How to wash a coat in a washing machine

Manufacturers do not recommend washing their coats at SMA, the experience of many owners suggests otherwise. So is it possible to wash a coat in a washing machine? Subject to all recommendations, washing the coat in a washing machine is still possible. So that you do not have any problems, let's try to figure out which mode to choose, which means to use. You will save time and money on a trip to dry cleaning. Let's get started

material Contents:

  • 1 How to determine whether the wash coat
    • 1.1 possible How to wash wool coat
    • 1.2 How to wash coat polyester
    • 1.3 How to wash of thick cloth coat in the machine-Machine
  • 2 How to properly wash coat in a washing machine: preparation
  • 3 Canwhether to wash the coat by hand and get a good result
  • 4 We wash in the machine without efforts
  • 5 How to wash the coat on a padding polyester in the

typewriterb, from which fabric it is sewn, what quality and so on. For example, the quality of staining, you can understand whether it is possible to wash it in a typewriter. Just soak the corner of the floor for 1 hour in warm water and watch. If the water is painted and fade, then it means that the thing sheds, and it can not be washed in the CM.Consider the type of fabric: it depends on what mode to wash the coat.
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How to wash a wool coat

First of all, it is not recommended to wash such a thing in automatic mode. Even if your washing machine includes a handwash mode, it is recommended to wash such clothes by hand, soaking in warm water. If you do not want to spoil your favorite clothes, wash them with your hands. More effective washing - cleaning.

How to wash a coat of polyester

The most pleasant fact: that it can be washed in a machine, without fear of the consequences. But accuracy does not hurt anyone, so choose a careful mode: set 40 degrees and turn off spinning. You will be pleasantly surprised by the result and quality of washing. Is it possible to wash a cashmere coat Strongly impossible! Once in the water, a cashmere item will not be wearable. Clean with a dry method.

How to wash a drape coat in an

machine. Unfortunately, this material is suitable only for hand washing. Sending clothes to the washer will ruin it. It is best to remove the dirt partially and carefully.

If the dry coat is written on the coat tag, you should not conduct an experiment and check whether it is possible to wash .Instead of a positive result, you get a spoiled item.

How to wash a coat in a washing machine: preparation

The preparation process must be thorough in order to get a good result. Before washing, be sure to examine the tag on the clothes: there must be indicated whether the item is suitable for washing or not. If you see a basin crossed out with a cross, the answer is no. But if there is no designation, and you are ready to act, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the general recommendations of experienced professionals:

  1. Pay attention to the% of natural fabrics on the label. If it is above 65, then do not erase the thing in the machine. Wash your coat by hand.
  2. Use only high-quality liquid powders "Automatic".They should be suitable for the fabric and color of the clothes.
  3. If there are any glued products on things, they may fall off after washing.
  4. Before washing the coat, be sure to inspect the contents of the pockets so that the automatic washing machine does not get clogged.
  5. As mentioned earlier, do not forget to test the durability of dyes.
  6. Take into account the information indicated on the item tag( washing temperature, spinning, etc.).

Important! Before washing you should make sure that the machine has enough features: capacity, programs, temperature.

Can I wash the coat by hand and get a good result

Hand wash - it's not as easy as we would like. But if washing in the CMA is prohibited, then there is simply no other option. Follow the guidelines on how to wash your coat with your hands:

  1. Do not wash clothes if you have a fur collar. Before washing the fur should be unpicked. If you are thinking of washing the park in a washing machine, this advice will be your first priority.
  2. If the coat is voluminous and long - wash it in the bathroom. For short clothes, a large pelvis is enough. Wash thing to warm water at 40 degrees.

  1. Use quality powder for washing delicate fabrics. On 1 liter of water, add 1 tbsp.washing agent.
  2. Just for a couple of minutes, immerse the thing in water, slightly remember.
  3. Rinse in cold water until it brightens.
  4. Hang on a hanger so that the clothes do not deform after drying. In no case do not dry on the clothesline, jokes with clothespins.
  5. Slightly damp coat iron through gauze.
  6. Return to the hanger.

If all the tips are followed, hand washing does not take much trouble.


effortlessly in a typewriter. So, the following is required to wash clothes:

  1. Remove all things from the washer drum, wipe it with a dry cloth. In addition to the coat in the machine should not be any more things.
  2. Pour liquid powder or washing gel into the powder receptacle.
  3. Turn the thing inside out and put it in the drum, not twisting.
  4. Set the program for washing delicate fabrics, set the minimum speed, disable the spin function.
  5. As for the temperature, it is not recommended to put more than 30-40 degrees when washing the coat.
  6. Run the program. At the end, remove the coat and hang on a hanger for dripping moisture.

How to wash a coat on a synthetic winterizer in an

typewriter. Our tips will help you figure out how to avoid washing problems and keep clothes in top condition.

  1. All buttons and zippers button.
  2. Set the delicate wash mode or for synthetic products at 30-40 degrees. Disable spinning and drying. Expose on extra rinse.
  3. Use any liquid.
  4. After finishing the program, remove the coat from the drum, slightly squeeze it with your hands, hang it on a hanger.

We slightly deviate from the topic, and give a couple of tips, how to wash a sheepskin coat in an washing machine. It’s best to dry clean these clothes. But if there is no possibility, there are several excellent ways to care for the outerwear at home:

  1. In a specialty store, purchase a product designed for cleaning leather goods. Treat all contaminated areas following the instructions.
  2. If you want to give things their former attractiveness, then just use a vacuum cleaner to install a furniture attachment.

In conclusion, we can say a few words about drying a coat - regardless of the material. The wrong approach will lead to the fact that the coat will be clean, but it will not be very pleasant to smell from it. It is better to dry the thing in the fresh air. Detergents always select the right type of fabric and color. Think well, wash the coat at home or take to dry cleaning. But if you still decide to put the clothes in order on their own, do not doubt yourself. You must succeed!

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