How to wash jeans in a washing machine: all 4 stages of quality washing


  • 1 The purification process
    • 1.1 Step 1. Training
    • 1.2 Step 2. choose modes
    • 1.3 Step 3. Proper detergent
    • 1.4 Step 4. Drying and ironing
  • 2 findings
Jeans tolerate machine washing.Jeans tolerate machine washing.

The need to wash jeans occurs regularly and often, so for me it's casual. From frequent washings things sit or stretch, fade or become thinner - just spoiled. How to wash jeans in a washing machine, and how to do it correctly and without prejudice? Let's find out together.

The purification process

How to wash jeans in a washing machine? At first glance, this is a very simple process. But before you throw in the drum thing, you need to go through several stages of preparation.

Step 1. Training

Wash jeans in a washing machine also requires training, even though cotton and unpretentious in care:

Picture instruction
table_pic_att14946204111 Step 1. Empty the pockets

Carefully check the contents of his pockets. Even a single coin can damage the product and cause damage to the washing machine.

table_pic_att14946204122 Step 2. Remove the product inside out and fasten all the buttons and zippers
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To properly wash jeans, they need to twist on the wrong side. Since the fabric on the front side does not lose color.

table_pic_att14946204133 Step 3. Check for decorations and various inserts

For washing denim items, decorated with sequins, beads and rivets, it is necessary to use a special bag for washing.

Use hand washing, if there is a decorative embroidery on the product.

table_pic_att14946204144 Step 4. Sorting

Wash jeans with other things can be, the main thing - the right to sort them by color:

  1. Black and blue pants - with dark clothing.
  2. Blue and white - with light.
  3. Brightly colored best washed separately.

If a product has a fresh stains that can go to a different underwear, faded jeans in the water with vinegar.

Step 2. choose modes

Let us find out at what time and at what temperature to wash jeans:

  • Mode. Delicate / Hand Wash, mode "for denim."
  • Temperature. Not more than 30 ° C - 40 ° C.
  • extraction. From 500 to 800 rpm.
  • Drying. Preferably not include this feature.
  • Rinsing. If a functional typewriter machine has an "extra rinse" regimen - use it.
Clothes to completely get rid of detergent after washing, use the "extra rinse".Clothes to completely get rid of detergent after washing, use the "extra rinse".

Step 3. Proper detergent

Wash jeans in a washing machine is necessary with the addition of detergents. That can be used for cleaning:

Picture options
table_pic_att14946204196 Option 1. Powder

It is possible to apply dry laundry detergent without bleach and abrasive particles. Just one measuring cup.

table_pic_att14946204237 Option 2. liquid powder

How to wash liquid powder:

  1. Pour the cap means 1 in a measuring chamber for the powder.
  2. Pour a 1 -dimensional conditioner cap in laundry rinse compartment.
  3. If the fabric has a strong contamination, apply a dot liquid powder by hand.
  4. Put item into the drum and run the delicate cycle.

clothing manufacturers claim that properly washed denim is using liquid powder.

table_pic_att14946204328 Option 3. capsules

1 Put the capsule into the centrifuge. Please note in the capsules should not be bleaching particles.

table_pic_att14946204339 Option 4. Gel / shampoo for denim

Add a compartment for powder required amount of gel / shampoo (see recommendations of the manufacturer on the label).

The price of such agents are significantly higher than washing powders.

In any case, do not use bleach and means with active oxygen. There is a high probability to spoil the thing.

Step 4. Drying and ironing

We figured out how to properly wash jeans. Now look at how they dry and pat:

  1. Drying machine can not be used.
If you use the mode of "tumble-drying" denim fabric can sit down.If you use the mode of "tumble-drying" denim fabric can sit down.
  1. The fabric is not the village, shake the wet product and hang to dry in a well-ventilated place. Accelerate drying by hanging clothes near radiators, should not be.
  2. Such products can be ironed until they are slightly damp. iron heating temperature of 150 ° C.
maximum iron temperature is suitable for heavy fabrics.maximum iron temperature is suitable for heavy fabrics.


We now know how to wash jeans in a washing machine, how to prepare for it, and pat dry. If you observe the correct mode, temperature and choose a suitable cleaning agent, things will last more than one year.

Videos in this article have visual instructions on how to properly care for denim. Share in the comments of his secrets - discuss!

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