I will list some of the positions in the cultivation technology, allowing to increase the yield of potatoes, which gardeners and agronomists-specialists pay attention to. Your choice, your right to take note of them is not. But I have no doubt that they will help you navigate, choose the appropriate ways to increase the harvest.

1. The longer the leaves of the potatoes remain green, the higher the yield will be.
This observation seemed interesting to me, as it is often said that we should not overfeed the plants with nitrogen - this encourages the growth of green mass to the detriment of potato tubers. But, nevertheless, a good leaf volume means that the potato has more area to intercept sunlight, which is converted into energy for the growth of tubers through photosynthesis. This helps the plant develop a good root system that extracts water and nutrients from the soil. Consequently, the efforts of the gardener to increase the green mass of the potato bush will increase the yield.
2. The quality and quantity of stems is of key importance.
That is, the more stems, the higher the yield. The stems that grow from the seed seed eyes are the main ones and they usually form the new crop tubers on them. Therefore, the more main stems, the more tubers will be in this bush of potatoes. The stems that branch off from the main stem are secondary, these stems usually do not form tubers - they can be removed so as not to take energy from the main stem. This technique will also help increase yields.
3. Watering
This is a key stage in the cultivation of potatoes. Of course, it is advisable to water it throughout the entire growth cycle, especially in hot, dry weather, if you want to keep the harvest. But it is especially important that it should be in wet soil during this growing season - 3-4 weeks after the first leaves appear from the ground. Do not forget that the more wet the land, the greater the chance of increasing yields.
4. Drying of the leaves of potatoes
When the leaves start to die off - the plant comes to the end of its life cycle. But you should pay attention to where the foliage begins to die. It is very important. If the potato leaves begin to turn yellow from the bottom of the bush, then it’s normal - you have to dig up healthy tubers. However, if the lower leaves are healthy, but the upper leaves turn yellow, then a pest or disease attack may be the reason why the potato bush lacks nutrition. Some urgent action should be taken. The measures taken will depend on the signs of the disease or on what pests you have found. If it is late blight of potatoes, then some measures, and if you find signs of scab or rhizoctoniosis, the control measures are different. Pest control measures are also different - with the wireworm - some, and with the Colorado potato beetle - others. In time, the measures taken to combat diseases or pests will allow, if not to increase, then at least to preserve the harvest of potatoes.
5. Processing potatoes with copper sulfate solution
If potatoes are sprinkled with a solution of copper sulfate( 50 g per 10 liters of water) 1-2 weeks before harvest, the tops begin to dry. It will wilt, lose moisture, and the nutrients will be transferred to the tubers, which will markedly speed up ripening, increase the yield and quality of potatoes.
6. Spraying potato bushes with a solution of superphosphate
This is another method for increasing the yield. Spraying the superphosphate solution slows down the growth of the tops, increases the flow of nutrients from the leaves to the tubers, and as a result, increases the yield. Superphosphate is poorly soluble, so it must be thoroughly mixed. Experts advise to insist the granules of superphosphate in water for 1-2 hours, but I came to the conclusion that it is best to leave the solution overnight, and after several mixing to defend it, drain it into another bucket. Ten liters should be enough for one hundred. Do it during flowering or after it.
7. Processing potatoes with magnesium chlorate
In a cool, wet summer, this technique will speed up ripening and increase yields.200 g of the drug is dissolved in a bucket of water, spray this solution with potato tops. Bucket solution should be enough for one hundred.
8. Peas, planted in one hole with potatoes, allows to increase the yield of
And also deters the Colorado potato beetle. On one well enough to plant 5 peas.
9. Grass, as a fertilizer for potatoes
Increase productivity allows a unique way of planting potatoes in trenches, pre-filled with mowed grass. From above, seed tubers are covered again with mowed grass. This method allows not only to increase the harvest several times, but to do without hilling, without weeding. For more information about this method of growing potatoes, see the video.