How to clean the foam core with clothing and other surfaces: 5 trouble-free way


  • 1 Clean clothes: 5 Ways
  • 2 Clear the other surfaces
    • 2.1 Clean tools with foam
    • 2.2 Clear the doors and windows of the foam
    • 2.3 Remove from the floor mounting foam
    • 2.4 Clear the foam skin and hair
  • 3 findings
Traces of foam on the clothes belong to the category of stubborn, but with them you can handle, if you know how.Traces of foam on the clothes belong to the category of stubborn, but with them you can handle, if you know how.

Making repairs, you do not even notice how there is a whole "Assorted" pollution, among which the most frightening stains foam. I recently faced this problem, and tell you how I was able to solve it and the clean assembly foam from clothes, to restore its appearance.

Clean clothes: 5 Ways

The early start to the removal of stains, the easier it is to get rid of him.The early start to the removal of stains, the easier it is to get rid of him.

Derive the following hard foam from any surface, be it clothes or home furnishings. Given this fact, we strongly recommend to use this tool with caution and, if possible, wear clothing that is not a pity to spoil.

But the situation may be different, so I suggest to find out how to remove the mounting foam from clothes with their own hands:

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Picture instruction
table_pic_att14928072262 Method 1. Liquid cleaning assembly handgun
  1. Carefully cut the frozen foam knife, being careful not to damage the fabric;
  2. With a cotton pad soak stain "Cleaner" and leave for 5 minutes;
  3. Once softened track, ototrite residue with not very stiff brush;
  4. In order to wash the thing to the end, send it in the washing machine.

Required to perform the test inconspicuous area of ​​tissue before the procedure to avoid unexpected reactions.

table_pic_att14928072273 Method 2. Paint thinner
  1. Moisten a cotton swab in solvent (acetone can be used and "white spirit) and rub area, with which to remove the foam core;
  2. Then rub the stain with a brush and wash the thing if necessary.

If the solvent is not at hand, take a means for removal of a varnish, a part of which has acetone.

table_pic_att14928072294 Method 3. Aerosol Foam Cleaner

If the foam was found on the jeans or overalls, try this remedy:

  1. Shake the spray can;
  2. Spray the stale trail;
  3. Leave on for 30 minutes;
  4. Now it is necessary to wash away the remnants of funds under running water and, if necessary, wash the thing.

Buy a spray can in DIY stores, the price is acceptable.

table_pic_att14928072305 Method 4. dimexide
  1. Clean the soiled portion Dimexidum and let soak for 10 minutes;
  2. When the foam softens, ototrite residues with a brush;
  3. At the end be sure to wash the thing with an additional portion of the powder.
table_pic_att14928072316 Method 5. Freeze acetone +
  1. Send your clothes in the freezer for 4 hours;
  2. The foam will become brittle, so much of it can simply be scraped sawing;
  3. Then wipe the remaining traces of acetone and, if necessary, wash.

I recommend to use rubber gloves to protect hands from exposure to chemicals.

Clear the other surfaces

Sometimes you have to think about how to remove the mounting foam from other surfaces. It can be found on:

  • construction tools;
  • doors and windows;
  • flooring;
  • skin and hair.
Sometimes there are also such incidents, as in the photo.Sometimes there are also such incidents, as in the photo.

Clean tools with foam

There are two methods to get rid of foam that fell on the tools - mechanical and chemical. The main difference is that in the former case, you can remove the already frozen, and in the second fresh foam.


  1. mechanical cleaning. With a sharp object cut the foam construction. To remove the remains, rub the surface of a metal sponge.

This is a rather crude method of cleaning and, most likely, the instruments remain scratches.

  1. chemical cleaning. Use "antifoam cleaner" according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Antifoam cleaner removes the foam even with the gun and container spout with a filler.Antifoam cleaner removes the foam even with the gun and container spout with a filler.

Clear the doors and windows of the foam

When installing new doors and plastic windows, as a rule, all the cracks are filled with foam. And, unfortunately, the traces of the filler may be is not where you want them.

In the photo - the consequences of careless blowing gaps between the window and the wall.In the photo - the consequences of careless blowing gaps between the window and the wall.

To remove the frozen stuff from windows and doorsMust first cut the large "sheep" knife and then use a suitable solvent.

PVC windows are suitable means for plastic.PVC windows are suitable means for plastic.

Use solvents very carefully. In their structure there are harsh chemicals that can dissolve the plastic and wood. Strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Remove from the floor mounting foam

I know from experience that remove traces of aggregate from the floor is very simple. There are options:

Picture instruction
table_pic_att149280724311 Method 1. Cutting down

With a sharp object scrape withered means from the floor.

table_pic_att149280724412 Method 2. Dissolve

Take any solvent which there is at hand, and treat the dried foam. After dissolution of the substance, wipe the floor with a damp sponge.

table_pic_att149280724513 Method 3. soak

Most of the tracks from the aggregate can be removed by simply soaking them thoroughly. Liberally moisten the sponge and leave for 30 minutes to get dirty area. The spot should be easy to get.

To enhance the effect, add detergent.

Clear the foam skin and hair

Remove traces of construction foam from the skin and hair may be normal vegetable oil. Apply the oil on the tissue flap and rub forth motions in the necessary areas. As the fabric contamination, take a new one.

After processing the oil, be sure to wash your skin with soap and hair shampoo.After processing the oil, be sure to wash your skin with soap and hair shampoo.


As you have seen, you can cope with any spots, most importantly, time to find them, and choose the appropriate tool. Videos in this article demonstrate the effectiveness of some methods in action. If you know other effective recipes - Share them in the comments.

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