What do we know about the natural miracle asplenium?

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If you look at a globe or map of the world, it appears that ferns of the family aspleniaceae inhabit almost every continent, except eternally coveredAntarctic ice. More than seven hundred of these, having the most ancient origin of plants, are settled in Europe, Asia and America. There are aspleenia in Australia and on numerous islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

But what do we know about aspeniums, plants whose size can be huge and tiny, leaves as smooth as a belt, and reminiscent of the pinnate leaves of carrots? Even

Asplenia: characteristics and characteristics of plants

While most of the ferns inhabited the subtropics and tropical zones of the world, there are species that feel great in North America, on the shores of the United Kingdom, in the Altai and in other areas not too similar to the humid forests of Polynesia orNew Zealand.

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True, in temperate climates, very small grassy ferns can be found, which prefer to live under trees or nest on rocky ledges of sandstone or limestone. In the biography of asplenium there is a "registration" on the coast of Ireland and a solitary life in the mountains of Dagestan.

It is not uncommon when the fern of the Kostentsov family is found on the wall of a house folded from white stone, on an old tower or a fortress wall.

This characteristic of asplenium gave the name to the whole species. Kostenets Lent, or Muraria Ruta, is well known in Europe from the Balkans to Germany. And in Denmark, the fern was honored to be imprinted on the Royal Porcelain. A special series dedicated to the country's plant world includes more than 700 items, and at number 499 an elegant plate with a bush of modest asplenium goes to the service.

The leaves or fronds of the northern varieties of ferns often have a dissected feathery structure, and the whole leaves, due to which the plant has received the name "deer tongue", has perhaps only Asplenium skolopendry.

Among the European and American species there are many endemics, ferns, which are found only in a strictly limited region, as well as rare species listed in the Red Book.

Tropics also inhabit completely different aspleniums. The main attention here is attracted by large, if not huge, plants with whole or slightly dissected elongated wyai. Such a fern is hard to miss. Its powerful sockets in the shape of a cup or funnel in diameter reach 1.5–2 meters. But this is not the only characteristic of asplenium that attracts botanists, lovers of tropical flora and tourists to the plant. The plant itself inhabits not only the lower tier of the rainforest, but also the trunks of trees.

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In the process of evolution, such a "tree" way of life forced the plant to form a dense outlet, getting into which plant debris and moisture gradually become food for ferns. Vayi in the lower layers of the outlet, dying off, hang down, and small epiphytes, insects, and even birds settle on them. Asplenium nidus got its name because of the resemblance to a huge bird's nest. As a result, without causing harm to the tree, the fern independently creates for itself and many more forest dwellers comfortable conditions for a long life.

It is interesting that with such characteristics, the aslenium nesting has become one of the most popular types of fern among gardeners. True, hybrids and more modest hybrids grown more recently are grown at home than in nature. But the foliage of these ferns can be wavy, densely crimped or palmate, giving the culture a surprisingly attractive appearance.

The reproduction of ferns in nature takes place with the help of spores that ripen on the back side of wai of various shapes. But there are exceptions, and one of the characteristics of the aspleenium is the live birth of certain species.

If the majority of ferns do not “take care” of their offspring after ripening, and the tiny balls carried by the wind settle down and root themselves, then it is difficult for Aslenium to live and onion-bearing, nicknamed in the hen hen homeland, it is difficult to part with the “children”.Miniature outlets of brood buds develop right on the fronds, and only after they become fully viable, they fall from the parent sheet into loose soil.

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Bioenergy plants asplenium plants

And in the southern regions where aslenium is found, and in European countries, the plant has long been considered useful. At the same time, the energy of aslenium has been actively used in folk rites for many centuries. In Europe, manuscripts describing love plots and rituals where a fern should be a conductor of magical energy have been preserved to this day.

Among the peoples of New Zealand, the population of the island territories of the Indian Ocean, the bioenergy of aslenium plants plays an important role in wedding celebrations, as well as in childbirth. A plant decorates the road to the house of a young couple, the leaves of the plant are escorted to the last journey of a deceased person.

In modern plant energy specialists, it is considered that asplenium is the green helper of the zodiac sign Pisces. But do not think that only representatives of this sign will feel the beneficial properties of asplenium.

The fern, located in any house, is capable of absorbing all the manifestations of chaos, leveling the energy surges and normalizing the emotional background.

In addition, the energy of asplenium allows people to be creative, improves mood, and dispels all doubts relating to spiritual unsuccessful throwing and searching for the meaning of existence.

A plant can safely be put in any living room, because there are no toxic substances in the green part of Asplenium, but the fern will help you to quickly master new knowledge and increase efficiency.

Useful Properties of Asplenium

There are many interesting facts in the biography of Asleniums. About one of them can tell the name of the genus. It reminds that in ancient times the plant was used for medical purposes, namely, in diseases of the spleen.

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Such use of rhizome and fern leaves was found in Ancient Greece. Pliny, for example, believed that the grass of aspleenium can be useful for infertility, and since the Middle Ages the fern has become popular as a raw material for cough syrup, chest pains and laxative.

In Hawaii, juice from the leaves of asplenium mixed with other herbal ingredients was used to treat general weakness and stomatitis in children. According to the beliefs of the peoples of Polynesia, a decoction of fern can soothe, as well as get rid of insects, parasites, chest pains. Fresh leaf juice removes poison injected by snakes and other animals.

In many nations of the region, fern is considered a means of contraception. To feel the beneficial property of asplenium, young leaves are pounded, soaked in water, and the resulting mass is eaten. The plant is also used to relieve contractions in pregnant women and to facilitate childbirth.

There is another interesting characteristic of asplenium. In the Marshall Islands, only the unfolding leaves of the nesting asplenium are used as food. They also eat the young foliage of the viviparous fern. If young foliage cannot be found, indigenous people use adult leathery leaves to wrap fish when baked on a fire or in a furnace.

Are the beneficial properties of aslenium confirmed today?

In the course of detailed studies of several representatives of the Aspleniya family, scientists were able to confirm the validity of traditional methods of treatment with the help of this species of fern.

Among the positive assessments of the beneficial properties of aspleenium is its antibacterial activity, which can be successfully used in the treatment of prostate diseases. The extract obtained from the leaves of the plant showed an antiviral property, as well as the ability to remove mucus from the body, clean the respiratory organs and remove spasms.

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