What to do with black leg in tomato seedlings

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To maximize the effectiveness of a tomato bed, cultivate tomatoes in a seedling manner. In the open ground grown plants are planted in May, when the threat of recurrent frosts has passed. The artificial microclimate of heated greenhouses allows to receive a harvest all year round. However, not all so simple. When growing seedlings tomatoes can hit the black leg, twisting up and drying the leaves. Why this happens and what to do in these cases will be considered further.

Table of Contents

  • Problems with Tomato Seedlings
    • Causes of Black Leg Tomatoes
    • Why Leaves Can Be Yellow
    • Why Leaves Can Be Curled and Wrapped
  • How to Fight Tomato Diseases
    • Measures to combat blackened seedlingsand upwards
  • Preventing tomato seedlings

in late March - early April. For the full development of the seedlings requires a certain mode of daylight, temperature and humidity. In a city apartment it is difficult to comply with these requirements. There are signs of stunted growth and disease.
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Causes of Black Leg Tomatoes

The inexperienced gardeners may take the initial stage of the disease of the Black Leg as insufficient watering. Loose seedlings are sloping. It seems that the germ has faded. The natural desire to water the tomatoes will only worsen the situation.

If you look closely, the root part of the stem is covered with microscopic dark dots. This is how colonies of fungi look like, which hit your seedlings. Young plants affected by fungi do not usually survive - very young seedlings without real leaves just fall and die.

On seedlings, slightly older, with 2-3 pairs of true leaves, characteristic “waistings” are formed in the root zone, which violate the natural flow of vegetable juices.

If the plant can be saved, it will grow weaker and you cannot count on the harvest.

Also, the disease can affect seedlings of peppers, cucumbers and cabbage.

Blackening of the stem in tomato seedlings due to

fungi. Why leaves can turn yellow

The pale color of the leaf plate of seedlings and their further yellowing is a common phenomenon when growing seedlings. In a city apartment, it is difficult to create the necessary microclimate for the healthy growth of tomatoes. The leaves may turn yellow and dry for various reasons.

  1. Improperly prepared soil mixture for growing seedlings from seeds. Soil has inappropriate acidic or alkaline reaction.
  2. Irrigation disturbance - insufficient or excessive with stagnant water.
  3. The temperature in the room is too high for the seedlings and the air is too dry.
  4. Lack of sunlight.
  5. Incorrect feed mode.

A change in the natural color of the seedlings lets you know about the problems. Chlorosis, the so-called lack of chlorophyll in plants, most often occurs through the fault of gardeners.

Window sill city apartment - not the most comfortable place for seedlings. Dry, warm air rises from a heating radiator and dries the ground in a seedling box. Of good intentions, when the soil dries out, they carry out abundant watering at the root, which provokes diseases of tomato seedlings.

Another sill problem is insufficient lighting. A full-fledged light regime for seedlings involves at least 10 hours of sunlight. Even a south-facing window cannot provide the normal amount of sunlight in March-April.

Yellowing of leaves as a result of chlorosis

The manifestation of chlorosis is the first sign of malnutrition in a young plant. In addition to lack of sun, seedlings are sensitive to the deficit of micro and macro elements. Of particular importance to the health of seedlings are nitrogen, potassium and zinc.

Why leaves can curl and wrap up

The leaves of such a seedling of tomatoes can not just turn yellow, but also twist in a boat and later dry. And again, the reason why the leaves can curl should be sought in the wrong watering and low humidity in the room. Wrap leaves with an imbalance of humidity and temperature. In fact, the plant is starving.

Starting at 35 degrees in tomato plants, the processes of disintegration of nutrients from the body's reserves dominate. Simultaneously, the absorption and accumulation of sugars slows down. This is a critical temperature for an adult bush, young seedlings simply will not survive.

In addition to the banal starvation, seedlings could hit bacterial cancer( bacteriosis).Its signs - the leaves curl down, wither, turn brown and dry. There are sores and cracks on the stems and stalks, and a brown ring of affected capillaries on the cut of the stem.

Leaves curl, turn pale, shrink and die -
necrosis develops Leaves curl up as a result of a lack of minerals or due to

disease How to fight against diseases of tomato

SelectedAvoiding the problem is much easier when the first symptoms of the disease appear. Be sensitive to the alarms and do not write off the lack of watering seedlings.

Measures to combat blackened seedlings

Seedlings begin to wither and fall, as “cracked”.Carefully study the damaged plant. If you find the “waist” on the stem at the root, the diagnosis is clear - “black leg”.You can save only that part of the seedlings, which only “withered”.

Blackleg is a fungal disease that develops when watering and planting seedlings is improper. Spores of disease-causing fungi live in the soil. With excessive watering and plant thickening, an epidemic of fungal infection develops, which is able to lay out all your plantings on the windowsill within 1-2 days. The disease affects not only tomatoes - all your seedlings are at risk.

Spilling the ground with potassium permanganate helps to cope with the black leg in tomato

Emergency measures to combat fungal infection.

  1. The most simple and reliable tool - the usual pharmacy potassium permanganate. Prepare a solution of a pale pink color and gently pour the soil in a seedling box. It is very important to wet the solution with the top layer of soil. To wash off the seedling disinfectant solution, it is plentifully sprayed with clean water.
  2. You can use any fungicides for garden plants ( Ridomil, Kvadris, etc.), but consider the risks of use in a city apartment.

If treatment is started on time, 2-3 treatments are sufficient. Subsequently, care should be taken. The seedlings of the disease will not survive the second wave.

  1. When watering, follow the rule: “Inadequate watering is better than an epidemic of fungi.”If the seedling lacks water, it begins to actively build up the root system, which is quite in the interests of the summer resident.
  2. It is advisable to switch to the bottom watering - pour water only in the pan. The plant will be able to obtain the required amount of water( see the previous paragraph).Fungi will not be able to develop in the dry soil of the surface layer.
  3. For prophylaxis, once a week, shed intergrowth of seedlings with a solution of potassium permanganate.
Ridomil gold - one of the means to combat the diseases of tomatoesThis is manifested if the soil:
  • is acidic;
  • with fertilizer oversupply;
  • for growing seedlings took unstructured heavy soil without sand or sawdust;
  • watering is carried out with hard water, which leads to the formation of a superficial peel;seedlings roots can not fully breathe;
  • by itself alkaline soil provokes the development of chlorosis.

The reasons are different, but the result is the same - the leaves turn yellow, dry, die. It is necessary to save, it is not too late seedlings.

Cause Solution of the problem
Seedlings were poured, the soil was not fermented, they did not show salt stains from irrigation with hard waterfertilizer and grows too closely Remove seedlings from the ground, select healthy plants and transplant into a new soil of suitable composition. Plant the plants freely and water each under the root of a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. When the seedlings take root, provide good lighting for 12-14 hours.
Shortage of fertilizers Give both root and leaf fertilization with chelates. These complexes are quickly absorbed.
Regardless of the reason for the yellowing of the leaves of the seedlings, plants will benefit from processing on a green leaf with Epin's solution according to the instructions. It is an immune stimulator - it boosts the plant immunity against all adverse factors.
Dusting tomatoes with ash helps against yellowing of leaves

What to do if the leaves curl down and upwards

Do not immediately grab the chemicals, noticing that the leaves began to curl and spin. Some varieties have carved corrugated leaves( varieties “Cherry”, for example).

If this shape of the leaf plate is not peculiar to the variety - something is wrong with your tomatoes. The leaves can curl into a tube for the following reasons:

  • too high ambient temperature with a lack / excess of moisture;
  • excess fertilizer of the nitrogen group, which manifests itself as a deficiency in the diet of phosphorus, potassium and calcium tomatoes;
  • viral infections such as bacteriosis, leaf curl, etc.

The easiest way to deal with seedling overheating is to simply transfer the seedlings to a cooler place, for example, on a glazed balcony or veranda. From the bright sun you can cover the seedlings with a curtain. Dry air is also not a problem. Especially if watering is done through the pan. To increase humidity, place water in a wide-necked container next to the seedlings. You can also spray the leaves, but only in the morning or evening.

Tomato seedlings love the coolness.

Excess nitrogen fertilizers can be washed from the soil with a few heavy irrigations. In parallel, tomatoes should be fed with an ash solution: 0.5 liters of ash bank is drawn for 3-4 days in 1-liter of water. Prolonged infusion can be replaced - pour boiling water over the ashes.

Bacterial infection is easier to prevent the presowing treatment of seeds and soil. To treat plants when their leaves twist, it makes no sense. Fortunately, cases of bacteriosis are quite rare.

Prevention of diseases of tomato seedlings

Only a strong healthy plant is able to bring a full-fledged high-quality crop. Even in time noticed disease and timely measures to save the seedlings do not give 100% of the result. Part of the plants( this is at best!) Still dies, and the survivors will lag behind in growth.

Long-time gardeners advise not to neglect prevention, so as not to engage in treatment.

  1. Soil for seedlings should be prepared in the fall, mixing all the ingredients.
  2. It is advisable to disinfect at least boiling water before filling the dish. The solution of vitriol, copper or iron, 1 tablespoon to 1 liter of hot water( does not dissolve) works very well with fungi. Do not flush the treatment!
  3. Seeds of home assembly before planting on seedlings, it is desirable to withstand 1/2 hour in a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. Attention, seeds produced by agrofirms go on sale already processed. This is indicated on the packaging. They can immediately be planted in the ground.
  4. Observe a tight fit: at least 1 cm in a row and 7 cm between rows. This rate is designed for seedlings, followed by picking.
  5. Arrange the bottom watering through the pan.
  6. Take care of a well-lit area for temperate seedlings. Excellent glazed balcony or veranda of a private house.
  7. Organize the distribution of seedlings. Hour illumination is not necessary - the total should be 12-14 hours of daylight hours. LED lamps or ordinary fluorescent lamps are best suited for backlighting. They are economical in terms of electricity consumption and their spectrum is similar to that of the sun.

If all preventive measures are observed, the seedlings will not cause you the hassle of .Healthy plants come into fruition earlier and give a full-fledged harvest. They are less damaged by pests. It is difficult to imagine the presence of the entire set of vitamins in the fruits of reanimated plants. Only healthy tomatoes can please with a trade dress and flavoring qualities.

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