Learning to use coffee machines of different types

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Learning to use coffee machines of different types


Each case, including the brewing of coffee, must be approached with knowledge. Let's figure out how to use the coffee machine to get a fragrant rich coffee and prepare other delicious coffee drinks.

There are several types of devices that differ among themselves in the way of brewing ground milling grains. Each coffee maker involves interfering in her work of a person to some extent. You must necessarily buy ground coffee or grind it yourself, fill the tea leaves in the filter, fill with water, clean the filter.


  • 1Geyser device
  • 2Drip type
  • 3Carob type

Geyser device

We learn to begin with, how to use a geyser coffee machine, and that in general it is from itself. This device was invented almost two hundred years ago in England and since then it has been very popular in some European countries.

The principle of operation of the coffee machine of the geyser type is that the water boils and rises up the tube, where it welds the ground grain. The device is divided into three main parts:

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  • lower part for water;
  • medium for coffee;
  • Upper for a brewed ready-to-drink beverage.

At a price, a geyser coffee machine is inexpensive compared to some other types, and it is very easy to use. You must pour the water in the lower part not above the maximum mark and pour the ground coffee on the filter.


Experts advise using medium or coarse grains, then the drink will be more delicious.

Press the ground grain with a mesh, place the upper part on the bottom and secure it. Then simply place the appliance on a gas or electric stove and wait until it boils. You can not open the top cover during brewing, as it can be burned. After 5-7 minutes the drink will be ready and it can be drained into a cup, holding the handle of the coffee machine.


Coffee, cooked in a geyser coffee machine, is sometimes called Italian, because this method of brewing is used in Italy.


A geyser coffee machine needs to be cleaned after each use. The coffee cake should be removed and thrown out, and the appliance should be washed with soda or a cleaner for coffee makers.

Drip type

Now consider a very common type of electric coffee makers - a drop. This is, perhaps, the most simple to use devices, which can be turned on even in a sleepy state. In addition, the volume of the drip coffee machine can be large and small, depending on the model, and they are very different in design. Here's how to use a coffee maker of this type.

  • Pour water into the container, which is located on top.
  • Using a measuring spoon, fall asleep in the coffee filter. The filter is next to the water tank.
  • Press the power button and wait for the finished drink to drain.

The principle of the drip device is that the water boils and gradually penetrates into the filter, brews the coffee, and then flows down. If you add to the grinded spice grains, you can prepare drinks with an additional flavor and taste. You can also brew tea and herbs.


It is believed that the drip coffee maker is better at brewing medium-sized grits. Filters must be changed as they become clogged.

Before the very first application through a drip coffee machine, it is advised that several times the usual water be dispensed to rid the appliance of dust and foreign odors.

Drip coffee machines often provide additional functions, such as heating the container with a ready-made drink, regulating the strength and speed of the strait, etc.

Carob type


Great opportunities for coffee lovers open the coffee machine, and now we will briefly describe how to use this type of coffee maker.

Its name was given by a special cup-horn with a long handle, into which coffee is covered. It works, as well as a drop, from electricity. They use coffee of various grinds. It is poured into the horn in the required quantity and compacted. Then the horn is inserted into the socket and the heating is turned on.


The water must be pre-filled in the boiler and heated. After 1-2 minutes, hot, fragrant coffee with foam will flow.

The carob can be used to make latte and cappuccino, because it can whip the milk into a foam. Many modern models are equipped with this function.

Since the carob coffee machine perfectly prepares espresso, it is often called an espresso coffee machine. The brewing process takes place with the help of hot steam entering the filter under pressure. The higher the pressure, the better the device is considered. Preference is also given to the horn made of metal, as the coffee in it is better heated.

All appliances that heat water should be descaled. Some coffee makers have a self-cleaning method. If it is not, we will tell you how to clean the coffee machine from the scum.

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