It sheds thing when washing: what to do? 3 + 3 most effective ways to save the white and colored clothes


  • 1 Save or recycle
  • 2 How to save a white robe
    • 2.1 Method 1. Using bleach
    • 2.2 Method 2. clothing digestion
    • 2.3 Method 3. Use soap-salt solution
  • 3 How to wash colored things from divorce
    • 3.1 Method 1. professional tool
    • 3.2 Method 2. The use of peroxide and ammonia
    • 3.3 Method 3. Restoring color using green tea
  • 4 How to save the light products with colored drawings?
  • 5 General recommendations for the washing of things
  • 6 Output
Multi-colored wardrobe - it's not always a good thing!Multi-colored wardrobe - it's not always a good thing!

To wear as much as possible longer retain the brightness of the colors, you must wash it properly. However, sometimes still happen embarrassments, and we sighed heavily - shed thing when washing. What to do? In this article I will give effective tips to deal with faded spots at home.

Save or recycle

Clothing sewn from a variety of materials, has a definite structure and texture. This affects the nature and method of cleaning.

Proper laundry sorting - the key color preservationProper laundry sorting - the key color preservation

Product color may change:

  • during washing;
  • if not dried;
  • from staying in the rain;
  • when the next door to a different color wet things.
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What do you do when dyed clothes: throw it out, or try to "revive"?

Dispose of items that have changed color, not necessarilyDispose of items that have changed color, not necessarily

If the natural color of things became paler or completely melted, then help in this situation, unfortunately, will not work.

But! If the thing was painted after washing, it can be saved in different ways. To do this, apply household remedies that are in every home.

Now I tell how to fix annoying bugs in the wash.

How to save a white robe

If faded things - begin to fightIf faded things - begin to fight

Bright colored clothes often. On white underwear clearly visible and annoying stains color stains.

Return the white light productsReturn the white light products

To have no more questions about how to save the white thing, I will talk about proven methods.

Method 1. Using bleach

Today released a lot of bleach for laundry. In stores you can find products of domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Bleach in powder formBleach in powder form

These agents are equally effective in fighting pollution light things. Choose products of the brand that suits you in quality and suitable price.

If white shed red, black, blue, green or other colored items, you need to get rid of stains with the following statement:

  1. Pour cool water in the basin.
  2. Add two aid portions for bleaching.
  3. Fold in a basin faded things.
  4. leave they in a basin for 6 hours.
  5. Remove the clothing from the water with bleach and rinse under cold water.
Bleach does not always help get rid of dirtBleach does not always help get rid of dirt

After rinsing it becomes clear to wash stains or not. If contamination persists, try digestion. About it tell below.

Method 2. clothing digestion

It is an old and proven method. It was used even by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, when there was no effective means for removing stains in stores.

Today, you can boil things in the washing machineToday, you can boil things in the washing machine

If the red shed on a white or a light colored linen were divorce, you should:

  1. Separate the colored items on the plain whiteOn which there is the spot.
  2. Download the washing machine faded clothes.
  3. Add bleach and laundry detergent.
  4. Put an intense wash cycle at the highest temperature (usually is 90 ° C).
  5. Run the washing machine.
Frequent digestion cotton products will lead to thinning of the materialFrequent digestion cotton products will lead to thinning of the material

White stuff in a way better wash out immediately. Attempts to get rid of the old divorce, unfortunately, will not succeed.

Boil only natural fabrics. Synthetic and other artificial materials deteriorate too hot water.

Method 3. Use soap-salt solution

Effective against color stains can be made with your own hands.

Traditional methods of bleaching fabrics - the most effectiveTraditional methods of bleaching fabrics - the most effective

products on a white background can be restored with the help of common salt and soap.

To prepare household bleach, you must:

  1. Polstakana salt (Preferably large) emptied into a bowl.
  2. Add salt-milled soap chips before.
  3. fill in a bowl 1 tablespoon potato or corn starch.
  4. mix existing components with the lemon juice.
Sol - an effective means for imparting whitenessSol - an effective means for imparting whiteness
  1. The resulting pulp is laid out on a place where there were colored stains. Stains should "otkisat" a few hours. Can be treated with the tissue before bedtime and in the morning rinse your clothes in the machine without spinning.

As shown by personal experience, this tool does best with a faded white things. Spots go completely, and the material remains intact.

How to wash colored things from divorce

If faded color thing, then return to her former color slightly lighter than the white. After all, the bright and colorful articles spots are not striking.

Wash colored things - a painstaking activityWash colored things - a painstaking activity

To restore and refresh the color, use one of three ways:

Denim products will not wash out the stains, if they shedDenim products will not wash out the stains, if they shed

If faded jeans or colored products of dense materials, print divorce will not work. In such a case can be fully repaint the thing, and thus give it a "new life."

Method 1. professional tool

As is the case with white stuff, you can resort to the help of professional tool. Special stain removers for the faded color of things are sold with a mark "Color».

Professional chemical compositions - it is practical and convenientProfessional chemical compositions - it is practical and convenient

on the use of chemical agents Instructions:

  1. Pour into a warm water basin.
  2. Add in required amount of water stain remover (3-4 of the cap).
  3. Immerse in a bowl colored garments, which shed.
  4. leave underwear soaked for a few hours.
  5. Rinse clothes and hang to dry.
Give things a second lifeGive things a second life

Price occupational chemical stain remover or conditioner depends on the manufacturer and product quality. If you are looking for a more economical option, use home remedies, which I will discuss below.

Method 2. The use of peroxide and ammonia

How to wash faded in the wash things with the help of available funds? This requires the ordinary ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

Return tissues brightness and purity can be inexpensivelyReturn tissues brightness and purity can be inexpensively

The alcohol must be clean, otherwise the effect will not be.

To prepare homemade stain removers, you should:

  1. dial water. For this purpose we use a basin or bucket 4 l of metal.
  2. Add alcohol. Measure out 1 teaspoon.
  3. Add hydrogen peroxide. Number - 2 tablespoons.
  4. Add to a solution of broken things.
  5. Put a bowl or bucket with clothes on the stove.
  6. Boil.
  7. in an hour boiling, turn the heat off and get things.
  8. rinse products cold water and hang to dry.
Dry clothes need to be spaced apart from each otherDry clothes need to be spaced apart from each other

The secret of this method is that by boiling the excess paint to evaporate along with alcohol. As a result, things erstwhile purity will be returned.

Method 3. Restoring color using green tea

The most unusual method of cleansing products faded - the use of green tea. I recommend using a strong good quality tea bags.

Green Tea - an excellent remedy for moultGreen Tea - an excellent remedy for moult

Apply this method is easy and convenient. To do this, you need to:

  1. cool tea. Put the tea bag in the freezer overnight.
  2. boil water. Morning put on the plate 4 L of water and bring to boil.
  3. Lower iced tea bag in boiling water.
  4. Turn off the heat.
  5. Put "victims" clothes in the tea solution for 3-4 hours.
  6. Rinse items.
  7. Wash clothes in the machine with the addition of powder.
Do not rush to dispose of faded stuff! They can be restoredDo not rush to dispose of faded stuff! They can be restored

If none of the 3 proposed methods do not help deal with the problem, return the product to the dry cleaners.

How to save the light products with colored drawings?

Many do not know how to restore the color of clothing, if the base product is white and the drawing color. In such cases, I combine the means to salvation faded things.

White T-shirt with colored print shed?White T-shirt with colored print shed?

Instructions to get rid of stains on white products with pictures would be:

  1. First, you need to process color drawing tool "Color». Thus it is impossible to get out of the edges of the print, so as not to stain light fabric.
  2. leave thing treated with a pattern on a 2 hour.
  3. rinse the product in cold water.
  4. Then you can start processing the white stuff. Choose any way to clean white cloth, in addition to digestion. Do not disturb the colored part.
  5. rinse thing cold water and hang to dry.
Rinsing may be accomplished in a suitable vessel or under cold running tap waterRinsing may be accomplished in a suitable vessel or under cold running tap water

To rinse the white goods with color prints you need very quickly and only in cold water, so they do not shed on themselves again.

General recommendations for the washing of things

You will not encounter the problem of faded things, if you follow the advice of competent washing.

Correct wash - clean clothesCorrect wash - clean clothes

The rules are simple and achievable:

  1. study the label. It says, at what temperature you need to wash the product.
  2. Sort laundry. Black, white and colored items should be washed separately strictly.
  3. Prevent moult new clothes. For this first time, wash the new product manually with a little salt. It will fix the color.
  4. Buy high-quality clothes. Cheap goods are impregnated with unstable bright colors that go with the first wash.
You can creatively out of the situationYou can creatively out of the situation

An alternative way out to shed things that are impossible to "revive" can be:

  • painted in a different color;
  • Stripe decorative elements on the spot locations;
  • increasing the number of spots via art inks for textiles;
  • adding embroidery or applications, etc.
Solving the problem - applicationSolving the problem - application

Creative has an unlimited number of embodiments. The main tool - it is your own imagination.


I told about the simple and affordable way to remove color with streaks of white and colored items. You are also familiar with the rules of the wash light products with bright pictures. Next - it's up to you!

In the comments I welcome your tips and questions - I'd be happy to help!

Do not be discouraged because of the stains can not be removedDo not be discouraged because of the stains can not be removed

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