White one is not white? // How to remove limescale in the toilet: 5 Ways + 2 prescription for home use


  • 1 Cleaning the toilet ready means
    • 1.1 Method 1. Standard household chemicals
    • 1.2 Method 2. Caustic soda
    • 1.3 Method 3. bleach
    • 1.4 Method 4. Acid
    • 1.5 Method 5. The electrolyte for the battery
  • 2 Gentle folk ways
    • 2.1 Recipe 1. Vinegar
    • 2.2 Recipe 2. Coca Cola
  • 3 preventive measures
  • 4 instead, the results of
Cleaning the toilet with his own hands - an important event that allows you to keep it in perfect conditionCleaning the toilet with his own hands - an important event that allows you to keep it in perfect condition

Over time the toilet is formed nasty plaque, the desire to get rid of that is understandable. To cope with them without the expense of time and effort, you need to know exactly how to wash the toilet from limescale and urine scale. This is what now turn.

Cleaning the toilet ready means

The main cause of urinary stone on the walls of the toilet - a special mineral composition of human urine and untimely cleaning of the toilet bowl. But the presence of rust indicates an increased iron content in the water. This stems from the tubes become corroded.

Regardless of what the cause of the contamination, you need to determine exactly how to clean the toilet bowl of lime. I suggest a few options.

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Method 1. Standard household chemicals

Peering in household department of any store, you will find in it a lot of modern detergents. All of them are very effective in fighting with various contaminants.

Among the huge range means you can choose yourself on the pocketAmong the huge range means you can choose yourself on the pocket

Specific criteria for choice of detergent is difficult to name - all the means have similar composition and effect. You can use any brand: whether «Comet», «Domestos», «Duckling", etc.

To enhance the effect of household chemicals, buy special pills that are placed in the toilet tank and prevent plaque formation.

Tablets for reservoir prevent occurrence of plaqueTablets for reservoir prevent occurrence of plaque

Method 2. Caustic soda

The main thing you need to know about the caustic soda (do not confuse it with the usual food or soda) - a powerful alkaline agent that can get rid of fat, plaque or blockage. Gels and powders which include soda (caustic, for example), can be successfully used for cleaning the toilet bowl.

 Caustic Soda - a very aggressive substance, so its use must be carefullyCaustic Soda - a very aggressive substance, so its use must be carefully

The first thing you need to do - to get rid of excess fluid. You do not know how to drain the water from the toilet? You can scoop it with a small scoop, plunger, or wet doormat.

Remove excess water, you can use plungerRemove excess water, you can use plunger

After the excess water has ceased to be an obstacle, start using soda:

  • Pour the gel based on alkali perimeter of the sanitary appliance.
  • Wait no more than two or three hours.
  • Thoroughly wipe the entire surface of the toilet bowl cleaning brush.
  • Wash the wall from agent residues.

Method 3. bleach

Chlorine ensures not only cleanliness but also disinfectionChlorine ensures not only cleanliness but also disinfection

If your plan is to not only get rid of urinary stones, but also disinfection - can not do without bleach. With it will disappear any unpleasant deposits and perish any germs. In addition, chlorine is known for its whitening power.

Simply fill it in the toilet, wait at least two hours to wipe a brush and rinse.

Method 4. Acid

If you do not know what to clean heavily contaminated, use phosphoric acidIf you do not know what to clean heavily contaminated, use phosphoric acid

Remove fat and clean the toilet tank internal components from corrosion help 5-7% solution of phosphoric acid:

  • Pour 100 ml of solution in the toilet tank itself.
  • Literally wait 10-15 minutes and drain the water.
  • Walk down the surfaces with a brush or a brush, and rinse again.

The price of phosphoric acid is available to everyone, moreover, it does not damage the enamel, plastic or rubber.

There is another acidic solution, which is widely used for cleaning toilets. This 33% hydrochloric acid solution. Use it is necessary to very carefully cleaning it is important to wear gloves and a respirator.

Working with hydrochloric acid should take place solely in gloves and respiratorsWorking with hydrochloric acid should take place solely in gloves and respirators

You need about a solution of the glass. Wash them faience wall accessory remnants pour into the bowl. Be sure to close the lid and wait 15 minutes.

Then rinse thoroughly with water. Please note, a similar method is not suitable if the toilet is connected to plastic pipes.

Method 5. The electrolyte for the battery

Another means for cleaning the toilet bowl, which, however, should only be used in extreme cases. For this method you will need a good outfit: tight rubber gloves and a dust mask.

The results from the use of the electrolyte are shown in photosThe results from the use of the electrolyte are shown in photos
  • Very carefully pour the electrolyte on the problem areas. Make sure that the spray does not hit you in the skin of it.
  • Wait just 10 minutes, carefully wipe the surface of a brush.
  • Thoroughly flush the toilet inside.

Gentle folk ways

If you are among the people who are trying to carry out cleaning without the use of chemicals, this section will be very useful for you. Below I'll talk about how to get rid of the toilet of urinary stone and plaque using only improvised.

To clean a toilet bowl is not necessary to use aggressive substancesTo clean a toilet bowl is not necessary to use aggressive substances

Recipe 1. Vinegar

Vinegar has long proved to be a very effective means for cleaning. Help it cope with a touch. instructions for their use as follows:

A mixture of vinegar and baking soda - Purpose CleanerA mixture of vinegar and baking soda - Purpose Cleaner
  • pour a glass of vinegar in a saucepan;
  • pre-heat it to 40 degrees;
  • add means two teaspoons of baking soda;
  • thoroughly lubricate the solution of all problem areas and leave the bowl alone for 8 hours;
  • warm water to rinse off any debris and the solution itself.

If limescale has long been settled on the walls of the toilet and on the first try did not disappear, repeat the procedure.

Recipe 2. Coca Cola

Coca-Cola will give a snow-white earthenware shineCoca-Cola will give a snow-white earthenware shine

Many housewives have long used Coca-Cola as a cleaning agent for teapots and plates. Deliver it and by the yellow plaque on faience. All you should do is:

  • shed about 4 liters of beverage across the bowl surface;
  • wait four hours
  • polish pottery brush or a brush.

preventive measures

Regular cleaning of the toilet - the best prevention of plaque formation and urinary stoneRegular cleaning of the toilet - the best prevention of plaque formation and urinary stone

To toilet cleanliness maintained as long as possible, and you do not have to resort to extreme measures, should be properly care for them:

  1. Take care to keep the water from the tank was not shed continuously. Incorrect operation of discharge system can cause stains on the porcelain surface.
  2. It is not necessary to pour into the bowl food residues or grease. They not only pollute but also pollute it.
Not worth the risk - do not throw away leftover food into the toilet!Not worth the risk - do not throw away leftover food into the toilet!
  1. Continuing rinse earthenware special cleaners or soda.

If you happen to attack of laziness and you can not find the time for a full cleaning, remember one simple thing - an expensive toilet easier to regularly clean than scrubbing his caustic chemicals.

instead, the results of

Methods of cleaning the toilet bowl, there are many, I will offer you 5 of the most effective chemical methods and a couple of the people. Which one to use - you choose. The main thing to adhere to basic safety rules and conduct cleaning gloves and a respirator.

For more information about cleaning the pottery you can learn through the video in this article. If suddenly you have me probing questions, ask them in the comments.

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