After which it is better to plant Bulgarian pepper

Bulgarian pepper - one of the most common vegetables grown in our country. It is valued by gardeners for their taste, as well as a large composition of vitamins and minerals. In terms of vitamin C, Bulgarian pepper is superior to all other vegetables.

Table of Contents

  • The Role of Alternating Vegetables at the
  • Dacha Then you can plant Bulgarian pepper?
  • After which crops is it not recommended to plant sweet peppers?
  • The most favorable neighbors of Bulgarian pepper
  • Sweet pepper as a precursor in the garden
  • Table of vegetable crop rotation in the summer cottage

. Therefore, it is very important to plan the location of the landings and their neighbors before landing. Crop rotation is a certain rule in planting crops, it is necessary to know exactly which vegetables and after whom you can plant. The amount of harvest and the health of plants depend on the correctness of the fruit change.
Bulgarian pepper on the bush
. Fruit-growing should be carried out annually, regardless of the garden area. It allows you to most efficiently distribute the use of water and saturate the soil with essential nutrients, thereby ensuring its fertility. Also, the correct alternation of crops helps to reduce the spread of diseases, the reproduction of pests and weeds.
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Each vegetable treats weeds differently. So, most often the beds remain without weeds after cabbage, peas or potatoes, thanks to which it is easier to grow other crops in their place. Each culture has its own biological features, therefore, to prevent the appearance of insects and weeds, it is worth alternating between them so that they are in their place no earlier than 4 years. This rule helps prevent soil depletion and increases its fertility.

After which you can plant Bulgarian pepper?

Before planting, it must be remembered that it does not tolerate any kind of organic fertilizer .Because of this, it is best to bring them into the soil, where it will grow a year before planting. Only after a while can the Bulgarian seedlings be planted in this place.

The planting technology of this crop is not much different from planting a tomato. A vegetable, like no other, needs fertile soil filled with useful substances. Therefore, when planting sweet pepper in the wells, special fertilizers should be added to the seedlings. It grows rather slowly. Due to the nature of the placement of the root system, it needs a lot of moisture. The roots are located in the upper layers of the soil, and therefore require frequent watering.

Bed of Bulgarian pepper

Then it is better to plant pepper:

  1. Pumpkins;
  2. Carrots;
  3. Cucumbers;
  4. Kabachkov.
  5. Patisson.

These crops fertilize the soil well, after them it is not necessary to loosen it, so the land is ideal for a Bulgarian vegetable. Onions and garlic can also be excellent predecessors. Not a bad harvest of vegetables can turn out in the beds, where before there were roots.

After which crops is it not recommended to plant sweet peppers?

It is not advisable to plant sweet peppers after the following vegetables:
  • Physalis;
  • Eggplant;
  • Potatoes;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Tobacco

The land should be weed free and fertilized before planting. It is better to plant seedlings in warm weather and in well warmed up soil. Dry yeast can be used as a top dressing. A packet of dry yeast and 2 tbsp is dissolved in a bucket of water.spoons of sugar. Mixture insist for 2 hours, then pour it planted plants.

Bulgarian pepper sapling

The most favorable neighbors of Bulgarian pepper

In order to obtain good yields, it is important not only to follow the rules of crop rotation, but also to choose the right neighbors in the beds. The right choice of neighboring crops will help to create natural safe protection for bell peppers, protect them from strong winds, and repel pests. The environment has the same great effect on vegetables as the soil in which they grow. Not properly planted neighbors are a source of infection by insects and other diseases, and can also simply act depressingly.

The best bean is considered to be the best neighbor for the sweet pepper. The thing is that the pests attacking the whole season with pepper do not tolerate its aroma at all, therefore, most likely they will not settle on it while there is such a “neighbor” next to it. Another advantage of joint cultivation is the compatibility of these crops for nutrients in the soil. Legumes have a favorable effect on the soil, feeding it with minerals and nitrogen fertilizers, which is very important for pepper.

Spider beans - the best predecessor of Bulgarian pepper

Sweet pepper as a predecessor in the garden

After the Bulgarian handsome it is better not to plant the following vegetables:

  • Squash;
  • Eggplant;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Tomatoes.

Pepper for the season rather strongly devastates the land in which it grows, takes from it all the nutrients and trace elements necessary for growth above the designated vegetables. Best after it will grow plants such as asparagus, leek, basil.

Planting peppers

Table rotation vegetables

dacha vegetable crops Suitable inappropriate Neutral
Potato legumes, cabbage, cucumbers Tomatoes, eggplant, bitter and sweet peppers onions, beets, carrots
Tomatoes cucumbers, turnipsCabbage, Greens
TomatoesCucumber onionEverythingSkins Table beet, greens
Beans, peas Cucumbers, onions, cabbage, garlic, basil Beans, eggplant, tomatoes Greens, green manures, root vegetables, tomatoes,

, only in the form of a piece, in the form of a piece, and in the form of a piece of paperworkWhen landing on the beds, you can achieve high crop yields and soil fertility. Even in spite of the rather labor-intensive process of growing and caring for sweet peppers, it still remains the favorite vegetable gardeners. Every year, in spite of the weather conditions, we are pleased with its bright and tasty fruits.

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