Colony cherry and its best varieties for the Moscow region

Content of the article:

Colony pear, peculiarities of care

Colony pear, peculiarities of careGardening

Content of the article: Description of dwarf pear Conditions of planting and growing dwarf pears The best varieties of pears in the suburbs Video about dwarf pear ...

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Photos from the description will help in the selection of pears of the variety Forest Beauty

Photos from the description will help in the selection of pears of the variety Forest BeautyGardening

Content of the article: Description of Planting and care Pruning Diseases Belgian Chatillon in the early 19th century discovered Forest Beauty p...

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Features of planting and care for the yellow plum in the suburban areas

Features of planting and care for the yellow plum in the suburban areasGardening

Content: .Mara On the backyards of Russians, various varieties of plums are grown everywhere. However, despite the continued interest in the culture, th...

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