Why and when pruning is done

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Pruning pruning -

  • pruning pruning in the summer
    • Forming the plum crown - video

Pruning pruning -

  • Pruning the plum in the summer
    • Pruning crown -

video Pruned pruning -

  • Pruning the plum in the summer
    • Pruning crown -

video Pruned pruning -

  • Pruning the plum in the summer
    • Pruning crown -

video Pruned pruning -

  • Pruning crown plum in the summerIf pruning neglect spontaneous sprouting of the crown will not only adversely affect the appearance of the tree, but also lead to a deterioration in the quality and volume of the crop.

    Pruning in the first years after planting.

    Regular crown formation begins almost immediately after planting. Then, to these works, sanitary pruning and rejuvenation of already adult, fruiting plants are added.

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    For the crown of the tree to be as compact as possible, strong, easily permeable to air, light and pollinating insects, from the first year after planting a plum trimming pruning is carried out. It helps to achieve the goals:

    • removal of shoots directed deep into the crown and leading to its excessive density;
    • correction of the position of shoots extending from the trunk at a too acute angle;
    • removal of weak branches;
    • bookmark strong, evenly spaced skeletal branches with a good prospect of growth and fruiting.

    Pruning of young trees is carried out very carefully with an eye to the future. How to prune the plum at this time will be prompted by the scheme:

    When the tree enters fruiting season, the formation of the crown does not end, but stops for 2–3 years. During this period, the plant has time to acquire a new growth, which will be laid the first crops.

    This garden requires supporting pruning, which helps both grow and at the same time provide a decent amount of fruit.

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    Pruning of the fruit tree of plum

    The younger the tree, the stronger the annual growth. With age and the onset of fruiting, the rate of crown growth decreases. From 30–40 cm, the increase drops to 15 cm, which indicates the need for rejuvenation. Such pruning pruning is done to maintain growth and yield. If the gardener does not pay attention to this procedure:

    • , even a correctly formed crown will thicken with time;
    • formation of the ovary moves to the very periphery;
    • lacking nutrition and moisture fruits are shrinking;
    • deteriorates crop quality and volume.

    Launched trees not only produce less fruit every year, they become available prey for pests and diseases of fruit crops.

    The first thing they do when rejuvenating pruning is thinning the crown and removing damaged branches. If you have a large amount of work, it is better to hold them in stages.

    1. First, the most thawed, dried or badly damaged branches, basal shoots, as well as shoots growing inside the crown are cut.
    2. The following year, the krone should be thinned, while the young shoots formed during this time are left and, if necessary, shortened.

    After pruning is complete, sawn with a diameter of more than 1–2 cm should be boiled and the tree fed and watered.

    Updated plum provides a powerful increase, some of which will become new skeletal branches. The rest of the shoots should be cut on the ring. Tall varieties of plums can grow up to 8-10 meters. Therefore, together with the rejuvenating pruning, their height is adjusted.

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    is necessary Pruning of plums in spring

    Spring brings a lot of joy and trouble. Plums before other fruit trees come to life and begin to grow, so it is important to prune them in time. Formation of the crown of young plants should pass 20 to 30 days before bud break, that is, until the tree has left the rest. This will push for a quick shoot growth and will not weaken the green pet.

    There are no restrictions on pruning adult plum trees. Work can be carried out from early spring to late autumn, if weather conditions allow. This mainly concerns the sanitary cutting of dry and diseased parts of the tree.

    If rejuvenation is to occur, as is the case with a young sapling, prune pruning in the spring is better to complete 20 days before the buds swell.

    Pruning in the summer of

    Summer is the most active and challenging season of the year for the fruit tree. At this time, it forms the ovary and actively feeds to give a bountiful sweet harvest.

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    Is it possible to trim the plum at this time? Would not such an intervention be harmful to a gardener? Of course, from April to September you should not be engaged in the formation of a crown or rejuvenate the orchard. But in the warm season for hacksaws, garden shears and pruners have a deal.

    Pruning in the summer of pruning is aimed at maintaining the correct growth and redirecting nutrients from unnecessary growth to the branches and fruits.

    For this, throughout the summer, it is necessary to cut green tops and all root shoots so that there is no protruding stumps on the trunk and just below the ground level.

    Pruning pruned in autumn is permissible in regions where autumn is long, and fruit trees have enough time to acclimatize and not suffer from severe frosts. Most often, this agrotechnical technique is practiced south of the middle band. However, sawing dry branches or diseased can and should be done in the autumn months. The fallen leaves do not interfere with assessing the situation, so that by the spring the tree comes completely ready for flowering and fruiting.

    Plum Crown Formation - Video

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