How to wash sheepskin coat at home - 8 effective ways


  • 1 Features of maintenance and cleaning in the home
    • 1.1 Cleaning genuine sheepskin 6 methods
    • 1.2 Cleaning synthetic sheepskin 2 method
  • 2 Output
Sheepskin coat is not recommended to wash in the machineSheepskin coat is not recommended to wash in the machine

Can I wash a sheepskin coat and how to take care of it? Most contaminate things we used to throw in the washing machine, and she copes with the problem is itself. But is it possible to wash sheepskin coat in the machine? All methods of removing impurities from this type of winter clothing are presented in this article.

Features of maintenance and cleaning in the home

How to wash sheepskin coat in a washing machine? What happens if sheepskin wash in the washing machine? The answer to these questions will be very popular one: such products are washed in the machine is strictly prohibited!

However, there are many ways how to bring in a tidy appearance sheepskin coat at home:

  • dry cleaning;
  • wet cleaning;
  • Hand wash (only for products of artificial materials!).
The style and material of the product determine the way to care for themThe style and material of the product determine the way to care for them
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Cleaning embodiment depends on what materials manufactured item, whether the fur on it and insert. As a rule, products of this kind are:

  • made of leather;
  • leatherette;
  • suede.

The cleaning process of the upper clothing tanned materials becomes complicated if there are elements of the natural furs. In this case, they must be carefully cleaned to unfasten or product without affecting the fur, since the principle of cleaning the fur and leather products fundamentally different.

If the fur is detachable, it is better to clean separatelyIf the fur is detachable, it is better to clean separately

For any coats moisture and liquid - enemies. Strongly getting wet, the skin dubeet deforms and loses its appearance. That is why the machine wash natural leather products is prohibited.

Cleaning genuine sheepskin 6 methods

To bring the stain with coats of leather or remove jammed and soiled areas, use such means:

  • fine salt, semolina, starch;
  • tooth powder or talc;
  • ammonia;
  • soap;
  • glycerol;
  • vinegar;
  • soda.

Instructions provided in the table describes in detail the application of all the above means in the fight against pollution in the fur coat made from natural materials:

Photo Description
table_pic_att15037012303 Method 1: fine sorbents

Starch, salt, finely ground semolina perfectly absorbs dirt and grease stains, especially chronic. To do this:

  • arrange the product on a hard, flat surface;
  • on the problem area to scatter the means and distribute evenly, leave for a few hours;
  • clean clothes with a vacuum cleaner nozzle with a soft brush or dense.
table_pic_att15037012314 Method 2: Ammonium paste

Mash of liquid ammonia and tooth powder copes with greasy patches on the sleeves, pockets, cuffs:

  • tooth powder (talc) and a few drops of ammonia mixed in a thick mush;
  • Apply with a clean cloth or a soft brush on the problem areas, leave to dry;
  • remove the excess with a brush or a damp sponge.
table_pic_att15037012325 Method 3: soap solution

Fresh dirt well removes soapy water. For this surface sufficiently zamyt lightly moistened cloth solution, then wipe dry with a clean sponge.

table_pic_att15037012336 Method 4: aqueous solution of glycerol

Add a glass of warm water a little glycerin and a few drops of ammonia and treat damp sponge natural sheepskin.

table_pic_att15037012347 Method 5: soda and milk
  • Teaspoon baking soda mixed with a small amount of milk to form a paste;
  • the resulting mixture was applied to coat the surface with a cloth and distributed;
  • clean little damp cloth removing excess.
table_pic_att15037012368 Method 6: acetic acid

If you want to freshen up the look of the product, it is enough to wipe it dipped in an aqueous solution of vinegar with a cotton swab.

Because the nebulizer solution and can be applied on the fur, then it glistens as a new

To refresh and ventilate the garment, it is enough to hang out on the street or on the airy balcony. It is advisable to do at night, because the tanned skin does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Cleaning synthetic sheepskin 2 method

Clean faux sheepskin coat with his own hands a lot easier because the skin there is not genuine, respectively, are not deformed and does not coarsens.

However, before cleaning be sure to read the label for care, perhaps even with an artificial thing should be handled very delicately:

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table_pic_att15037012379 Method 1: handwashing

If sheepskin fully sewn from imitation leather, it can be washed by hand using special detergents, such things or gels for grooming.

It is important that:

  • water temperature did not exceed 30 ° C;
  • sheepskin not undergone intense spinning;
  • Do not soak for a long time;
  • rinse well.
table_pic_att150370123810 Method 2: Soap + ammonia

If soap and water solution to add a little ammonia, then with a soft brush or cotton cloth can be washed off the surface coats from artificial materials. When cleaning is coming to an end, wipe clean with a damp cloth every product and hang to dry in a well-ventilated room.

Clean outer garments regardless of the style and the material must be carried out before seasonal storage - in the spring. This will avoid cleaning in autumn-winter period, while pollution and stains do not have time to zastaret and easy to remove.


Clean sheepskin coat at home of natural or artificial leather is quite possible in the home, because it will save on dry cleaning services.

But if you doubt the success and afraid to spoil the dear thing, or if they have a place to be extensive pollution and difficult stains, it is best not to risk it and still give a sheepskin coat to the dry cleaners. The price for such services, in any case will be much less than the cost of a new article of clothing.

Videos in this article describes in detail the whole process of cleaning sheepskin at home. If you have a proven way - share in the comments!

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