Ornamental cabbage or, as it is also called, the decorative princess is a unique flower with which you can decorate your garden or flower bed. The extraordinary beauty of the plant allows it to become the highlight of the site. If you properly arrange the location of the cabbage in the flower garden, you can be sure that the design of the flower bed will be stunning. In this article we will explain how to plant a colored vegetable and carry out the subsequent care of it.
Table of contents
- Decorative cabbage: flower or vegetable?
- Can I eat an ornamental vegetable?
- Popular cultivars for growing
- Planting rules in the garden or at the cottage
Ornamental cabbage is a biennial plant, which, in fact, combines several kinds of kale. In the first year of its life, it amazes with its gorgeous appearance. In the second year of life, its active flowering and the appearance of fruits begin.
A variety of varieties that belong to this group of cruciferous culture, will allow anyone to find a plant that satisfies all his taste preferences.
Flower height varies from 25 cm to 120 cm. Cabbage leaves can be of various shapes and shades. The most beneficial look elliptical and ovoid shape. The color palette of the plant has a huge number of tones from pale white to bright purple.Blooming decorative cabbage close-up
Can I eat a decorative vegetable?
Most cabbage varieties are edible. Red and white type of leafy plants( Nagoya) are distinguished by juicy and tender leaves, which are often grown for sale for the preparation of a side dish. Also excellent taste have varieties of plants with fringed leaves.
Only fresh and young leaves are used for cooking.Flush them with running water. You can not soak it in water for a long time, as the cruciferous culture will lose its beneficial properties. Experts advise to wash the leaves with boiling water instead of washing. Lightly folded leaflet can be used in moments of cooking soup-puree.
Popular varieties for growing
Each of the varieties of ornamental cabbage has a unique appearance. The most popular varieties of plants for growing in their own flower bed should include:
- Lace frill - a view that combines several flowers that perfectly complement each other. Corrugated leaflets are identical to the folded jabot. A characteristic feature of this variety are light outlines and crisp lace. The plant reaches 50 cm in height.
- Peacock F1 is a variety with a diverse palette of colors, while maintaining clear boundaries. Cabbage is 70 cm in diameter, and its height does not exceed 35 cm. The leaves located in the lower part are colored green, and the upper stems can be white, red or pink. The structure of the leaves is very similar to peacock feathers.
- Russian circle - cabbage of incredible beauty, which can resemble flowers of various varieties and types. Compact plant can be of any color.
- The lark tongue is a classic type of cruciferous culture, which has a green tint and several similar pigments. Leaves of culture have similarity of hanging languages, which seem to want to rise to heaven. The plant can reach 85-90 cm in height.
- Coral Queen - The main feature of this variety is a particularly thin cut of leaves. The culture is similar to growing coral in the midst of marine vegetation. The leaves are painted in light red hues.
- Piglon - a flower resembling a luxurious rose. The colors of the sockets in most cases are creamy white, however, there are other light colors.
Coral Queen
Peacock F1
Russian Circle
Language Lark
Planting Rules in the Garden or at the Country House
You can grow seedlings using the seedling method. Seedlings can be sown in:
- containers;
- greenhouses;
- open ground.
Sowing in containers
After picking up small containers, we sow a pair of seeds in each of them. As a rule, embedment into the soil is carried out to a depth of 1 cm. Preliminary, it is recommended to treat the soil with a fungicide, which will prevent the appearance of the black stem in seedlings.
If the temperature in the room where the crops are located is within 20 degrees, then the first shoots can be expected after a couple of days.After the appearance of seedlings, it must be moved to a cooler room. Watering exercise moderately. When the second leaf appears, it is necessary to feed the seedlings. For this it is best to use Kemira Universal. For each sq.m.need a spoon( st.) fertilizer.
By the beginning of May, shoots should be planted in open ground. As a rule, during this period each plant has about 5 leaves. If desired, you can initially sow the seedlings in the garden, and closer to the end of August, transplant them into a flower bed.
Grown seedlings of ornamental cabbage, ready for planting in open ground
Sowing in a greenhouse
Before you plant a plant in a greenhouse, it is necessary to prepare a soil mixture based on sand, peat and garden land( 2: 1: 2 ratio).The soil mixture layer should reach about 12-15 cm. Before sowing, the soil is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, which will prevent the occurrence of a fungal infection in the future.
Seeds should be laid in small dimples( about 1 cm) in the amount of 2 pieces.and lightly sprinkled with well-fluffy ground. D In order to accelerate germination, crops are covered with a film. The temperature in the greenhouse should be within 20 degrees. As soon as the first shoots appear, the temperature will drop to 12 degrees. The seedlings are watered moderately, and the soil is loosened out of necessity.
Sowing in open ground
This method allows you to grow a hardened and resistant to temperature changes plant. The ideal period for planting seeds is mid-April. Before the emergence of seedlings, the sowed area is covered with film.
Seeds are sown in loosened soil, seeding them 1.5 cm deep. As soon as shoots appear, crops should be thinned, leaving stronger flowers. The seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place after 30-40 days.
Timely care of the plant will allow you to get a large-shaped lace rosettes.
Planting decorative cabbage in open ground
It is easy to care for decorative cabbage. It is important to regularly:
- water;
- weed beds from weeds;
- to feed the soil;
- loosen up.
After 2 weeks after planting the plant for a permanent place, it is necessary to take care of feeding the young seedlings. Urea and diluted mullein are used for this purpose. It is better to select the proportion for dressing from the consideration of a liter capacity of mullein per 10 liters of water. This will provoke an intense foliage formation.
The following feeding is usually carried out 14 days after the first. To do this, use mineral fertilizers. Once each of the bushes will form about 10 leaves, you can begin to loosen the ground around the flowers.
Proper feeding will stimulate the growth and speed of development of seedlings. However, it is very important to follow the rules and not exceed the proportions of fertilizers.Use in flowerbeds in landscape design
Cabbage varieties, resembling the shape of a rose, are often used to create flower beds, rabatok and curbs. In this case, it is desirable to plant them next to annual plants. Flowers also successfully populate the places of faded spring flowers. Ornamental plant tolerates several transplants, it can even bloom with the onset of frost.
The flower perfectly transfers not only frosts, but also a bitter cold at a temperature of -12, -14 degrees. The main advantage of planting decorative cabbage in the flower beds is considered to be cost-effectiveness. One plant takes up almost 50 cm of space, so this is an ideal option for owners of large areas.
Flowerbed with cabbage and other greens
Planting decorative cabbage in pots and pots
Decorative cabbage love cabbage flies. In order to protect your flowers you need to make special collars out of paper. Cut out circles from paper, the diameter of which will be approximately 10 cm. We cut their edges to the center along straight lines. We pass stalks through the cuts and wrap the flowers tightly. As soon as the seedlings gain strength, you can remove the paper collars.
Ornamental cabbage is subject to certain diseases, namely:
- fomozu;
- keel;
- Root System Diseases.
In order to protect the plants, it is necessary to monitor the maintenance of the acid balance of the soil and regularly apply preparations of microbiological species.Observing all the recommendations of experts, you can decorate your own area and give it a highlight. Especially gorgeous plant looks after the onset of frost. Rime on the leaves gives them a certain crystal, and between the leaves between the leaves shine in the sun like diamonds.