Proper cultivation and care for the squash in the open field

Among the vegetable crops, the squash is the most original in appearance, surprising in its properties, an unusually tasty vegetable. Due to the unusual form, he is increasingly attracting the attention of gardeners. But not only the shape of the squash is amazing, it is also a very useful vegetable, from which you can prepare a lot of original, tasty dishes. With proper care, growing vegetables in the open field does not cause trouble.

Table of Contents

  • Squad - What Is It
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    Squash - beautiful amazing vegetables, rounded saucer-shaped or bell-shaped( depending on the variety), similar to mini flowers or small umbrellas, belong to the pumpkin family.

    By its properties, taste and agricultural technology are very similar to zucchini : the bushes and leaves are almost the same, only the shape of the fruit is different. The homeland of culture is America, and in Europe the vegetable has become popular since the 17th century.

    The name comes from the French "party" - pie, another name - dish pumpkin.
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    Interestingly, in the wild this vegetable is not found , is the result of natural selection, hybridization. The culture is thermophilic, but it easily adapts to different climatic conditions, bears fruit well, although the yield is usually lower than that of the closest “relatives” - zucchini.

    Squash skin color is very diverse.

    Squash skin color is very diverse - white, yellow, light green with speckles, dark green with stripes( like watermelon) and even purple.

    Taste - almost like zucchini, but the pulp is more dry and dense, in the finished form to taste like mushrooms. in raw form, unlike squash and pumpkin, do not use .

    The science of the benefits and harms of squash

    Disc pumpkin is without a doubt a very useful food product, with delicate and exquisite pulp that tastes very similar to artichokes.

    Vegetable indispensable in the diet , improves the bowels, kidneys and urinary system, does not harm the body. The fruit contains a huge amount of vitamins, pectin, sugars in the complete absence of fat and cholesterol. This the most low-calorie vegetable - 18 kcal / 100 g of product.

    A large amount of water in the scallops( 90-94%) in a bound form helps the body to absorb proteins and maintain alkaline reactions in the blood.
    Squash - low-calorie vegetable, which is used in dietary nutrition

    As you know, the acidic environment is very harmful to the body - a person is not able to survive if the internal environment of the body is acidic. First of all, the thyroid gland, liver and adrenal glands will begin to break down. So for patients with similar problems, the benefit of the squash is difficult to overestimate.

    The fruits of a vegetable, in addition to water, include proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, mono- and disaccharides, organic acids, ash substances, pectins, vitamins of group B, C, A, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Potassium, magnesium, vitamins C and A are indispensable nutrients that the cardiovascular system needs.

    The whole set of useful substances contained in the scallops has a beneficial effect on the prevention and treatment of diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis, inflammation of the colon and prostate, liver and kidney diseases, problems with blood and cardiovascular system, obesity - this list can becontinue for a long time.

    Proper cultivation of vegetables in the country

    Such an exotic and useful vegetable culture is simply a sin not to grow in your own garden, especially since its agricultural technology does not require much effort.

    Which varieties can be planted in open ground

    At present, many hybrid varieties have appeared with different ripening periods and yields: universal, for open ground, growing in greenhouses.

    For the open field, plants are most suitable for early-ripening and medium-ripening , with 40-45 and 50-60 days , respectively, since the first shoots shoot.

    1. White 13 is a variety with well-developed, strong bushes, white fruits, and mid-season. Productivity - up to 3.5 kg of young fruits of universal purpose. One of the best varieties for cultivation in open soils.
    2. The sun is a high-yielding variety, the bush is compact, the fruits are yellow-orange in color, the ripening period is 58-70 days, they are well stored, the plant is resistant to diseases.
    3. UFO White - white fruits in the form of a bell, ripens in 55-65 days, the flesh is very delicate, amazing taste.
    4. UFO Orange - early ripening - 40-45 days, high-yielding - up to 30 fruits weighing 400-500 g per season, a beautiful yellow color.

    Preparing for planting with seeds

    Patisson is a thermophilic culture, therefore it is necessary to plant it in the ground until the end of May, when the soil has warmed up in the habitat, it should be planted in the ground before the end of May, when the soil is warm, the heat-loving culture should be planted in the ground until the end of May, when the soil is warm, the heat-loving, should be planted in the ground before the end of May

    You can plant seeds directly into the soil or use the seedling method. In any case, the seeds must be prepared for planting:

    • use seed 2-3 years old, well dried;raw seeds or collected a year earlier most often give male flowers;
    • soak the seed in a solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes, then wash and dry;
    • after 2 days, soak the seeds in a solution of boric acid for a day, wash, dry.

    These activities contribute to improved seed germination and endurance. Immediately before sowing, you can soak them in the water for swelling( so they are more likely to be hiked).

    Soil preparation and planting scheme

    The squash lovers like the neutral soils , therefore it is better to apply organic fertilizers, ashes. Choose the right place for planting - sunny, open, plant seeds or seedlings according to the scheme 70x70 cm to avoid rotting of the fruits on the bushes.

    Squabs love neutral soils.


    care. If the seeds of the patissons are planted directly into the ground at the dacha, 3-4 grains are put into each well, covered with to 8 cm depth, covered with soil, and the top layer is moistened carefully. Before the emergence of seedlings, the bed can be covered with a film.

    When sprouts appear, in each well, you need to choose the strongest and most developed , and cut the rest under the root. Do not pull out so as not to damage the root system of the remaining sprout.

    In order to get the crop 2-3 weeks earlier, in late April - early May, seeds should be planted in seedlings in plastic cups or containers with drainage holes. Seeds are sown to a depth of 4 cm in a pre-prepared, fertilized soil, slightly moistened, covered with film and put in a warm place - in the afternoon temperature +25, at night - +18 .

    When shoots appear, the film is removed, the temperature is slightly lowered( + 16- + 18) so that it does not stretch. A week later, you can raise to + 22-25.And, of course, provide good coverage.

    Dive seedlings do not need , so as not to damage the thin roots. Feed 2 times during the growth of mullein and / or mineral fertilizers in accordance with the instructions.

    When appears on the seedlings with 2-3 true sheets( approximately 20-25 days after emergence), the soil warms up sufficiently, it can be planted in open ground. Drop the seedlings into a well with an earthy lump, compact the soil around it, pour it gently. Disembarkation is best done in the evening, shade seedlings. Water regularly with warm water during growth and formation of ovaries.

    The land around the plants can be carefully loosened, even better - mulch.

    Adult plants should be fed with complex fertilizers 2 times - before flowering and before the formation of ovaries.


    Colony collection is produced as technical ripeness.

    Colony collection is produced by as reaches its technical maturity. The flesh of young fruits is very delicate, although rather dense, suitable for both cooking and canning.

    If the peel has hardened and hardened, it is better to leave this fruit on the seeds and remove it from the bush after drying.

    Slippers due to the exotic appearance, delicate and rich taste, rich chemical composition and benefits for the body deserve the general interest and love. This unique vegetable is worthy of being a frequent guest on our table. Plant and grow it pretty easily on any site.

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