Characteristics and description of tomato variety Abakansky Pink

It has long been known that tomatoes are the most important and important crop of a gardener. And this is not surprising, because people use a tomato at any convenient opportunity: salt, pickled, baked, stuffed and consumed fresh. A huge variety of varieties and types of this culture are designed for every taste and color. Worldwide, there are more than 10,000 varieties of tomatoes. In the article we will consider the description of the characteristics and rules of care for the variety Abakansky Pink.

Table of contents

  • Description and characteristics of a tomato. He first appeared in the Altai region.

    According to the characteristics, the variety belongs to the group of medium late tomatoes. The period from germination of the first shoots to maturation is approximately 100-110 days. Fruiting time is lengthened, which is undoubtedly a big plus.

    The determinant bushes of the Abakan pink, according to the description, do not reach a height of more than 150 cm. The growth of the stem stops after the formation of the inflorescence on the crown. This variety

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    requires timely garters, and tomatoes may need additional protection from the sun's rays, since the leaves of a tomato are medium and not thick.

    Do not cook tomatoes in an aluminum pan. Acid in tomatoes when interacting with aluminum forms hazardous compounds that can cause serious health damage in the future.
    The average fruit weight of Abakan Pink is 200-300 grams

    Favorable growing environment for this plant is outdoor ground or greenhouse .With growth in open ground, the height of the bush reaches 75-85 cm, but this does not affect the fecundity of the tomato.

    With proper care, one tomato seedling can form up to 6 fruits. Most of the crops are heart-shaped, but flat-rounded fruits are also found.

    Advantages of the variety

    The Abakan pink variety has unique qualities:

    1. The approximate weight of one tomato is 200-300 grams , but some fruits can reach to 600-800 grams .
    2. Pink fruits in the shape of a heart are moderately susceptible to ribbing.
    3. Six seed nests are formed in fruits, but the number of seeds in them is small.
    4. tomatoes are very tasty , have an average density and pink color.
    5. Do not crack.
    The calorie content of tomato Abakan Pink is 14 kcal.
    A very small amount of

    seeds in fruits Characteristic features of growth in various regions

    Experienced gardeners know that tomatoes are a thermophilic culture. Abakansky pink is a universal variety. And care for him is not much different from the general requirements for growing tomatoes.

    It should be remembered that in the south, where it is always warm and humid, a tomato can be safely planted in open ground .And in a temperate climate zone, they will grow more comfortable in greenhouses .

    It is more expedient to grow seedlings through seedlings. In this case, the shoots will be strong and resistant to some types of diseases.

    Sowing seeds for seedlings

    Like most varieties of tomatoes, Abakan pink for seedlings are made to plant exactly in March .Before planting, seeds are best soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It disinfects them.

    According to the recommendations of the manufacturers, the seeds are planted in lightly rammed earth. Pre-soil is mulched with peat or fertilized with a small soil layer. At the end of the laying of seeds should be plentifully watered the earth with warm water and cover it with film.

    Tomato Seeds Abakan Pink

    The seedling container should be in a warm place before the first shoots of .After germination, the film cover is removed and the pot is placed in a bright place. After 60 days from planting, seedlings can be transplanted in open ground or greenhouse. The plant is planted in half a meter from each other.

    It is advisable not to plant plants of the same family next to tomatoes - eggplants, peppers, since they have common diseases and pests.

    Every year in Spain a tomato festival is held, referred to as La Tomatina. This is a battle where the main weapon is a tomato.

    Care after planting

    The varieties of pink tomatoes in the care are quite whimsical. As already mentioned, tomatoes can not stand the drought .The soil should always be wet, watering - regular, water for irrigation - warm and preferably settled. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that so that the water does not fall on the leaves or on the stems of tomatoes.

    When watering, the water should not fall on either the stems or leaves of the

    . Before the formation of the inflorescences, seedlings should be watered in the amount of .At the time of the formation of fruits, watering should be about 11 liters per 1 m2 .

    Regular loosening will supply the soil with oxygen - this will have a positive effect on plant growth. Feed the Abakan pink can be both organic and mineral fertilizers.

    Immediately after planting in the soil, sprouts can be watered with liquid organic fertilizers, and mulched above. The main thing is not to overdo it. After all, mulching attracts many insects. When dropping the inflorescences, fertilizers containing magnesium and boron will help.

    Choosing calcium chloride is the most common mistake in growing solanaceae. Potassium Sulphate will also make up for the lack of trace elements in the soil, and will not harm tomatoes.

    Abakansky pink will need a garter if they are grown in open ground. In greenhouses, as a rule, the tomato does not grow to large plants.

    Diseases and Prevention

    It is worth noting that Abakan pink is quite resistant to many diseases, but there is a risk. Among the main enemies of tomatoes include:

    1. Aphids
    2. Medvedka
    3. wireworms
    4. Colorado beetle
    5. Phytophthora
    special attention when growing Abakan Rose should be given protection against Phytophthora

    Especially dangerous is phytophthora .As a rule, in order to avoid brown rot, it is enough not to flood the crop and plant the seedlings in the ventilated areas. In the fight against the Colorado potato beetle will help insecticidal drugs.

    Brown rot spores are resistant to moisture .That is why it is important not to flood the leaves and stems with water. Late blight can destroy a sapling in a week.

    Tomatoes are not just popular, they are present in every kitchen in the world. They are loved by adults and children. A wide range of applications allows you to assign tomatoes to the most versatile and sought-after crops.

    The Abakan Pink variety combines the right texture, fresh taste and unpretentious care, which makes it one of the most recognized and popular among gardeners.

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