Hole cleaning after drilling: the best methods to carry out the work with his own hands

The owners of suburban real estate necessarily be faced with drilling wells on their own site as another way to organize the home water supply system simply does not. Agree, this is a pretty important event, which should be taken seriously.

Do not forget that to get clean water from a well it should be exempt from tightened for slaughter soil particles immediately the drilling process. Therefore, rinsing well after drilling is required in all cases. Clear formulation can independently, using the necessary equipment and having some knowledge about this process.

Next we will talk about the most common methods of washing of wells and how to do it with his own hands. In addition, you will learn what mistakes should be avoided in the course of work. Material is accompanied by the photographs and videos, clearly demonstrate the process of washing of wells.

The content of the article:

  • Why wash well after drilling?
  • The best ways to wash wells
    • Method # 1. Rinse wells one pump
    • Method # 2. Using two pumps
    • Method # 2. Flushing airlift well
  • instagram viewer
  • Frequent errors in the wells washing
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Why wash well after drilling?

after graduating drilling wells in need of washing, in order to extract the water line with health and hygiene requirements.

The fact that the pollution that make water unfit for use in large quantities fall into the mouth during development. Also on top of the garbage can fall during drilling, small insects, and so on.

If we neglect the washing and immediately set filters, they quickly clog and will be ruined, and the bottom layer of sludge is formed, which will be the source of unpleasant taste and odor.

In addition, in the clay interlayer very good breed pathogens, and therefore to use water from a well is dangerous to health.

Silty layer over time will grow and completely block the access to the aquifer. well operation becomes impossible. These problems can be easily avoided, and extend the life of your source, if, immediately after drilling to carry out her washing.

Clean water from the well - washing the correct result

Hole cleaning after drilling will extend the life of filters, pumping equipment and the well itself several times

The reasons for which is necessary to the well washing:

  • improving the quality of the produced water;
  • extending the life of the pumping equipment and filters;
  • increasing the productivity of the well;
  • an increase in service life, open access to the aquifer.

Washing well before commissioning can be carried out with your hands, without the involvement of specialists.

This is not a very complicated process, if you know the technology and features of its implementation.

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Flushing drillers at the conclusion of the contract

At the conclusion of the contract for the drilling flushing water intake generation to enter it into operation is obliged to carry out drilling company

Drilling of the well with washing

Flushing produced in drilling period is not pre-operational preparation generating a fence water

The essence of drilling with flushing

In drilling wells with washing water is used to fracture rocks and sand on the surface of the blade removal

Removal of rock from the well water

The process of drilling with a flushing frees predominant mass production of rolled away rock, but it completely clears

The injection of fresh water into the well

To perform washing the wellbore is pumped clean water, which should take away from him the remnants of the destroyed soil

Turbid first water washing

First will be pumped from the wellbore cloudy brownish water

The result of repeated washing

As a result of repeated injection of clean water into the trunk and followed by pumping should come clear water without grains of sand and other mineral impurities

Water analysis of the washed wells

If the intention is to use water from the wells for drinking purposes, it is necessary to carry the sample in SES for determining the quality characteristics and the mineral composition

Flushing drillers at the conclusion of the contract

Flushing drillers at the conclusion of the contract

Drilling of the well with washing

Drilling of the well with washing

The essence of drilling with flushing

The essence of drilling with flushing

Removal of rock from the well water

Removal of rock from the well water

The injection of fresh water into the well

The injection of fresh water into the well

Turbid first water washing

Turbid first water washing

The result of repeated washing

The result of repeated washing

Water analysis of the washed wells

Water analysis of the washed wells

The best ways to wash wells

There are four method for washing the well after drilling is completed. Each method is carried out using a variety of equipment and devices.

The choice of method depends on many factors: well depth, the soil type, the degree of contamination, the nature of contaminants, materials from which the downhole string.

Four wells washing process:

  • using a pump;
  • using two pumps;
  • using purge airlift;
  • a manual method using the bailer.

washing manually - labor-intensive and inefficient method which can be used in the presence of a small sedimentation shallow wells situated in loamy and clayey soils stable.

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Flushing - preparing the well for exploitation

After drilling the wellbore particles remain broken rocks, which reduce the quality of the pumped water. Washing is carried out before the installation of the filter in a recessed sand production water intake

Washing and surface submersible pump

Independently prepare a water intake for use in two pumps. The production of a vibratory unit is lowered, the pump is pumped surface

Flushing generate two vibratsionnikami

The washing can be applied two submersible pump vibration. Lower roil will precipitate at the well bottom, the top - pumping dirty water

Bailer water extraction of sand

The well is strongly contaminated water containing an impressive amount of sand and clay particles, first bailer better clean not to spoil the pumps

Flushing - preparing the well for exploitation

Flushing - preparing the well for exploitation

Washing and surface submersible pump

Washing and surface submersible pump

Flushing generate two vibratsionnikami

Flushing generate two vibratsionnikami

Bailer water extraction of sand

Bailer water extraction of sand

bubble aeration It requires special industrial equipment - a high power compressor.

Few people from the private owners have the opportunity to use such equipment. Therefore, the best way to clean the well in front of her to commissioning can be considered using the washing pump.

Rinse wells mechanically

Manual method - not the best option for the initial wash wells prior to commissioning, it is ineffective and is not able to clean the borehole to the required level

Regarding washing techniques allocate two ways:

  • straight;
  • back.

direct flushing - a method in which water is supplied into the wash via a hose, resulting in contamination of the well out through a hole.

Straight flush is used to remove heavy sediment contamination remaining after drilling.

reverse flushing - a method in which water enters the annular space, the upward stream with contaminants discharged outside through the pipe. This method of rinsing is effective in cleaning the sand and silt unsteadily.

Sometimes chemicals are used for washing the wells, it is appropriate to do in the presence of iron impurities. The cost of these reagents is high enough, however, in most cases using ordinary process water for cleaning the borehole.

Method # 1. Rinse wells one pump

This is the easiest way to wash, for the realization of which you will need:

  • submersible pump;
  • pressure hose;
  • cable.

Rinse wells in this case carried out at the expense of the pumped water, which will carry away contamination. The duration of such pumping may be from 12 hours to several days depending on the degree of contamination. Stop cleaning can be when extracted from the well water is clear.

Selecting a submersible pump

Rinsing well will only be effective if properly pick up a submersible pump.

Requirements to the pump:

  • optimal power;
  • low price.

When washing the wells after drilling pump is experiencing heavy loads, pumping cubic meters of contaminated water. Therefore, the probability of failure of the pump is very large.

In other words, it is recommended to use a pump for washing the wells, which "do not mind". This can be very cheap or old model who has worked one time pump that needs to be replaced for a long time.

Submersible pump vibration

To wash the most well enough to use an inexpensive pump an average power of "The Kid" Russian production

The best option is to apply vibration submersible pump. Often used for affordable units: "Kid" or "Brook".

Such pumps are less sensitive to sand and silt particles, in contrast to centrifugal pumps.

Principle washing vibrating pump are as follows: after the connection to the power supply unit inside its case, a magnetic field, which then continuously increases, the weakening.

Emitted reciprocating motion (vibration) lead to a change in pressure, due to which the water is carried out and pumping.

The advantages of submersible pumps vibration include:

  • low cost;
  • ease of use;
  • absence of heating during operation.

Disadvantages of pumps of this type:

  • can not operate stably when "jump" in the power supply voltage;
  • low power in comparison with centrifugal pumps.

Of course, the use of more powerful centrifugal or screw pump wells allow to make cleaning faster.

However, the cost of even the most simple of these types of submersible pumps several times higher than that of the vibration. And considering that a large proportion of the probability of the pump will be in the future is not suitable for the operation of the well, the most viable option would be to use it vibrating downhole equipment.

Use for rinsing the well pump

Choosing a pump for washing, be aware of its dimensions and the possibility of narrowing the alignment hole, otherwise the pump can not just go down to the desired depth

Guidelines for the selection of the pump for the cleaning wells are shown in this article.

Works production technology

Step by step instructions for flushing the well after drilling is as follows:

  1. Submersible pump securely anchored to the cable to prevent it to suction yl. Use a rope or cord, pack-in, it is not recommended, because their strength is not always enough to pull the pump out of the mud "trap".
  2. The pump is lowered to the bottom of the well and raised several times. This is done for stirring the sediment at the bottom.
  3. At a certain height the pump is suspended and is connected to the mains. The location of the pump source is defined above the bottom of 60-80 cm. In any case it is impossible to lower the pump running at the bottom!
  4. The pump wells pumping up until the water runs clear.

Note that in some cases, well water is ejected under high pressure, so it is necessary to take measures for the protection of the surrounding landscape from dirt emissions.

Less wear to the pump, it is necessary to periodically retrieve the surface and cleaned with pure water. Frequency of washing - every 5-6 hours.

Advantages of washing the well a single pump method: simplicity and high efficiency. This method involve and well pumpingIntroduced into service or already used water intake source.

The disadvantages of this method include the fact that in most cases, it takes a long time to wash, as well as the risk of damage to the pump equipment. This method is advisable to apply on sandy soils.

To improve the quality and speed of the washing can use a high-performance submersible pump centrifugal type.

Also an excellent job of washing shallow excavations and faecal drainage pumps, Flowing through itself when pumping the particles with fractions 30-40 mm.

Scheme submersible pump installation for washing wells

Selection submersible pump must be positioned within the borehole or in a strictly vertical position, this is achieved by applying rigid cable

Method # 2. Using two pumps

In this case, flushing is performed by means of water injected into the wellbore a first pump, wherein it 'collects' pollution and by a second pump raises them to the surface in the reservoir water.

The tank is a filter, which purifies the liquid entered from the particulate matter and returns it back into the well for the new portion of contaminants.

this way you will need to wash the wells:

  • a water tank capacity of at least 200 liters;
  • Vibrating submersible pump (pump № 1);
  • centrifugal pump (pump № 2);
  • bucket with drilled holes for the pump;
  • two hoses;
  • durable rope.

When implementing this method, a submersible pump is experiencing less stress, and therefore reduces the risk of failure. This method is appropriate to apply in the case where the planned further operation of the submersible pump as well as a limited amount of pure (fresh for washing) water.

Rinsing using two pumps is as follows:

  1. Submersible pump № 1 is lowered into the wellbore by a cable and is suspended in a 50-60 cm from the silt.
  2. The water tank is lowered discharge hose, the second tube is lowered from the reservoir into the wellbore.
  3. The bucket centrifugal pump mounted № 2 and immersed in the reservoir.
  4. Both pumps are included, with the hose, located in the well is necessary to shake in all directions for maximum sediment erosion.
  5. Flushing last as long as the water washes away from the well, clear.

When washing should be guided by a more powerful pump, it must be periodically stopped, to maintain optimum water level in the tank.

Scheme washing wells two pumps

Instead of a centrifugal pump, in some cases, the bucket can be placed is not the entire pump, and stretched him suction hose

Pluses washing process using two pumps:

  • faster and higher quality washing;
  • less load to the submersible pump;
  • the area around the hole is not exposed to contamination;
  • It does not require large amounts of water.

The main drawback of this method is the need to be constantly present in the washing, to control the smooth operation of both pumps, from time to time turning off the more powerful.

The duration of the cleaning wells after drilling in this manner is from 6 hours to 48 hours.

Method # 2. Flushing airlift well

Airlift - a special device that produces a powerful jet of compressed air, raising from the bottom of the well water along with sand, silt and debris. To wash the wells airlift within it must be a filter, which is produced through purification from suspended particles.

The equipment required to wash the well after drilling method airlift:

  • an air compressor (blower);
  • industrial water supply 100-200 l;
  • metal pipe;
  • air hose.

The tube is taken to the entire depth of the well and its diameter should be 10-15 cm smaller diameter casing. A narrow tube is not suitable, since not ensure effective cleaning.

The upper part of the pipe should have a tap for removing contaminants. In order to avoid any dirt spattered territory adjacent to the well at the end of the pipe must be worn tight plastic sleeve, or part of the rubberized fire hose.

How to wash well after drilling by airlift

Compressor for washing wells airlift must be powerful enough to create a flushing system required for stable operation of the pressure

The operating principle of the air-lift is that the air volume pumped through a pipe into the wellbore, and then pushed out therefrom by the action of water pressure, washing away all contamination.

The procedure for flushing the well after drilling with the use of air-lift:

  1. The well steel pipe placed desired diameter. Pipe the most immersed in the silt.
  2. At the upper end of the tube is mounted and a discharge outlet hose to prevent mud spattering.
  3. It includes a compressor and the compressed air flows into the well under pressure.
  4. air bubbles, being in a pipe driven mass of water and sludge at the bottom, creating its circulation.
  5. Under the influence of compressed air with water pollution flies up into the outlet and removed through the outlet hose.

Flushing is considered to be ended when the suction hose from the stop flow particles of silt, sand and debris. This method is very efficient and does not require the use of pumping equipment.

When performing cleaning airlift must take into account that too much air pressure can adversely affect the integrity of the wellbore walls.

It is also worth considering that such a method is rather energy consumption - the compressor unit consumes much electricity, and washing time can be up to 24 hours.

Rinsing well airlift - a reliable and fast way to clean

Dirty water with this method of washing can go a continuous stream, so it is necessary to organize a place in advance where it will be discharged

The advantages of this method are: small length of the washing process, not to spoil pumping equipment do not pollute the area around the well, and the quality of washing - high.

Frequent errors in the wells washing

Inexperienced owners of wells often make mistakes, ignoring the well wash after drilling is completed. As a result, the water remains in the development of crude, which makes its application limited.

Error №1. One of the most common mistakes when washing well with a pump is it wrong height suspension.

Do not allow the pump to touch the bottom, in this case, cleaning will not be effective: the pump will not be able to capture particles of silt under his body. As a result, sludge at the bottom of the well remains, blocking access to the aquifer and worsening quality of water.

In addition, too low position of the pump may lead to the fact that equipment "bury" at its control yl and there will be problematic. It can also happen that the pump is stuck in the wellbore.

This can be avoided if the immersion apply thin but durable wire, while the pump is pulled back not to make sudden movements and gently rocking the cable lift pump from the wellbore.

Error №2. Improperly organized drainage. Polluted water coming from the well should be given as far as possible from the mouth.

Otherwise there is a risk that it will get back to the source, which will lead to an increase in the washing period, and hence the additional financial costs. For the organization of drainage is best to use a strong fire hoses.

It is important to rinse well before the arrival of her pure water. Entering the unwashed wells in operation is prohibited! This will result in damage to the pump equipment and the problems well operation in future.

Retraction water washing wells

For drainage, you can use a shallow trench, the water of which will flow into the drain hole, drain or other designated areas

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Rinse wells with a pump:

How does the process of washing well with one pump and why you need to take care of the drainage of the organization:

As you can see, well rinsing after completion of drilling operations - a necessary measure, without which you can not do if you want to get clean water.

To carry out the washing in several ways: one or two pumps or airlift. Hand cleaning method using the bailer primary washing impractical to use because of its low effectiveness.

Got something to complement, or any questions about the subject? Share your experience with the readers of the well washing, leave, please comment for publication. Contact form is in the lower block.

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