Description and characteristics of tomato lazy variety for growing in central Russia

Tomato is a widely known and beloved vegetable. This storehouse of vitamins, is grown everywhere today. Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, varieties have appeared that feel great and are excellent fruits not only under the gentle southern sun, but also in much more severe environmental conditions. This article will discuss the Tomato variety Lazyayka, the description and characteristics of which are presented below.

Table of contents

  • Description and characterization of tomato Lazyka
    • Where can the company be settled?next year

Description and characteristics of tomato Lazyka

Tomato Lazyayka very popular in the Urals, in Siberia, where, more recently, gardeners could only dream of growing tomatoes. In a short time, 6 years have passed since the variety was bred, Lazyka gained popularity, and fell in love with her unpretentiousness, her ability to withstand a cool climate and temperature fluctuations. The variety belongs to the amateur one; however, the gardeners of the middle zone and the northern regions appreciated the simplicity of cultivation, the high commodity and taste qualities of the tomato. If you pick a green fruit, it is well resisted.

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Early ripe variety of tomato Lazy

Lazy is an early ripe hybrid, the first crop can be harvested 95-100 days after germination. Low compact bushes, give large beautiful tomatoes, which are shaped like a heart. Color from deep pink to bright red. Weight of ripe tomatoes Lazy with high-quality care reaches 500 gr. Medium-density tomatoes with tender, sugary pulp and high palatability. The fruit has 4-5 partitions, the dry matter content of 4.5%.Differs in high productivity, on 5-6 kg from a bush. Tomatoes are tasty fresh, there are practically no seed chambers, tender pulp is great for salads, suitable for salting and pickling, and can be used dried. From fruits it turns out high quality tomato paste. Like all nightshade, this variety of tomatoes is self-pollinating, but the bees improve the quality of flowering.

The Lazy Dog does not lose its presentation during transportation; its smooth, dense skin allows the fruit to keep its appearance for a long time.

Where a variety was bred, the optimal conditions for growing

The ability to tolerate coolness and temperature drops well is due to the fact that with , ort was bred by Siberia breeders. Lazyka is distributed under the Siberian Garden brand, its official representative office is located in Novosibirsk.

Tomato Lazyayka is designed for growing in the harsh climatic conditions of central Russia.

In the southern regions and areas of the central belt, Lazyayka produces high yields in the open field, and planted tomatoes in the Urals and Siberian regions. In southern arid areas, these tomatoes require additional watering.

The variety does not tolerate heat or drought.

The shrubs of these tomatoes are not higher than 60 cm, large greenhouses are not needed for the variety. The compactness of the bush allows you to grow this fruitful variety in small summer cottages and greenhouses.

Advantages and disadvantages of

The variety has many undeniable advantages, which is why it has gained admirers in a short time. They note the following benefits of the Lazy:

  • formation of an bush optional;
  • compactness of an plant with high productivity;
  • perfectly tolerate coolness and temperature drops ;
  • are resistant to pests and diseases;
  • fruits are large, with excellent taste;
  • have high commercial quality , well tolerated transportation;
  • from tomatoes of this variety get excellent billet for the winter ;
  • tomatoes ripen quickly and together.
Tomato Taste Lazy Harmony, Sugar, Pleasant

Each gardener will discover the best qualities of the variety. The simplicity of growing speaks of his name, which is fully justified.

He still has a small number of deficiencies:

  1. Bushes need to be tied up with , branches often do not stand heavy fruit.
  2. It does not tolerate heat and drought, needs additional regular watering.
  3. For good yields, requires fertile soil.

Dignity is much greater, but the choice remains for the gardener.

How and when to sow seeds for seedlings

Choose the best time for sowing seeds for seedlings for your region. Late planting will not give you some early tomatoes. Too early will lead to the re-growing of seedlings, which in this case does not take root well at the site of constant planting. The term in is 45-50 days, the ideal difference between sowing seeds and planting grown plants on beds. Usually a Lazy Dog is planted between March 20 and April 5.

Disinfecting Tomato Seeds Before Planting

Before planting, the seeds are inspected, small and damaged ones are harvested, and the others are soaked. After a few minutes, the seeds that float to the surface are poured together with water, and the large ones remaining on the bottom are placed in a saturated pink solution of potassium permanganate for 30-60 minutes You can put seeds in a growth stimulator solution and a mixture of complex fertilizers. This will improve germination.

Soil for seedlings

Usually it is brought from the garden. For planting tomatoes, it is better to use the soil on which carrots, cucumbers or beets used to grow. Garden beds for tomatoes, then placed in the same place.

The soil prepared for the seedlings is calcined in the oven or disinfected with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate. Sometimes use a soil mixture for tomatoes, which is sold in the store.

Disinfecting the soil before planting tomato seeds

The seeds are not sown too deep, enough 1,5 cm of the top layer. The soil should be loose and wet, saturation of the soil with oxygen will provide improved germination, moreover, they are not watered until germination.

Planting Seeds

Seeds are sown in a moist soil at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Seed containers are covered with a film and left in a warm place. Until germination, seeds do not water. After emergence of shoots the film is removed.

The first seedlings of tomato. Lazyka

After the appearance of 2-3 leaves, the seedlings dive. Seedlings are placed in separate pots.

Use peat pots when picking. They can be placed in the open ground together with the seedlings and do not disturb, once again, tender shoots. Peat pot will serve as additional fertilizer.

A week or one and a half before planting, you should begin to take out seedlings to the open air. Such a gradual hardening helps move the plant to the garden more easily.

Transplantation in open ground

Tomato seedlings Lazyka transferred to a permanent place at the age of 50-55 days

It is necessary to plant seedlings in the ground when the temperature at night stops falling below + 10 ° C. The determinant varieties to which Lazyka belongs are sufficiently between bushes. 20 see Determinantry - this frightening term means short stature. Transplanted carefully, so as not to damage the delicate roots of young plants.


  • Ensure that the plant gets enough watering. Like all tomatoes, water Lazy need to root. Periodic weeding and loosening the soil, will increase yields.
  • The plant needs fertilizer. During the growing season, 3-4 dressings are produced alternating organic fertilizer with mineral fertilizer.
  • The peculiarity of the variety is that all stepchildren below the first brush should be carefully trimmed with .
To get a good harvest of tomato bushes of the Lazyka, it is necessary to sow
  • , since the fruits are very large, needs to be tied up with an plant. Even very strong branches will break without a garter.

Disease prevention

Tomatoes of this variety are disease resistant, in the open field does not suffer from fungal diseases and rot, if you do not flood the beds. When growing greenhouse or greenhouse, planting is regularly aired.

Plants are planted in those areas where their relatives in the family( potatoes, peppers, eggplants) used to grow. Different solanaceae have the same enemies, diseases, besides, planting similar plants in one place, impoverishes the soil. In this case, one does not have to wait for a good harvest.

Plants are resistant to diseases, but for their prevention it is necessary to spray

fungicides. Seeds of tomatoes for the next year

Since the Lazyka variety is a hybrid, it is impossible for to obtain planting material from them. If you want to plant it on your plot, buy seeds.

The large beautiful fruits of the Lazy with proper care will be the subject of burning envy of your neighbors and your pride. Excellent taste, good preservation of fruits, ease of growing. All this adds to the popularity of the variety, for the residents of the cold regions, it is simply a godsend.

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