The best varieties of carrot seeds for Siberia

Carrots are not only beautiful, but also very useful root vegetables. It is very difficult to find a garden where they would not grow this vegetable. But what to do if climatic conditions are harsh and constantly changing, for example, in Siberia. The solution was found by Russian breeders who bred a large number of hybrids and seeds of good varieties of carrots for the harsh climate. Contents:

  1. Early( 85-100 days);
  2. Mid-season( 100-120);
  3. Late( from 120 days).

Early Ripe

Amsterdam - 12 cm, cylindrical vegetables, can grow in open and protected ground. The hybrid is medium-yielding, has juicy pulp, orange color. Fruits do not crack.

Alenka - ultra early. Vegetable cleaned for 2 months after germination. Root crop is medium-sized, with excellent taste.

Parisian Cardel - one of the oldest and ultra early varieties. The vegetable is not large, egg-shaped, with a dessert flavor.



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is the most famous variety. The harvest ripens for 110 days. The fruit has a rich orange color with small eyes. The degree of maturity can be determined by staining the top in green or purple. The hybrid does not crack and endures many diseases. You can sow both in spring and before winter.

Losinoostrovskaya 13 - root vegetable stupidly or sharp-cut, contains a large amount of vitamin A, has found wide application in dietology and in the manufacture of baby food. Vegetable has a delicate flavor with a sweet aftertaste. Designed for long-term storage, resistant to many diseases.

The Altai shortened is a pointed root vegetable that does not undergo any cracking. Carrots with orange pulp, weighing up to 150 grams.


Shantane - harvesting begins at 4 months. Root large, weighing up to 250 grams. It has a blunt shape, bright orange. The fruits are tasty and juicy, designed for long-term storage.

The incomparable is very high-yielding. Fruit weight reaches up to 250 grams. Juicy and tasty pulp is colored in dark orange color.

Nevis - blunt-conical, cylindrical roots reach 160 grams. Late-ripening, high-yielding. With apt.meter, with proper care, you can collect up to 9 kg of carrots.

Optimal for the Siberian climate

When choosing carrot seeds, the eyes diverge from their diversity. In order to plant and get a good harvest, you need to pay attention to:

  1. Resistance to climate change and disease;
  2. Frost;
  3. Maturation;
  4. Storage time.
For the climate of Siberia, it is necessary to choose any varieties that do not have the longest growing season, otherwise you can not wait for the harvest.

The best sorts for the Siberian climate are:

  • Nantes - one of the most popular varieties, medium degree of ripeness;
  • Losinoostrovskaya 13 - from the moment of germination to harvest - 100 days;
  • Dayana - average yarn and late;
  • Incomparable - harvesting occurs in the third month after germination of seedlings;
  • Nastena - mid-season, intended for podzim and spring sowing;
  • Nevis - high-yielding, mid-season. With apt.meters can collect up to 9 kg of crop.

Best storage varieties

Storage duration depends on:

  • Planting time;
  • Growing Conditions;
  • Harvest time.

The best varieties for long-term storage are late-ripening. They are resistant to diseases and tolerate temperature fluctuations air.

With proper storage, they can last until the month of June. These varieties have long, spiky root vegetables.

These include:

The Queen of Autumn is one of the most long-lived. Carrots are not arrowed and resistant to cracking. Mid-season, the collection of root crops begin on day 120 after the emergence of shoots.

Sweet winter - late-ripening, high-yielding. The pulp is high in vitamin A and sugar. At observance of temperature condition at storage, can keep the taste till June.

Olympus - high-yielding, with tasty and juicy fruits. Keeps all its useful properties until the end of May.

Flacaco - late and large-fruited. The mass of carrots is 250 grams. The flesh is juicy and tasty, contains a large amount of carotene.

Best Mid-Ripe

The period from germination to harvest is 100-120 days.

Mid-season carrots are considered the most juicy and sweet.

Vitamin 6 is a stupid, 150 gram vegetable, distinguished by its high palatability, resistance to cracking and long-term storage.

Vita Long is a popular and favorite variety of many gardeners. She received her love for resistance to black rot and high transportability. The root crop is consumed fresh and in the preparation of juices.

Moscow Winter - medium-yielding, elongated, spiky, orange root vegetable. The main qualities - resistance to cracking and many diseases, has a long shelf life.

Nante - stable yielding regardless of climatic conditions. Vegetable preserves its taste to the first days of spring.

Nantes - the species became popular for frost resistance, productivity, resistance to diseases and cracking, as well as unsurpassed taste.


Dolanka - very productive, late-ripening. Resistant to bloom, carrot fly and fusarium. Stored until the end of spring.

The Emperor - dull-witted carrots has a sweet and juicy flesh. Resistant to diseases, harvesting - for 135 days.

Red Giant - variety came to our country from Germany. Fruits are large, grow to 25 cm. Ideal for podzimy planting. Average, stored until early April.

Most Yield

Productivity depends on the correct choice of seeds. Experienced gardeners choose zoned, for their region , carrot varieties.

Samson is a high-yielding variety of carrots. With apt.meter, subject to the rules of care, you can collect up to 10 kg of carrots. Mid-season, has orange roots weighing up to 200 grams.

Nandrin - harvest for 90 days after germination. Ideal for cultivation in the central and northern regions. The mass of carrots - 300 grams.

Canada is a late-ripening, high-yielding hybrid. It has a sweetish taste, suitable for long-term storage.

Tushon - precocious, high-yielding. It has good taste, is not subject to long-term storage.

In order for the crop to be generous and stored as long as possible, it is necessary to choose the right varieties according to the region of residence. Tasty and juicy carrots, with proper care, can be used until next season.

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