Full description and characteristics of the variety of tomato Honey Spas
Each gardener seeks, planting on his site different varieties of tomatoes, to find resistant to weather changes, high-yielding with good taste. That is what Honey Spas is, the description and characteristics of which you will learn from the article.
Table of Contentswas bred in 2004 by Russian breeders under the leadership of Dederko. Honey can save spawn both in hotbeds and open beds. Treats grades of middle early term of maturing. The ripening period is 100-115 days.
It is recommended to grow this variety in regions with long warm summers.
Shrub tall, in open ground reaches a height of 150 cm, in greenhouses grows up to 200 cmThe fruits are slightly elongated, resemble a kidney in shape, have a rich yellow color. The flesh is juicy, sweet, with a small amount of seeds. The skin is dense, but not hard. Fruit weight 170-600 grams. In greenhouse conditions, the harvest is 14 kg per 1 sq. Km.meter. On open beds 6-7kg per 1 square.meter.
Tomato Honey Spas are often confused with Honey or Honey Dew. This type of tomato belongs to the pink varieties. The shrub is medium in size and reaches 120-150 cm in height. The fruits are round, rather large in size. The weight of a mature fruit is 350-500 grams. The taste is slightly sour.
Advantages and disadvantages of
. The Honey Rescue variety has such advantages as:
resistance to climatic changes;
high content of carotene and ascorbic acid( vitamin C) in fruits;
universality of cultivation( greenhouses, open ground);
good taste;
is not prone to cracking;
good transportability;
storage time;
ripening ability;
high immunity to disease;
ease of care.
Among the shortcomings can be noted:
are not suitable for pickling due to the lack of acid in the fruit and the presence of large sizes;
stalks are weak, require garters to support and stuttering.
Honey saved in the context of
. Seed preparation.
. Seed is planted from March 5 to March 15.Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the seeds in the following sequence:
seed selection by soaking in saline solution;
disinfection with 1% solution of potassium permanganate;
seed growth treatment;
warming up.
Preparing the soil
to mix soil with peat and sifted river sand in equal quantities;
add ash to the soil to normalize acidity.
For disinfection, it is necessary to pour a hot solution of concentrated potassium permanganate and steam it to get rid of the presence of pest larvae in the soil.
Preparing Soil for Seedlingspeat and moisten with a spray bottle.
The boxes are covered with polyethylene and taken out into a dark room with a temperature of + 23-25 degrees. For 5 days, until the first shoots appear, polyethylene must be removed for a short time in order to saturate the seeds with oxygen. After emergence, remove polyethylene and bring seedlings into a well-lit room.
The first two days you need to create a round-the-clock daylight lighting. In the future, you need to make sure that the length of daylight hours is at least 16 hours. If necessary, arrange additional lighting. The temperature in the room should be 18-20 degrees.
If the seedlings have 2 leaves, it is necessary to plant them in separate pots with a capacity of 1 liter. It is necessary to do this with extreme caution so as not to damage the still weak root system. It is better to replant seedlings with a lump of earth from the previous place of growth. After transplantation, fertilizing is necessary. For these purposes, the best solution of ash solution:
water — 1 liter;
ash — 1 tablespoon.
With a lack of lighting, the seedlings are drawn out and develop poorly.
A week before planting the seedlings on the beds, it must be hardened. To do this, the first two days in the room where the seedlings are located, open the window for 2-3 hours. It is necessary to ensure that there are no drafts, tomatoes do not like it. Then in the following days to take the seedlings to the open air, gradually increasing the time. Three days before transplantation it is necessary to leave the seedlings in the fresh air for a day.
Planting seedlings in open beds
In the open beds, Honey Saved is grown much more often than in greenhouses. Planting seedlings on open beds is recommended in May, when the earth warms up well. Plant no more than three seedlings per 1 square meter.meter. After transplanting, seedlings should be immediately tied to supports. The shrub is formed in 1 or 2 stems, it is necessary to remove the lateral processes every week.
Proper watering at the root of the
After planting the seedlings must be watered plentifully. In the future, you need to water moderately, as the soil dries. Water must be separated and warm. Loosening should be performed after each irrigation to avoid stagnant moisture and improve access to the root oxygen system. Feeding in the period of growth must be made at least three times. The first feeding must be done a week after transplantation. For these purposes it is best to use fermented mullein. At the time of flowering in the soil is better to apply fertilizers containing nitrogen. When forming fruits, tomatoes need fertilizing with fertilizers containing magnesium sulfate.
Watering under the root, without falling on the foliage!
Collection of seeds
To begin with, you should choose the suitable fruits for collecting seeds:
selection should be made from the fruits of the first brush( open ground), the second brush( greenhouse);
fruits must not be deformed, not damaged;
to collect well-ripened fruit;
collection time - mid-August.
Cut the ripe fruit across. Spoon the seeds from the seed chamber with the liquid. Put the seeds in a glass jar. Seeds should be completely covered with juice. We close the jar with a lid, but not tightly to give access to the air, and leave it for 24 hours to ferment.
Harvesting Tomato Seeds
Fermentation is finished when the juice becomes brighter, the seeds settle to the bottom, and a film appears on the surface. Drain seeds through gauze and rinse thoroughly under water. Blot the seeds with a towel, pour on a plate for final drying. This process takes 7 days. To collect dry seeds, place them in a rag bag or paper envelope and store them in a cool, dark place.
Diseases and pests
Tomatoes of this variety are resistant to such diseases as:
late blight;
tobacco mosaic;
gray rot.
However, for prophylaxis, to avoid infection from other varieties, it is recommended to spray the bushes with phytosporin.
. Can be attacked by such pests as:
slugs are naked;
Colorado beetles;
Aphids on tomatoes Slug in a tomato Colorado potato beetle Whitefly and its larvae Caterpillar and butterfly moths
To destroy the larvae, use a solution of copper sulphate. When attacking aphids, they wash the leaves with a solution of soap. Spraying of ammonia solution will help well from slugs and flying insects.
Harvesting is carried out 110 days after sowing the seeds. The fruits are recommended in the diet for people who are allergic to red fruits. In addition, doctors recommend the use of fresh food for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And also to improve the work of the kidneys and liver. It is believed that this variety slows the aging of the body. Due to the lack of acid content, fruits are not used for canning.
Even a novice can grow this variety on his plot. Unpretentious care, high yield and excellent taste will delight even the most demanding farmers.
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