How to wash dummies in a washing machine

Care for winter shoes raises questions? Especially this applies to those who prefer to wear "duffies" in the winter. Can I wash them in a typewriter or should I abstain from this procedure and clean the boots of dirt manually? The rules of care for this particular winter footwear will be considered further.

Content of the material:

  • 1"Dutiki" - requirements for care
    • 1.1Washing rules
    • 1.2Drying rules
  • 2Lunar boots: space history

"Dutiki" - requirements for care

"Dutiki" or "Duty" - a demi-season or winter footwear with waterproof properties. They are made of technological fabrics, and not leather, suede or leatherette. Standard materials for such boots are membrane tissue from the outside and fur inside. Boots or boots of an inflated type are comfortable in the sock due to the anti-slip sole and wide boot.

Interesting! A rare name for dummies is "munbuts." If you translate the symbiosis of these English words into Russian, you will get "moonwalkers".

The fineness of care depends on what materials are used in the manufacture of boots. On the etiquette of most dummies there is an icon that prohibits automatic washing. However, not all this stops. This is justified if you have bought really good shoes. If you have a pair of boots of Chinese production, poorly glued and of poor quality fabric, they are unlikely to carry a wash.

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Washing rules

Is it possible to wash dentists in a washing machine? We can not give an unambiguous answer to the question due to a number of circumstances:

  1. Did you get low-quality boots? Prepare for the fact that they will break.
  2. Are you sure of the quality of the gluing and firmware? You can take a chance.

Adhere to strict rules so as not to damage your shoes:

  • Remove the dirt first.
  • Pack the duffers in a laundry bag and put them into the drum of the machine.
  • If the boots are made from a membrane, pour the liquid shampoo to wash the membrane tissues into the drum. Or use a regular liquid gel for delicate washing, if the fabric is easier.
  • If the boots are winter and filled with fluff or synthetic filler, use a shampoo to wash ski suits. In detail about such facilities you will find out on the page "How to wash a ski suit in a washing machine".
  • Modes that are suitable: "Delicate washing "Manual mode "Shoes "Down jacket". The main thing is that the water does not warm up more than 40 degrees.
  • Disconnect the spin option beforehand.
  • Switch off machine drying if this option is available.
  • Start the mode and wait for the program to finish.
  • Do not reach for the boots at once - allow excess water to drain off.

Attention! Users complain that dirt does not wash out under low temperature conditions. To improve the quality of washing, wash the stains in advance.

Automatic washing does not fit all boots-dentists. Examine the label: if sheepskin is used as a heater, machine wash will ruin the fur. Have you examined the boots and came to the conclusion that it is not worth it to wash them in the car? Hand wash: with a brush and a solution of normal soap. Lather both boots and a shower soap off soap foam. This washing will be gentle for the sole.

Drying rules

Washing dummies is half the battle. To keep their appearance and properties, you need proper drying. Conventional "moonwalkers" can be dried near a heater or a radiator, pre-tampering with paper or towels. If the membrane is diaphragm, this drying will not work - move the boots away from the heat source so that the puffs do not lose their waterproof properties.

After washing does not prevent the processing of boots water repellent, which can be purchased at a specialized store. More details about the means can be found in the article "Is it possible to wash a tent in a washing machine".

Lunar boots: space history

Clothing and footwear futuristic style won the love of citizens of the Union back in the 80's. That's when the "moon" boots came into fashion. The first Moon Boots were created under the patronage of an entrepreneur from Italy, Giancarlo Zanatta, who was inspired by the walk of Americans through the lunar landscapes.

The first dudes were artificial - made of nylon, nylon, rubber, so care for them was simple. No one bothered with machine washing, and our mothers and grandmothers are unlikely to share life-loving care for dentists, since in the 90s their boots have worn out and disappeared from the market. Only from the middle of the "zero" munbuts again returned to the shops to win the buyer. Now they are made from other fabrics, for different purposes and consumers, so the question of washing has risen especially sharply.

You already know how to wash dummies. Follow the rules so that this washing does not become for the shoes last.

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