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known to allsince childhood, a bright flower that grew in flowerbeds near the house or in the country, we love many. They love her for her unpretentiousness, the riot of colors and ease of planting and care, as well as for a long period of flowering: from the end of June to the very autumn. Photos of cosme flowers and descriptions of its most popular types will be discussed below.
Description and care
Cosmea( Cosmos) is a common plant of the Aster family that came to us from Mexico, Brazil and Central America. For a long time the plant was not perceived as flowers, considering ordinary grass. But thanks to the work of breeders, it was possible to bring out the varieties that now adorn the gardens and city flower beds with a riot of colors over the course of a whole summer.
There is a popular name for the cosmea - “disheveled young lady”, which was given to the flower because of its appearance: thin curly foliage resembles disheveled curls, the tips of which are dotted with bright inflorescences.
There are annual and perennial types of cosmea. In total, there are about 25 species of this flower, but the best is the one that got accustomed and the sulphureus cosmos and dieroperistus cosmos are popular with us. Regardless of the species, the plant loves the light, but best survives and longer pleases with lush flowering, if the flower is planted in partial shade.
If you put a cosme in the bright sun, it will quickly fade. In a strong shade the plant will bloom badly.
For planting plants should choose light, breathable soils. Sowing kosmeyu can be seeds or seedlings. The first option is suitable for the most common simple varieties. They are sown immediately in the ground in April-May, when the earth is already warm enough. After two or three weeks shoots appear, which, when they reach 5 cm, must be thinned.
Selected, hybrid varieties are grown through seedlings. Planted in this way, the plants begin to bloom in the second half of July. Kosmeya, which was sown immediately in the ground, blooms in August. To the flower does not lose its decorative properties, it is necessary to remove the faded inflorescences. Cosmea of any kind is watered until it forms into an adult plant. Further moderate watering is carried out if necessary, that is, with dry summer and lack of precipitation.
This is an unpretentious plant that is resistant to cold and drought. Photos of cosme flowers will allow you to appreciate the beauty of the flower and understand the reasons for its popularity in landscape design and home gardening and flower beds.
Types of cosme
The popularity of the plant is also due to the diversity of its size. There is a tall, undersized kosmeya and dwarf kosmeya, which is often grown in flower pots at home.
Simple varieties of cosmea are often tall, trail on the soil, and therefore they must be tied up. But the breeders produced varieties of undersized and dwarf cosmeas, which form neat, compact floral rosettes, easily side by side with other flowers on the flowerbed. And although more than 20 species of cosmea are known, plants have become common, which will be described later.
Cosmea Double-Leaf
The most popular plant variety is Cosme Double-Cirrus, whose homeland is the mountainous regions of Mexico. This is an annual plant, the stems of which sometimes reach a height of more than 1 meter. The inflorescences are white, pink and purple, with a diameter of up to 10 cm. Most often you can see such flowers in flowerbeds.
Stems are erect, thick and branched, leaves pinnate and double dissected. That is why this variety has received such a name, and plants - openwork appearance of greenery. The flowers of the Dvazhpiperistoi cosmea look like a daisy, gathered in baskets of many inflorescences. Blooms profusely from June to September. The most common annual is grown to decorate flower beds. Seeds ripen well, germination persists for 3-5 years.
Thanks to the work of the breeders, more sophisticated cosmeia varieties of double-cinnamon with a less catchy color gamut and smaller inflorescences were bred. Tall varieties of kosmey well suited to cut. The photo of cosme flowers shows how beautiful and bright the plant is.
Cosmeia Sulfur Yellow
Unlike the above described double-hype, the Sulfur yellow is more thermophilic, and begins to bloom only in July. It has wider leaves, and inflorescences of warm tones: yellow, orange or red. The word sulfur in its name means yellow shades of flowers. Their sizes are small, up to 6 cm in diameter, but the petals grow in two rows. And because the flower, which is also called the cosmos, is considered semi-double.
Depending on the variety, the height of the stems varies: they grow from 30 centimeters to one and a half meters. Cosmeya Sulfur is resistant to droughts, and therefore it can be grown on the sunny side. Forms many buds, blooms wildly, after withering petals fall. The plant gives abundant self-sowing, collecting seeds is also very simple, there is no need to clean them. Flowering ends in October.
It is best to germinate the seeds of cosmela sulfur-yellow in the light, and for this you do not need to dig them deep into the soil.
Externally, the plants of this species resemble a frozen salute of bright yellow flowers: the stem is thin, branched, the branches are spread out in different directions, a little lowered.
Cosmee Chocolate
Another type of plant is Cosmetic Perennial. The flower is unique, interesting, but not so widespread. Its flowers are dark red, burgundy, and therefore it is also called the black cosme. His homeland is Latin America and Mexico, and therefore this species is very thermophilic compared to those described earlier.
It is preferable to grow it in the southern regions, as cold resistance in this variety is very low. If the black cosme grows in areas with a northern climate, it is grown as an annual on open ground or in a closed one as a perennial. He likes friable, fertile, well-heated soil and enough sunlight.
The name of the plant is due to the aroma of chocolate it emits. People have always tried to rip off a flower that emits such an alluring and sweet smell. That is why by the end of the last century only a few cosmey bushes of chocolate perennial remained in Mexico. But thanks to the work of breeders, it was possible to avoid the complete destruction of this unique plant.
Cosmea should not be over-fertilized, especially with nitrogen fertilizer, as this leads to an increase in green mass to the detriment of flowering.
Kosmeya Chocolate is a perennial plant, but given the poor winter hardiness, it must be brought into a house or greenhouse during cold weather. Blood-red, scarlet, almost black flowers with a diameter of 4 cm strew branches of the plant, which reach a height of 40 cm to one and a half meters. Black Cosme can also be grown through seedlings as an annual.
Kosmeya Terry
As a rule, kosmeya is a plant with daisy-like flowers of different diameters. But given the popularity, many different varieties and its hybrids were bred. That is what Terry's cosme is: it is not a separate species, but a plant variety. Its difference lies in the fact that the petals grow in several rows, which makes flowers terry. The rules of its planting and care are the same as in other plant species.
Can be sown immediately in the ground or in boxes for seedlings. Terry kosmey have very small seeds, so you shouldn’t bury them too much, just lightly sprinkle them with soil. To enhance flowering is required to regularly remove wilted inflorescences. Depending on the variety, flowers of the terry cosmea can be of different colors, and they will delight until the very frost.
Cosmeal stalks Sensation reach a height of 90 cm, and the plant blooms with white, pink, carmine flowers of a rather large size, up to 10 cm in diameter. The inflorescences are located singly at the end of the stems. Good for planting as a natural fence, decorating walls, fences, in the background of flower beds and for cutting. Cosme flowers aroma Sensation attracts butterflies and bees to the garden. Cosmea Shell
This is a kind of double-crochet cosmea with interesting petals rolled up into a tube. It is for this feature that the plant got its name: Cocktail Cockerel. This is a spreading bushes with a lot of shoots. The characteristic openwork foliage and flowers are white, pink and purple. Possesses high decorative properties, will decorate any garden, is suitable for a cut. Varieties of cosme Cockerel unpretentious care, bloom from June to autumn. Planted as seeds in open ground, and through seedlings.
Cosmeia Orange
A popular variety of annuals is Cosmeye Orange. Differs in bright, rounded inflorescences of sunny yellow-orange color. Stalks are strong, grassy, from 30 to 120 cm tall with elegant, lacy leaves and semi-double flowers with a diameter up to 6 cm. This kind of kosmey will be a wonderful decoration of a flower bed.
Cosmea Picoti
Annual plant with stems up to 80 cm tall, growing in a bushy bush with delicate leaves. Cosmeye Pikoti is famous for its unusual color of flowers: white petals are framed with carmine-red border of varying degrees of intensity, the diameter of inflorescences is from 7 to 10 cm. It blooms intensively from July until the first frost. The bright flowers of the cosmea Pikoti will decorate any flower garden, they will become an excellent decor for the fence and will look great in a vase. The variety is easily propagated by self-sowing.
Cosmea red
Another unpretentious variety of plant - cosme red Cardinal. A tall bush with fine, graceful foliage, the stems are densely branched, covered with large red flowers. It blooms all summer until September, grows well on poor soils. This bright plant is used as a high border for group plantings, gives self-seeding.
After reviewing the photo of cosme flowers from this article, you can be sure that whatever type you choose for your garden, you will end up with bright, multi-colored flowerbeds, pleasing not only with color, but also with pleasant aroma. At the same time, no special efforts are required to grow the cosmea flowers, and therefore any summer resident and amateur grower will be able to grow them.
Slender and graceful cosme - video