the tincture in the dark for two weeks. During this time, you should periodically shake the infusion. Then strain everything. Tincture is recommended to take 30 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Freshly squeezed juice from flowers helps with varicose veins in the legs, as well as in the treatment of a very unpleasant ailment - hemorrhoids. To do this, the juice is diluted with water( 25 drops + one tablespoon of water), taken orally in the morning, in the evening. For the treatment of these delicate problems, sessile baths with chestnut bark decoction also help well. For one liter of water they take 50 g of raw material, after boiling it is left to languish over low heat for 30 minutes, cooled to an acceptable temperature, used for baths.

Chestnut flowers are a good adjuvant treatment for blood diseases( especially leukemia).One tablespoon of dried chestnut color is poured 250 g of cold water, brought to a boil, then removed from heat, insisting about 7 hours. After filtering, the infusion needs to be ingested one tablespoon all day( as often as possible).The amount of therapeutic broth is determined based on the individual needs of the person or the extent of the disease. Treatment is carried out by courses: three weeks, a break for 10 days, then again three weeks.

A similar prescription, the dosage is used during treatment, the rehabilitation period for brain neoplasms.

Horse chestnut, photo:

The chestnut fruit shell is widely used in traditional medicine for treating male problems such as adenoma, prostatitis. For this, the dried peel is ground to a powdery state, mixed with medical alcohol( 1:10), 70% or 40% alcohol can be used. For 70%, two weeks of infusion is enough, for vodka - a month. Take the drug should be 10 drops in 15-20 minutes before meals, once a day( preferably in the afternoon).To achieve a lasting therapeutic effect, a course is also required( 3 weeks / 10 days / 3 weeks).

Brown chestnut skin contains a powerful hemostatic agent, its decoction( 15 g + 300 g of water, cook for 10 minutes) is a good remedy for uterine bleeding, not caused by malignant abnormalities. Such douching is best done twice a day.

For treatment of uterine fibroma, brewed powder made from roasted chestnut kernels helps well. It is prepared according to the type of coffee - 1 teaspoon + 250 g of boiling water. The resulting dose should be divided into three times, ingested by a third of the drink three times throughout the day. When mastopathy is recommended to brew dried flowers( 5 tablespoons per liter of water).Raw materials are poured in the evening with water, brought to a boil, removed from the heat, insisted all night, and in the morning they drink a few sips( with a difference of 1 hour between receptions).

A decoction is also made from the leaves( 1 tablespoon + 0.5 l of water).Raw materials are boiled in a water bath or on low heat for 20 minutes, then cooled, take 100 g before eating. Such a decoction helps alleviate the manifestations of gout, rheumatism, gastrointestinal dysfunction, biliary disease, the effects of tuberculosis( rehabilitation period), and bronchitis.

Contraindications to the use of chestnut drugs are:

  1. Hypotension - chestnut-based drugs lower blood pressure.
  2. Violation of the cycle, pregnancy.
  3. Diabetes mellitus - chestnut thins blood, in case of poor coagulability you should not use medicines based on it.
  4. The presence or suspicion of internal bleeding.

In addition, it is not necessary to collect fruits, flowers, leaves from trees growing near roads, in the city center, on the territory, around plants, where there is an unfavorable ecology.

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Healing tinctures based on horse chestnut

As experience shows, popular experience, it is chestnut fruit tinctures that have the most effective therapeutic effect. Among the many recipes for decoctions alcohol tincture confidently ranks first in popularity. This is really a powerful tool that is literally under our feet.

Chestnut, tinctures, how to do, what to use? Alcohol tincture successfully treats rheumatism, gout, helps to fight joint inflammation, relieves pain. In case of such dangerous diseases as leukemia or brain tumor, horse chestnut provides effective support to the body, contributes to the earliest possible recovery, along with the administration of essential drugs.

Chestnut tincture, photo:

The so-called classic chestnut tincture is done as follows: we take 20 fruits, peel them, cut them into small pieces, grind them in a meat grinder. Pour the obtained gruel with 1 liter of vodka, remove it in a dark place( 10 days), then filter through gauze fabric. A more concentrated infusion is also prepared; a glass( 250 g) of strong vodka is taken for only 8 chestnut kernels.

You can also make an alcohol tincture of chestnut color. To do this, the flowers are separated from the legs, take 50 grams of raw materials, pour half a liter of vodka, and then remove the container in a dark place for two weeks. Thus, you get a great remedy for varicose veins of the lower extremities, which can be taken orally or externally. Inside - 30 drops to one tablespoon of water three times a day( 20 minutes before meals).External use does not imply contraindications, restrictions.
Flowers of chestnuts, tincture, photo:

Beautiful, horse chestnut is useful, medicinal properties and contraindications to its use should be taken into account. Despite the fact that the positive qualities in chestnut-based preparations are much more than cautions, they should be treated without fanaticism. Excessive use of an undoubtedly valuable chestnut tincture can cause skin irritation and provoke an allergic reaction. As the sage said: “there is medicine in the spoon, and the cup contains poison,” everything should be in moderation. Use this nature-given healing medicine. Be healthy!

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