How to wash a jacket padding polyester 4 Rules machine washable and hand


  • 1 Terms of the upper washing clothes on sintepon
    • 1.1 Machine wash: 4 rules
    • 1.2 Handwash
  • 2 Secrets of successful washing
  • 3 Balls for washing
  • 4 Summary
In order not to spoil the filler outerwear, you need to properly wash itIn order not to spoil the filler outerwear, you need to properly wash it

I'll bet that in your wardrobe there outerwear padding polyester. This is not surprising. Many advantages - convenience, beauty and reasonable price - did the cloak very popular. But do you know how to wash the jacket on the padding polyester, so that it retains its shape and appearance? Now we understand.

Terms of the upper washing clothes on sintepon

I'll be honest - it is best to clean the clothes with polyester fiber filler handles professional laundry or dry cleaning. However, subject to certain rules can wash a jacket and with his own hands.

Before washing label study with recommendations for the product from the manufacturer's careBefore washing label study with recommendations for the product from the manufacturer's care

Machine wash: 4 rules

How to wash sinteponovye jacket in the washing machine? The result to be effective, it is necessary to adhere to certain parameters.

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Instructions will help you to consider all the details:

Picture Description
table_pic_att14928044222 rule 1

washing temperature must not exceed 30-40 ° C. For greater certainty look at the label - as a rule, there is listed a suitable temperature for a particular model.

table_pic_att14928044233 rule 2

If you do not know to wash the jacket on which mode - safely choose "synthetics" mode. And depending on the type of machine can be set "manual" mode or "delicate" washing.

rule 3

Laundry padding polyester jacket in the washing machine is best to choose liquid for delicate fabrics.

The tool should not contain bleaching agents.

rule 4

Clothing is not desirable pressing at high speeds - it can hurt their form. So do not forget to pre-pressed to disable the function.

We proceed to the preparation of the very jacket:

  1. Unbuckle all fur items, If there are any. They need to be cleaned properly.
  2. Check pockets and remove any foreign objects.
Before washing the jacket should be freed from fur and foreign objectsBefore washing the jacket should be freed from fur and foreign objects
  1. Close zippers and turn the jacket inside out.
  2. Put the product in the bag. If you are afraid that your favorite clothes can lose form - before you wash the jacket in the machine, put it in a special bag.
Laundry bag protects against strains of your favorite jacket or park in a washing machineLaundry bag protects against strains of your favorite jacket or park in a washing machine
  1. If the jacket has heavy dirt or grease stains - they must first wash off. For this fit the usual soap. Thoroughly moisten the problem areas and rub them with soap and water. To rinse the product after that is not necessary - just to submit it to the machine.
Sophisticated pollution may prevent a full wash, so they need to pre-wash outSophisticated pollution may prevent a full wash, so they need to pre-wash out

Before you wash the jacket padding polyester, make sure that all seams are intact - otherwise, after washing, you risk to see pieces of filler on the surface of the garment in the washing machine drum.


Hand-washing should be carefully rinse clothesHand-washing should be carefully rinse clothes

If the washing in the machine sinteponovye jacket makes you doubt or distrust, wash her hands. But without pre-soaking and bleaching!

hand wash temperature and funds are no different from the machine. The only thing to add - extra rinse. This will help to carefully remove any residual detergent.

The ideal capacity for hand washing of outerwear - BathThe ideal capacity for hand washing of outerwear - Bath

Secrets of successful washing

As I said, you can not wring sinteponovye jacket in the washing machine drum. Pressing her hands need to gently and carefully.

To dry such a thing two proven methods may be used:

Picture Description drying method
table_pic_att149280443210 Method 1.

1.Rasstelite towel.

2.Razlozhite jacket in a horizontal position.

table_pic_att149280443311 Method 2.

1.Poveste jacket on a hanger.

2.Luchshe just hang it on the balcony or in the bathroom.

3.Podstavte bowl under it to prevent water from dripping onto the floor.

If in the process of washing the jacket rumpled, otparte her steam iron or iron it through a cotton cloth.

Balls for washing

Of course, you notice that the package sold with special balls for washing in household stores. They are made of plastic and covered with thorns.

The purpose of these balls is very simple - they help to "shake up" the things in the machine, thereby improving the quality and reducing the consumption of washing detergent. This device is indispensable for clothing - it does not allow the filler lump and retains the appearance of the product.

Special balls will make any more effective washingSpecial balls will make any more effective washing

Laundry is also suitable for conventional tennis balls. Just let down of the drum before the wash coat in a washing machine. For lighter items do not use a bright green balls - they can shed.

In the photo - the most ordinary tennis balls, which can be used to improve the quality of washingIn the photo - the most ordinary tennis balls, which can be used to improve the quality of washing


As you can see, wash the fall or winter jacket padding polyester is quite simple. The main thing is to have the desire and stick to simple rules. For more confidence I recommend to watch the video in this article. And if you still have doubts and questions - write everything in the comments. We understand together.

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