As stretch denim: 3 true for any method of density cloth


  • 1 That promotes stretching of the fabric?
    • 1.1 Method 1. spraying
    • 1.2 Method 2. Steaming via iron
    • 1.3 Method 3. Stretching in length
  • 2 Output
If your favorite jeans were small, they can be stretchedIf your favorite jeans were small, they can be stretched

Recently I discovered that jeans are not fastened on me. Since the price of high-quality things are pretty high, I immediately began looking for ways to stretch jeans at home. Here's what I learned.

That promotes stretching of the fabric?

I was sure to stretch after washing are exclusively new jeans that have not yet erased. But it is not so:

  • If you have skinny jeans, Then such a model can not be extended.
  • loose pants perfectly stretched not only by washing, but also in the process of socks.
There are many ways to stretch jeansThere are many ways to stretch jeans

Jeans - a rather dense and elastic tissue, and therefore we have a major advantage to increase their size.

Method 1. spraying

On photo - one of the easiest ways to increase the size of jeans ̵ sprayingOn photo - one of the easiest ways to increase the size of jeans ̵ spraying

The first step is to determine the sites on jeans products, where discomfort is felt. Usually, it:

instagram viewer
  • buttocks area;
  • the hips,
  • Belt on jeans.
Stretch jeans at the hips by using waterStretch jeans at the hips by using water

You do not know how to stretch a stretch jeans? It's simple:

  • Put on your pants.
  • Now we need to take up the cloth with his hands on both sides of the belt flanks.
  • Smooth movements pull in different directions.

If the stretch jeans is not obtained with normal wear, You can also try a long-tested and quite an effective way - with water:

Illustration Sequencing
Step 1

First we need a good wet jeans with warm water. After that, pull them to the wide metal hanger.

table_pic_att14928244503 step 2

Let them dry thoroughly.

table_pic_att14928244544 step 3

Once the fabric is dry, put on jeans.

You will notice that after this manipulation, they increased by one or even two sizes.

Method 2. Steaming via iron

To stretch denim has been used successfully pairsTo stretch denim has been used successfully pairs

Instructions stripping:

  1. To begin, you need to be ironed jeans iron at a maximum stripping.
  2. Immediately after ironing wear pants.

With strong moisture vapor and soften the side seams and the material itself, it will become elastic and soft.

  1. Put steamed thing and walk in her home about half an hour.
After treatment with steam trousers, walk in them for some timeAfter treatment with steam trousers, walk in them for some time

How to stretch denim shorts, denim skirt, or other things in the belt of a different method? You will need:

  • tape measure;
  • a container with hot water;
  • plate;
  • hacksaw.

Times are amenable to stretch heavier than the rest areas, but following the sequence of steps, it is possible to cope with this problem.

Illustration instruction
table_pic_att14928244637 Step 1

Type in large basin hot water and put it in the pants.

Material should be well wet. Only in this case it will be an effective result.

table_pic_att14928244668 step 2

Measure on itself measuring tape area to house the belt. Record the result and divide it by two.

table_pic_att14928244679 step 3

Take a suitable board and took from it a length equal to half the area that you measured. By this process you can attract a man.

table_pic_att149282447110 step 4

Take the thing out of the water and insert a plate in the belt area. Fasten all the buttons and zipper.

Hang to dry pants and do not remove until such time until they are dry.

Method 3. Stretching in length

As stretch pants wide, we understand. Now let's see how to pull the jeans in length.

The easiest method - sew the bottom of the tissue segment. You can experiment and do not sew denim, but, for example, fringe or lace. This will add to the originality of the clothes.

In the future you will be able otporot decor and sew any otherIn the future you will be able otporot decor and sew any other


I will acquaint you with simple ways that will stretch jeans in the legs, waist and length. Watch the video in this article with clear instructions. If you have their secrets, how to stretch jeans belt, share in the comments!

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