How to connect a washing machine without running water

Cottage or house in the village often can not boast of the presence of running water. Taz, well, machine-semi-automatic? There is a solution - you can start the automatic machine to work without access to the centralized water supply system.

In this article we will tell you how to connect the washer without plumbing.

material Contents:

  • 1 advantages of using SMA without running water
  • 2 Connection Variants machine cottage
    • 2.1 container for detergents
    • 2.2 Water tank
    • 2.3 well drilling
  • 3 Using a pump
    • 3.1 What tools are used to connect the machinewithout plumbing
    • 3.2 Independent connection of washer without plumbing

Advantages of using CMA without plumbing

Installing an automatic washing machinein a garden or a country house, you will only win. Consider the advantages of connecting a washing machine:

  • There is no need to pay for water consumption. If you have a well with clean water on the territory, you can use the water for washing for free.
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  • You can use rainwater by installing a large collection tank. Plus the fact that this water is much softer than water from a well or water supply.

If you have already decided where to put the washing machine, you only need to figure out how to connect it.

Variants of connecting an automatic machine at the cottage

Some options practically do not require cash expenditure and physical effort, others - on the contrary, need financing. Choose for yourself.

detergent container. Resourceful craftsmen go for tricks: they launch equipment and supply water through a powder receptacle using a bucket. This method is quite simple, but then what's the point in buying a washing machine?

The problem is that when the water is poured into the container, it is necessary to constantly restart the washing mode:

  • open the container, fill the detergent, load the laundry in the washer;
  • run wash mode;
  • open the container and fill the bucket with water;
  • stop washing machine;
  • again set the mode, start washing and drain the water at the end;
  • stop.

You can continue indefinitely, but the essence is clear. Therefore, we consider such a method irrational and difficult, but we could not mention it.

Water tank

You can also connect the washing machine to the water tank: by setting the tank above the machine, using a hose of sufficient length and connecting it to the equipment.

In practice, it was found out that in order for the machine to start, it is necessary to install a drum at a height of at least 10 meters. This method is not suitable for small country houses.

You can install a typewriter and a tank in the garden under a high shed. Here it is important to understand that enough space is required, and the capacity should be large, since it will be inconvenient to pour water at a height each time.

Interesting! Today on the market there are several models of machines with a tank. In the summer, you can use the washer at the cottage, and in the winter, take it to the apartment and connect it to the water supply.

Drilling a well

When it is not possible to connect to the water supply system, and you just need to connect the washing machine to the water, you can order the drilling of a well and install a pumping station designed to pump water from the ground.

Only a few nuances need to be considered:

  1. Prepare for drilling in advance. Collect the required amount in order to pay the team for the work done.
  2. Work only in summer.
  3. Water from a well must be of high quality. Poor quality water has a negative effect on laundry - it may not be washed out.
  4. With deep underground water, a powerful pumping station will be needed.

A great option that will replace the pipeline and allow you to use the washer without problems. Supplying water to a washing machine from a well is an expensive method, but worth your effort and expense.

Using an

pump According to experts, the pressure pump for a washing machine is the most optimal and acceptable way to connect appliances in a place where there is no water supply. To do this, you will need to install a barrel near the machine, install a valve in it, to which you connect a hose with a pressure pump.

Apart from the fact that such a method is effective, costs are practically not needed for implementation.

What tools to use to connect the machine-machine without plumbing

To install the machine without plumbing, you need to know what tools and parts should be at hand.

You can buy in advance in the store those parts that you will not find in the garage or at the cottage. So, from the tools you need a small adjustable wrench, an indicator screwdriver and pliers. Also for measuring work stock up on a tape measure and building level. Do not do without a good knife and tape for sealing.

At home there may be no such parts:

  • solenoid valve;
  • 3/4 inch tee crane;
  • injection pump;
  • gaskets and clamps;
  • flow filters;
  • hoses for organizing water supply.

Be sure to prepare for this process. Let better spare parts remain - everything in the farm will come in handy.

Important! The dimensions of the hose depend on the type of machine. During installation, certain difficulties may arise, so it is very difficult to predict them.

Independently connecting the washer without plumbing

Now let's talk about how the washing machine is connected. As you already understood, there may be some difficulties in the process, so we offer a general description.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select the installation location. The floor in the room should be perfectly level, preferably concrete. At the same time, there must necessarily be located sockets.
  2. Install a 50-liter barrel next to the washer.
  3. For convenience, the barrel should be with a hinged lid - do not have to spend a lot of time filling the tank.
  4. Make a wooden stand with a height of 50-100 cm - install a barrel on it.
  5. In the tank wall from the bottom, make a 3/4 inch hole under the tap thread, insert a rubber gasket and install a tee tap.
  6. Attach a discharge pressure hose to the valve, connect it to the pump.
  7. Connect the discharge hose using the adapter to the CMA intake hose.

Important! Tighten tightly to tight connections.

  1. Remove the top panel of the washer, find the solenoid valve and pull out the seals from it - this is necessary for better throughput.
  2. Install a flow filter in front of the valve.
  3. Test the machine.

Now you know that the lack of plumbing is not a problem when installing an automatic washing machine, because you can solve it. The main thing is to approach this task correctly.

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