How to whiten the grayed blouse and get rid of yellow stains - 10 popular recipes


  • 1 Kinds of fabric and features of their whitening
    • 1.1 5 recipes to get rid of the gray plaque
    • 1.2 4 prescription to remove yellowness
    • 1.3 Recipe recovery painted product
  • 2 Finally

Your favorite shirt has lost its snow-white look, and you have already decided to hide it in the far corner of the wardrobe? Do not rush, I will discuss effective ways of bleaching things, and you forget that they can turn gray or yellow tint will be unpleasant.

In bleaching blouses important to consider the material from which it is madeIn bleaching blouses important to consider the material from which it is made

Kinds of fabric and features of their whitening

Before I share with you tips on how to whiten white blouse if it was gray, I would like to tell about the features of a cleaning product. The thing is that the process for the removal of yellow or gray plaque with the product depends on the material of construction of the shirt:

  • thin blouses. To whiten chiffon or silk white blouse, forget about the chlorine-containing substances - they will destroy matter. Delicate things are best cleaned with optical brighteners, which not only eliminates the raid, but did not cause an allergic reaction.
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  • synthetic products. Blouse or shirt made of synthetics can be cleaned using any bleach. It is important to observe one condition - the temperatures of wash water must not be higher than 40 degrees.
  • natural fabrics. Bleach white blouse based on cotton or flax Easy - they are well tolerated and boiling, and hot water, and even bleach.
Synthetic blouses (pictured) are afraid of high temperatures, but the natural materials are not afraid even bleachSynthetic blouses (pictured) are afraid of high temperatures, but the natural materials are not afraid even bleach

Return the form of a snow-white blouse

Despite the fact that the range of modern household chemistry allows you to choose the perfect option for any of the material, I would like to dwell on the proven recipe:

  • Firstly, they are much safer any chemical product;
  • Secondly, the price of such methods will be significantly lower than the purchase funds.

5 recipes to get rid of the gray plaque

Proposed in this section recipes make it easy to own hands to restore the snow-white appearance favorite blouse without too much effort. Choose the most suitable way for you to:

Illustration instruction
table_pic_att14947069482 Recipe 1. Hydrogen peroxide

Using hydrogen peroxide can recover any kind of tissue - synthetics no exception.

Pour teaspoon peroxide in 2 liters of warm water (about 30-40 ° C) and thoroughly mix the solution. Soak the product for 20 minutes, periodically overturn. Then simply wash it as usual.

table_pic_att14947069503 Recipe 2. Potassium permanganate and washing powder

Dilute few crystals of potassium permanganate in hot water to form a pale pink solution. Add a little water, detergent powder and soak in the liquid blouse.

Capacity in this case be sure to close the lid. Wait until the water has cooled down, the product after the rinse.

Recipe 3. Boric acid

Another answer to the question "how to whiten synthetics at home?". 2 spoons acid is dissolved in 4 liters of hot water. Soak in a solution blouse 2 hours after - rinse her well.

table_pic_att14947069514 Recipe 4. Salt

An option that is suitable for any kind of matter. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water and the product soak for about 20 minutes in a solution. Then you will only have to rinse her blouse.

table_pic_att14947069525 Recipe 5. Toothpaste, vinegar, salt and baking powder

In deep capacity squeeze the tube of toothpaste without dyes, add half a cup of baking powder and a quarter cup of salt. All components mix thoroughly, then add to it 2 tablespoons of vinegar. The resulting paste begins to sizzle, add a little water to it.

Lower capacity in the white stuff and wait a couple of hours, then wash the blouse in the machine in the usual way.

This recipe is suitable if you do not know how to whiten guipure blouse or a product made of linen and cotton.

4 prescription to remove yellowness

On your favorite shirt or blouse formed unpleasant yellow spots, and you do not know what to do? You will help one of these ways:

Illustration Guide to Action
table_pic_att14947069536 Recipe 1. Ammonia

Dip a cotton product in ammonia solution (4 spoons alcohol in 5 liters of water). Leave the item to soak for 3 hours, then rinse.

table_pic_att14947069547 Recipe 2. Laundry soap

Wet blouse with warm water, soap carefully its 72% soap before the rigid foam. Leave it to soak for 3 hours and then just wash it.

table_pic_att14947069568 Recipe 3. Baking soda

Polstakana soda pour into a container of the washing machine together with the powder. Include the appropriate wash cycle and dry the product.

table_pic_att14947069579 Recipe 4. Powdered milk

A glass of milk powder dissolve in warm water and mix thoroughly. In the solution soak blouse, then wash.

Recipe recovery painted product

How to whiten yellowed or gray 'color to things, now you know. And what if painted white shirt?

  • Soak blouse in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • After adding a little water to rinse salt, soda, ammonium hydroxide and citric acid.
  • Soak the jacket for an hour the solution.
  • Rinse the product with clean water.
Recover accidentally stain things will potassium permanganate solution, citric acid salt and ammoniaRecover accidentally stain things will potassium permanganate solution, citric acid salt and ammonia

After such manipulations colored thing again turns white, and you will remember that you should not wash it together with colored products. Even more effective recipes and tips can be found on the video in this article.


I told you how to whiten your shirt using a harmless folk recipes that do not damage delicate fabrics. In the comments, you can always ask me to clarifying question, the same share your bleaching process things.

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