Every year, the owners of dacha plots solve the difficult task of choosing between one or another kind of vegetable. What will give the biggest harvest, and even to the cucumber differed excellent taste. Among the recent inventions of breeders stands out the variety of cucumbers Siberian garland f1. In terms of simplicity of cultivation and the volume of the crop, it compares favorably with the other colleagues of the , with the correct formation of the bush gives ovaries in the form of bunches or bouquets.
Contents:and disadvantages of cucumber Siberian garland f1
What is the variety
? Breeders from Chelyabinsk a few years ago brought a new culture. From one plant you can get fruits in the amount of 40 kg. A characteristic feature is the presence of bundle ovaries and early harvest - first cucumbers appear 45 days after the shoots appear.

Yield indicator depends on timely removal of ripened cucumbers. If you follow all the rules, you can get vegetables before the first frost. Cucumbers are dark green in color, up to 8 cm in length, the tips are painted more lightly. Soft thorns exfoliate the entire fruit. Taste sweet, fragrant .Ideal for use in fresh salad or for blanks. Bitterness is absent at the genetic level. The variety is characterized by endurance, easily tolerates cooling and drought .Immune to the following ailments:
- powdery mildew;
- spotting brown;
- tobacco mosaic;
- peronosporiosis
Correct planting of the garland
Planting is done by two methods: seedling and seed .
Getting seedlings

A good crop can not be harvested without quality, strong seedlings. Works begin in the last days of the first spring month. In pre-prepared containers with fertile soil fit seed. The depth of the holes is 2 cm. Then, glass or film is used to cover the future seedlings. The containers are placed in a place with bright light and a constant temperature not lower than +25 degrees. Watering is carried out every 3-4 days. The first shoots will appear after 7 days .
With the formation of the first sprouts of covering material, it is necessary to remove, but not sharply, but gradually. Every day, the film is removed for 7-10 minutes, so that by the time the first sheet is formed, it can be removed completely.
The seedling of one month of age is ready for moving to the main place of residence - the garden.

To grow from seeds is the easiest way to , all you need is to plant the seeds in the garden. Prior to this, it is recommended to perform several non-burdensome actions that will improve germination in the future:
- seeds are placed in warm water and left for 24 hours ( if some seeds pop up, then they can be safely thrown away);
- is processed weak manganese solution ;
- wait until the seeds germinate;
- should be planted carefully, without damaging the root ;
- pits in the ground to a depth of 1.5 cm , keep a distance of 70 cm between each, and the next row should not be closer than 15 cm;
- at the time of landing the average temperature of the soil is about +15 degrees .
The seedlings are pulled out of the pot, it is not necessary to shake off the ground and sink into the hole, so that the real leaves are not in the soil. Earth cautious ramming. Before and after landing abundant watering is necessary. If the beds were not prepared in advance( this will be discussed below), you need to add a handful of ash and urea in the amount of 5 g.
To save heat outside, a covering material is used.

We are engaged in preparing the ground
For the Siberian garland we need a place with the light penumbra .Hot sun leads to poor growth, fast drying of plants and a small amount of fruit. The lack of natural protection( shading trees, buildings or a fence) is no reason to refuse planting a crop. It is very easy to build a small shed by yourself. A little trick. Next to the cucumbers are planted sunflowers or corn, which will provide shading.
The creation of a cucumber bed is worth doing in the fall .Garbage of plant origin is placed on the chosen place - fine straw, pruned branches, fallen leaves. The layer can reach 12 cm. Above you need to lay in the same amount of cow dung, cover with foil and leave for the winter. When doing spring work, fill in the humus.
Spring preparation of beds will require the introduction of mineral dressings .On the selected area loosen the soil, laid with rotted organic matter or compost. From above they are filled with nitrophoska in dry form and sifted with wood ash, then the turn of the soil layer begins. Finally, the bed is watered, covered with film and left in this form for 10 days.
How to care for cucumbers after planting
The usual actions for all growers are as follows:
- timely watering and mulching the soil;
- feed application;
- culture formation and garter on the trellis.
What you need to know about watering
The lack of water will have a negative impact on vegetables. Watering should be regular .With strong heat, this procedure becomes daily. The rest of the time, as needed, and not waiting until the earth begins to dry. The most favorable watering hours are morning ones. It is recommended to use warm, settled water. Allowed to organize drip irrigation, but the sprinkler installation can not be used. A layer of mulch 10 cm under each bush will help keep the moisture.

How to apply fertilizer
Siberian garland need frequent fertilizing to ensure a bountiful harvest. You can opt for chemical means or folk, then each owner decides for himself. It is recommended to fertilize once every 7 days and at the same time change their composition. Before the procedure, the plants are watered abundantly with to avoid damage to the tender root system.
Forming garlands
The bush must be properly formed, otherwise you can not wait for all the promised miracles from the Siberian garland in terms of yield. The plant is formed by a single stem .At the lower nodes it is necessary to remove all stepsons together with the ovaries. One shoot is left, on which there are leaves and ovaries in each nodule.
After the bush grows by 2 meters, you can not pinch it, but let it form on its own, twisting around trellis.
About diseases and pests
As mentioned above, the Siberian garland has immunity to the most common ailments in vegetable crops. Often, the summer resident is faced with the appearance of one or another kind of rot and harmful insects.
- When forming gray mold, must destroy all the affected parts of the plant. Rub into the cut, but very carefully bluestone, mixed with wood ash. Specially developed means are used as preventive measures.
- From gourd aphid will help protect plants with a sharp, odor: hot pepper, tobacco leaves, onion or garlic arrows. All this is crushed, mixed with water. The resulting solution is used for processing cucumbers. If it came to the invasion of the insect, it is necessary to use insecticides.
- It is useless to fight with spider mite, so the treatment is carried out with acaricides. After harvesting, sulfur checkers are used to disinfect the soil.
The defeat of cucumber with peronosporia
On the merits and demerits of cucumber Siberian garland f1
Among the positive qualities of the Siberian garland are the following:
- abundant crop ;
- long-term fruiting;
- immunity to disease;
- excellent taste of the fruit ;
- undemanding to growing conditions;
- selfing.
Even such a remarkable variety in all respects has its drawbacks:
- it is necessary to properly form a bush;
- high cost seed ;
- annual purchase of seeds, becauseharvested from grown plants do not have maternal qualities.
Most summer residents are completely satisfied with the new variety and its yield. A huge plus is the absence of common unpleasant diseases. But to enjoy the abundance of cucumbers will have to work as it should: do not forget to form a bush and in time to make top dressing. Against the background of a large number of positive qualities, the disadvantages are almost imperceptible.