Cranberry Tomato Tomato is a rather interesting and unusual variety, which, according to the description and characteristics, is distinguished by its aesthetic appearance and tasty fruits. Against the background of green ornamental shrubs, scarlet tomato clusters stand out beautifully, attracting attention from a distance.
ContentsRussian breeders who work in the agricultural firm "Aelita".This is an early maturing variety, which has no restrictions on the cultivation region and the way of care for seedlings.
There are the following methods for growing tomatoes Cranberries in sugar:
- in greenhouse conditions;
- in the open field;
- in capacious containers on a window or balcony;
- in the open air in boxes or flowerpots.
This is a fruitful, small-fruited variety, the growing season of which is 70-75 days from the moment of seed germination. With 1 m2 in closed ground, it is possible to obtain 2.6-2.8 kg of tomatoes .

Fruits differ in ripening, during which compact bushes turn out to be completely strewn with tassels with small tomatoes. Fruits are distinguished by a smooth round shape, bright red color and a weight of 12-15 g .
Positive and negative sides of the variety
The advantages of this type of tomato include:
- beautiful fruits;
- sweet and pleasant taste, giving a little sourness;
- does not need to be staked ;
- when growing in boxes, flowerpots and on the windowsill there is no need for tying;
- resistance to various diseases ;
- low maintenance;
- resistance to adverse conditions.
Some gardeners note the following deficiencies of the variety:
- is a thick peel that can sometimes be harsh( this is often noticeable when eating fresh fruit);
- slight sourness , which not everyone has to taste.

These minor drawbacks are fully offset by high yield and excellent consumer properties. To increase the yield of tomato Cranberries in sugar is obtained by following the rules for dressing and watering shrubs.
Planting seeds for seedlings
As mentioned above, it is possible to get a crop of Cranberries in sugar even in an apartment on the balcony. But regardless of the method of cultivation of tomato agrotechnika will be one homogeneous.
To do this, you first need to prepare light , but at the same time nutrient soil , which is a mixture of humus, earth and river sand, previously washed.
In order to obtain good yields, it is recommended to soak the seeds before sowing in a growth stimulator for half a day, then sow them in a container for seedlings with well-moist soil, and cover with foil. Depth of embedding seeds - 2 cm.
Tomato seeds Cranberries in sugar sprout together, 4-6 days after planting, and the optimum temperature for germination is 23-25 degrees .

After the appearance of strong sprouts, the film is removed and the seedlings are placed under a bright light or under special lamps.
After 2 true leaflets appear on the sprouts, the seedlings of are transplanted into separate tanks. Until the seedlings are planted in a permanent place, you need to feed them 2 times with complex fertilizers.
Transplantation of seedlings in open ground
To start planting seedlings at a permanent place at the age of 60-65 days .First, you need to prepare the soil for planting, and spray the seedlings with the following solution - in 1 liter of water, 1 g of boric acid must be diluted. Due to this, it will be possible to reduce the stressful situation for the bush, so that it does not drop inflorescences.
To plant seedlings of tomato should be in the loamy and fertile soil , with wood ash and superphosphate to be added to each well. Between the holes the interval should be 45 cm, and between the rows - not less than 60 cm, and, preferably, they should be arranged in a checkerboard pattern.

seeds Care for shrubs
Cultiva cultivation in sugar is not much different from other types of tomato. The main measures of care include:
- watering;
- loosening;
- top dressing;
- weed removal.
As these are quite compact bushes, they do not require pinching and pinning .To better ventilate the bushes, you can remove the lower leaves on them. Watering moderate, preferably in the morning and only warm water.
Every 2 weeks plants need to be fed with complex fertilizers .During the growth period, the plant needs nitrogenous fertilizers.
During the appearance of the ovaries and the development of the fruit, it is supplemented with an aqueous solution of potassium and phosphate fertilizers. Phosphorus is poorly absorbed at temperatures below +15 degrees.
If you follow the agro technology, then the first crop of tomatoes will appear in July and will delight the gardeners until mid-September.