Vermiculite and perlite for plants - how to use correctly?

Perlite for plants or vermiculite - the names of these substances are probably familiar to you, as they are often included in the list of ingredients of various earth mixtures and substrates. If you do not know what it is, then in this article I will talk about the properties of perlite and vermiculite, as well as how these materials are used by gardeners, gardeners, florist.

  • Vermiculite - what is it, what is it for?
  • Perlite - what is it?
  • Perlite and vermiculite - what's the difference?
  • Reviews of gardeners and gardeners on the use of perlite and vermiculite

Vermiculite, perlite, photo:

Until recently, these components were not widely known to gardeners and gardeners. Today they are sold freely and are also widely used in plant growing. They contain ready-made soil mixtures, mixed with each other in different proportions. For rooting of the shoots, as well as for the storage of tubers and bulbs, pure compositions of this or that material are used.

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Vermiculite - what is it, what is it for?

This is a plate material of golden brown or silver, in fact it is hydromica. The name itself comes from the Latin word vermiculus, which means “worm”.If vermiculite is subjected to heating, then its plates will become thread-like granules, something similar to “worms”.The porous structure of this material acts like a sponge, absorbs, retains moisture, the volume of which exceeds its own weight 4 times. Due to this quality, vermiculite is simply an indispensable additive to earth mixtures, preserves the soil moisture for a long time( closer to the roots), all its useful substances.

Vermiculite - what is it? It is a chemically inert mineral that does not contain toxic substances, heavy metals. This material is environmentally friendly, does not decompose, does not rot, is neutral to acids, alkalis. It contains valuable components that positively affect the growth and development of green crops - calcium, magnesium, silicon, potassium, aluminum, and iron. The components of vermiculite are partially absorbed by the plant as needed, but as a basic fertilizer it will not work( chemically inert).The material improves soil aeration, can change its pH level( alkaline), maintains soil moisture, thereby increasing the time between irrigations.

Vermiculite for plants - how to apply? When growing plants, agrovermiculite is most often used. It has been processed in a special way( roasting), intended specifically for floriculture and gardening.

I discovered a video clip on the Internet where the author shares the experience of growing potatoes using vermiculite:

Agrovermiculite, photo:

In addition to retaining moisture, vermiculite is able to delay the components of fertilizer, which also contains prepared soil. It is mixed with peat, sphagnum, a wide variety of earth mixtures, substrates. Pure, undiluted material is widely used for rooting shoots, seeds are also very convenient to germinate in this way. Another big plus of this supplement is the absence of a favorable environment for fungi or mold.

Vermiculite for plants can also be used as drainage, while taking its larger fraction( KVV-8, KVV-4).It is added to the soil in any proportions, thus, it becomes more loose, does not cake, does not form a crust on top. If you are planting seedlings in the garden, then half a cup-glass of vermiculite can be added to the depth of each hole. When planting young trees, boldly add 2 or 3 liters of this substance to the landing hole.

What is vermiculite? This is a material with neutral acidity, which can lower the pH of the earth mixture. Great for storing tubers or flower bulbs - they do not rot, do not become moldy, do not undergo temperature changes. He has the ability to extract from the soil, bind mineral compounds, and then gradually release them, give the plant. When adding vermiculite to soil mixtures, be sure to consider the characteristics of the flower.

For example, for cacti or certain types of succulents, this additive is not suitable, since they are not interested in high humidity. As a soil loosener to drought-resistant green residents, pearlite is optimally suited.

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Perlite - what is it?

This is a volcanic rock formed by hydration. Obsidian hydroxide is perlite, initially it can have a different shade( brown, black or even green).After special treatment, the material becomes white, porous, it is crushed, used as an additive to soil mixtures. Perlite contributes to the uniform distribution of moisture in the soil, is an ideal component for the hydroponic method of growing plants, well loosens the soil.

Perlite - what is it? This is a sterile substance without impurities, its properties resemble sand( the main component is silicon dioxide).With it, you can rooted cuttings, grow seedlings, use it as an additive to various substrates. It improves soil aeration, optimizes its drainage, as well as water-holding qualities.

Perlite is very dusty, so when working with it, you must always wear a protective mask.
When inhaling microparticles of glass dust get into the body, but then does not remove from it - remember this.

Agro perlite, photo:

Like vermiculite, this material improves the soil structure, retains moisture, does not allow the crust to form on the upper layer of the soil. By adding perlite, it is possible to increase the aeration of heavy soil, as well as to increase the water-holding properties of light soils. It reduces the level of acidity of the soil, slows down its salinization, prevents waterlogging during long rains.

If you suddenly overdo it with fertilizers, then perlite will absorb them and then gradually give them to the ground.

After three or four years, perlite granules are destroyed, digging, loosening only contribute to this.

Perlite for plants - how to apply? Its presence in the soil is simply indispensable for flowers with a weak root system, like sand, perlite loosens the earth, makes it light. Strong plants with strong roots are also necessary, because the stagnation of moisture can lead to their decay.

Pure material can be used for rooting sprouts and sprouting seedlings, but mixing with sphagnum or peat also gives excellent results. Summarizing all the above, we can safely say that these two additives are combined with each other, ideally complement each other's qualities, and have the same effect on the soil and plants.

Arugula in perlite, photo:

Scope of use of both additives:

  1. Can be used as a drainage( large fraction).
  2. Used to cover the top layer of soil - prevent the occurrence of mold, the formation of a crust.
  3. Pour onions, tubers of flowers, bury them for comfortable storage - this is reliable insulation, protection from decay.
  4. Wet vermiculite or perlite is an ideal substance for seed germination, the formation of roots in cut shoots.
  5. A mixture of both materials( equal parts) is used in hydroponics.
  6. The pH level is neutral in both additives - this should be taken into account when preparing soil mixtures for plants with specific soil requirements.

The combination of these two materials creates an optimal environment for the development and growth of your plants, both in pure form and in mixtures.

Vermiculite - seedlings of gladioli, photo:

Vermiculite - seedlings of cucumbers, photo:

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Perlite and vermiculite - what's the difference?

Despite the lightness, the flowability of these two materials differ in appearance: perlite - white, dusty, vermiculite - dark color. In perlite there are no nutrients, and vermiculite contains aluminum, calcium, magnesium, iron, silicon, potassium( in the bound form).

Vermiculite, unlike perlite, can absorb beneficial compounds from the soil, and then gradually release them. It is also very moisture-intensive compared to perlite.

Perlite is an excellent conductor of moisture, but a poor retainer, and vermiculite, on the contrary, retains it very effectively. Vermiculite has an elastic structure, and perlite is destroyed, becomes dust with an active physical effect.

Perlite or vermiculite - which is better for plants? This question cannot be answered unambiguously, one cannot say which material is better, since everything depends on the plant itself, its needs. For example, for some colors( the same room violets or gloxinia) sometimes wick irrigation is used. In this case, perlite, which dilute the substrate in a pot, is ideal - it promotes a uniform distribution of moisture over the soil, and the soil itself dries faster. Vermiculite, on the contrary, will be more appropriate with the usual method of irrigation - the soil will remain moist longer, thanks to its moisture-accumulating properties.

It is impossible to determine which is better than perlite or vermiculite, since one or another supplement is equally suitable for each type of plant. These two materials are equally good, have similar qualities, but still slightly differ in their "technical" characteristics.

They perfectly complement each other, improve the soil. In order to obtain an optimal mix of soil, flower growers take 15% of each material, mix them, and the total value of additives( relative to the rest of the soil mix) should be 30%.A mixture of peat, perlite and vermiculite is most often used for growing indoor plants. Vermiculite is suitable for tender, capricious representatives with a vulnerable root system, perlite is more suitable for powerful plants, cacti or succulents.

New opportunities for growing plants are constantly emerging on the market - care products, all sorts of additives. Today, almost any product can be purchased. If you are not familiar with these materials yet, pay attention to them. Vermiculite or perlite for plants will save you time to care for them, relieve you of many problems( fungi, mold), improve the composition of the soil, help keep planting material in proper condition.

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Reviews of gardeners and gardeners on the use of perlite and vermiculite

The first meeting with agroperlite occurred many years ago. Such a huge impression on me was the cultivation of plants in the soil with perlite. The seedlings have never been so beautiful, strong, without a single sprout or rotting at the root, the soil was well loosened, it retained moisture for a long time. Liked the perlite and indoor flowers.
http: // agroperlit-dlya-rastenij-i-rassady-moj-opyt-primeneniya-foto-zharenogo-perl.html
My girlfriend once tried to root something in perlite - very much. Now the only rooting cuttings.
Perlite I use instead of coarse sand. It makes the soil loose, airy. It helps the soil to dry out faster. Much better than sand!
In order not to breathe harmful dust from perlite, I immediately put some water in the bag. Perlite wet is not dusty! I advise everyone.
http: // viewtopic.php? F = 57 & t = 392 & = 30
For those who use perlite, I can advise my way of washing it: before starting to wash perlite( if this happens in the bathroom), turn on the minutes for 3-5 shower with hot water( or very warm).The created humidity will “beat” the glass dust of perlite during your opening of the package, it will allow you to wash the perlite without any damage to your health. But try not to stick your nose inside the package! Pearlite dust is the smallest specks of glass that( when inhaled) are deposited in your nasopharynx and lungs( if you have breathed in a lot and sharply).And it irritates the eyes. The effects of perlite( or agroperlite are the same) are equivalent in terms of the effects of mineral wool( only the skin will not itch).After all, it would not occur to anyone to embrace the Minvah and breathe near it without a “muzzle”.I am a builder by training, so I know very well that is not so safe this perlite ( therefore, I rarely try to use it, replacing it with similar, but safer baking powder).
http: // viewtopic.php? F = 57 & t = 392 & start = 30
I have been using vermiculite for a very long time, adding at a country house to pots where petunias grow, so as not to dry out, sinceI come only on weekends. Recently, she began to add when planting new plants, roses, and hydrangeas, so that they would take root better so that the soil could hold water. My soil is peaty, so this additive is relevant to me - I like it: again, mineral supplements.
http: // vermikulit-sadovyj-otzyvy-i-mnenija
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