Characteristics and description of the variety Belozerka pepper

Sweet pepper is an essential crop whose fruits are used in cooking, traditional medicine and preservation. The correct choice of varieties of sweet peppers will allow to achieve high yields with the least care. Choosing Belozerka, you can achieve high-quality yield in any type of soil and regardless of climatic conditions.

Table of contents

  • Description and characteristics of the variety. Belozerka sweet pepper - what is it?
  • Pros and cons of
  • culture Planting seeds
  • Conditions for growing seedlings
  • Transplanting in open ground: how and when?
  • Features of the variety Belozerka
  • Diseases and pests
  • Reviews of gardeners

Description and characteristics of the variety. Belozerka sweet pepper - what is it?

The variety was bred by crossing sweet varieties of Bulgarian pepper in the Transnistrian research Institute of Agriculture in the 90s of the 20th century. The shape of the bush is compact, short stature - about up to 70 cm .

This type of pepper is an early ripening crop, the first crops of which can be harvested already 140-150 days after germination. Pepper fruits are cone-shaped, have two or three sides, with a smooth surface.

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The color of an unripe pepper is green; when it reaches maturity, the fruit becomes bright red. The mass of one pepper varies from 90 to 140 grams .

When maturity is reached, the fruit becomes red.

. Advantages and disadvantages of the culture.

A culture is saturated with a mass of advantages and has no obvious disadvantages. This type is different:

  • unpretentious care;
  • ease of cultivation;
  • low demand for additional fertilizer;
  • as well as high yields .
Has excellent taste and is suitable for use in cooking and preservation, which makes Belozerku practical to use.

The harvested crop is weather resistant and suitable for long-term storage.

Planting Seeds

Seeds for seedlings culture should be planted at the end of February , with the arrival of the calendar spring. Before planting, it is recommended to soak the seeds for a couple of hours in water: the sprouted seeds are a marriage and should not be planted. The remaining seeds should be soaked in a solution of biostimulants or potassium permanganate, and then planted into the ground to a depth of no more than 1 cm.

Pepper seeds white grain

Immediately after planting, must be watered and covered with film to create warm conditions. At a constant temperature of 25 degrees, the seeds germinate quickly and are easily grafted. As soon as the droppings of seedlings are shown, the film must be removed for high-quality ventilation and compliance with a moderate temperature regime.

Conditions for growing seedlings

For even development of the root system, plants must be regularly fed with minerals during the seedling period.

The best option would be to feed a solution of 5 grams of potash fertilizers and 15 grams of superphosphate when the first three true leaves appear on the plant. The second feeding is recommended to make the turn two weeks after the first, increasing the concentration 2 times.

Watering seedlings should be as the soil dries - the soil should be constantly wet. During the development of transplants, the plays an important role in maintaining the temperature regime of .It is impossible to subject shoots to sharp thermal differences or long cold. Otherwise, it will be less fruitful.

Watering of pepper seedlings should be as the soil dries.

Transplantation in open ground: how and when?

Before planting the crop in the ground, the plant must be hardened, carrying seedlings to a street or balcony. Every day hardening time should be increased, reaching up to 6-8 hours can be planted. To plant a plant is necessary in early May, when the temperature warms up the soil to 10-12 degrees .If there are prolonged frosts, it is better to keep Belozerka in the greenhouse.

During the growth of the culture, it is necessary to irrigate, loosen, garter and feed the culture in a timely manner. Despite the unpretentiousness of the variety in cultivation, regular maintenance will increase the crop yield several times .Yellowed leaves and stepchildren should be cut off in time, the plant tied up as it grows, and fertilized regularly with organic fertilizer.

Watering preferably with settled water in the evening in a cooling ground.

Before the emergence of the first shoots, watering should be done by sprinkling using a watering can or sprayer, then it can be watered under the plant root. The best option is watering intensity of 5-7 liters per plant 2-3 times a week.

Properties variety Belozerka

Grade Belozerka different earliness

distinguished from other varieties of sweet pepper and has a mass of positive characteristics:

  • culture resistant to pests and has immunity to diseases
  • fruits of pepper are ideal for preservation, and for long-term storage
  • plant differs early ripening
  • variety unpretentious in the care and cultivation

This variety is the best option for self-cultivation. Pepper fruits are practical and ideal for any purpose, so the culture does not need to be duplicated by other varieties.

Diseases and pests

Resistant to Alternaria, verticillosis, is not affected by dry and wet rot and is able to withstand a wide spectrum of viral infections. Thanks to high immunity to various diseases, the pepper easily tolerates short-term temperature and meteorological fluctuations and is suitable for cultivation in both open and in the greenhouse.

To protect against diseases, the plant is planted in open ground.
For the protection of the crop from diseases and pests, standard preventive solutions and planting in a heated soil are sufficient. Spray to protect against insects can be any poison - 1-2 times per season will be enough.

Gardeners Reviews

Marina, Krasnodar: “This variety is good for any purpose. It is easily grown, quickly growing, has tasty fruits. A real panacea after ordinary pepper hybrids. ”

Pavel, Kuban: “ I was surprised by the high yield of fruits - I had a big harvest from a pair of bushes. The fruit has excellent taste and is well preserved. "

Nastya, Sochi: " This culture is very popular. It grows rapidly, resistant to diseases. Easily withstand the raid of pests that have spoiled other cultures. Now I will plant only Belozerka. ”

Sweet Pepper Belozerka is the best option for both beginners and for industrial cultivation. The fruits of the description are large, have excellent taste, and the plant is unpretentious in the care and high yielding. This grade is the leader among grades of sweet pepper.

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