To grow apricot in central Russia under the strength of an experienced summer resident

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central Russia is characterized by snowy mild winters, with occasional frosts down to - 30, moist warm summers and moderately continentalclimate. Apricot comes from the southern edges, it requires special treatment and planting in the middle lane. The European plain includes areas from Belarus to the Volga region, from the borders of the Arkhangelsk region to the Black Soil Region. In the north, the range is limited to taiga, in the south - by forest-steppe.

Apricot Requirements

If you bring a sapling from the southern regions of the country, it will not survive under extreme conditions, or the tree will not bear fruit. Therefore, planting in the middle lane of apricots and care is carried out according to local conditions. New varieties adapted to the local climate, called zoned, have been developed. They are grown in nurseries, from seed of a root-bearing tree or with a graft on a seedling.

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Not all soil and terrain is suitable for growing apricot. Winter hardiness of zoned varieties is limited, trees need protection from winter temperature drops and diseases. It is recognized that it is possible to plant apricot orchards if external factors are observed when planting and caring for apricots in the middle lane:

  • a slope is selected for planting with maximum illumination during the day;
  • groundwater should be low, no closer than 2 m to the surface;
  • should be a rocker from the north wind, the wall of a house, a fence or a protective screen;
  • choose seedlings should be self-propelled winter-hardy varieties;
  • soil should be warm, fertile with lots of earthworms.

If you raise the landing site to a height of 70 cm above the ground, the hill will warm up faster. Roots rise higher from groundwater. For moistening arranged saucer. Adult apricot does not require frequent watering.

Planting apricot garden

Every gardener wants to get the first harvest from a seedling as soon as possible. It is possible if the apricots are planted in spring with container-type saplings on formers. As a stock, plum dicks are used, local varieties that do not freeze. Apricot is grafted at the level of 1.2-1.5 m from the base. Grafting a trunk at such a height protects the apricot stem from preying - the woes of the trees near Moscow. Winter hardiness and yield of apricot increase. How graft can use zoned varieties. Sell ​​such seedlings in containers. Acquire planting material is needed only in nurseries.

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Planting apricots in the middle lane can be carried out by seedlings of zoned varieties with an open root system. The best time for landing is the end of April. The young plant must be protected from return frost. Plants selected local selection, with swollen, but closed buds. Such a seedling will yield in 4-6 years.

You can save dried stones from local trees, and plant apricots in the fall. To do this, prepare a trench, fill it with loose fertile soil, put bones, sprinkle with earth and zamulchevat straw or hay. A natural stratification will pass, and young seedlings will sprout in spring, but not all. Planting and caring for seedlings is to create a crown, to ensure conditions for rapid development and protection from diseases and pests.

A special feature in the care of apricots is the need to regulate the harvest and the formation of the fruit tree throughout its life.

Whether apricots grow in the Urals and in Siberia

Not long ago, an amateur who demonstrated apricots at an exhibition of giving dachas was ashamed of local gardeners, reproaching that he had brought the fruits. It was a local enthusiast Nikolai P. Pittelin from Chelyabinsk. He began the introduction of apricot in the Urals with the use of seeds as a seed for the stock of semi-cultures of the local station - poles.

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For 6 years he was looking for material for a scion. In 1992, Khabarovsk and Akademik received cuttings from Khabarovsk and planted them on 6-year-old local saplings. Then he received zoned varieties from the first scions, and introduced Krasnoyarsk - Seraphim and Amur.

As a result, he received local zoned varieties, cuttings from which he distributed to lovers of gardeners. Apricots in the Urals settled down. In the most frosty winters, when apple and cherry trees died, apricots remained. But during the flowering period it is difficult to protect them from returning frosts, which are not uncommon in the Urals. Of the ten years, apricots fruited 6 times, in other years, the crop died in flowering. But at the same time, apples, pears and plums suffered.

In the Ural region, the following is recommended for cultivation:

  • , Amur variety, medium-grown tree, with fruits weighing 30 g, sweet, yields up to 40 kg in favorable years are partially self-bearing;
  • variety Seraphim, fruits weighing up to 30 g, pulp slightly mealy, sour-sweet, yields up to 30 kg, self-infesting;
  • variety Khabarovsk, vigorous, spreading, yield up to 35 kg, self-regenerates quickly, fruits on the taste scale 4 points;
  • variety Academician, vigorous, fruits up to 55 g in weight, taste 4 points.
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Planting apricots in Siberia, in the area of ​​risky agriculture, also conducted by local ports. Here, for 40 years, tester Ivan Leontyevich Baikalov was engaged in selection, a Minusinsk fruit-nursery was created in Khakassia. The works of Baikalov on the improvement of local varieties did not create a breakthrough, but they are used as a stock in the Urals and South-Siberian regions.

However, there are several varieties that are winter-hardy, flowering from return frost in bloom and are used in further breeding work:

  1. Siberian Baikalova is based on an unknown variety imported from the Far East. The variety was created in Khakassia on a private plot, registered in 2002 by the State Register. Tree 3.5 m high, sprawling, not thickened, fruit buds of the bouquet type.
  2. East Siberian is a hybrid of the Ordinary and Manchurian varieties. Feature - blooms in mid-May. Fruits 25-35 g, tasty, sweet kernel.
  3. Northern Lights - a third generation hybrid, created in collaboration with Matyunin. The hybrid has high frost resistance. Apricot blooms in the second decade of May, It leaves the return frosts.

The peculiarity in growing Siberian apricots in planting is only on the hills, and the land should be enough so that the roots do not freeze in the winter. The planting of several varieties is obligatory, since there are no zoned self-fertile varieties. No trimming per ring is allowed. It is necessary to protect the health of the tree, which is difficult to survive in the Siberian conditions.

Apricots in Central Russia - Video

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