How to clean suede bag at home: 9 Proven Ways


  • 1 9 ways to clean suede bag from home
    • 1.1 panacea
    • 1.2 Means for dark bags
    • 1.3 Tools for light bags
  • 2 Drying
  • 3 Summary
Suede - material difficult, it requires careful treatment.Suede - material difficult, it requires careful treatment.

Suede bag looks luxurious. However, as with any sensitive material, suede quite capricious. Stain it is easy, but to get rid of spots - more difficult. But I know how to clean suede bag at home, in a hurry to share secrets with you.

9 ways to clean suede bag from home

Choosing what to clean suede bag at home, be sure to pay attention to the color of the product. White can inadvertently even more stain and black - brighten.

I'll share the secrets of cleaning things, depending on their color. But I'll start with the purpose of funds. You will need to buy a brush, the rest will surely find in your home.

Choose those brushes, whose rubber base or a soft lint - they gently clean chamoisChoose those brushes, whose rubber base or a soft lint - they gently clean chamois


Table I gathered universal means and ways to clean suede:

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table_pic_att14934078462 Method 1. Eraser

Stationery eraser - a universal means for cleaning all surfaces. Ototrite them and treat the contaminated area with a damp cloth.

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In order to suede no traces and scuffs, eraser must be clean and white.

table_pic_att14934078503 Method 2. suds

Lather of soap cope with light pollution:

  1. The warm water to dissolve the soap.
  2. The liquid moisten the sponge and squeeze it.
  3. Gently wipe the stain.
  4. Dispose of foam residues with a damp cloth.
table_pic_att14934078554 Method 3. Soda + milk

Return suede products of the former appearance and get rid of the spots will help skim milk and soda:

  1. Mix the ingredients in a ratio of 1: 1.
  2. Treat stains with a mixture using a cotton pad.
  3. Remove the remaining funds with a damp cloth.

Means for dark bags

Dark nap suede rough and rugged light, therefore more rigid means are used to purify it.

Clean the bag of dark color, you can:

Picture instruction
table_pic_att14934078565 Method 4. Coffee

Bag brown dirt deliver the ground coffee:

  1. Teaspoon of coffee mix with 2 tablespoons of water.
  2. The mixture obmoknite brush and treat stains.
  3. After drying, wipe off the remains of coffee a clean, dry sponge.
table_pic_att14934078696 Method 5. steam

Small in size quickly remove dirt pairs:

  1. Boil water in a pan.
  2. Hold your hands over the steam bag - about 5 minutes.
  3. Rubber brush clean off the dirt.
  4. Dry bag in a natural way.
table_pic_att14934078717 Method 6. Pumice

Using pumice - radical method for cleaning of suede difficult stubborn contaminants:

  1. Gently blot shuffled pumice without pressure.
  2. Deep mud, remove the brush or sponge.

Pumice not relieve suede bag from stains and only remove large dry dirt.

Tools for light bags

Light bag, you guessed it, the best cleanser in white or transparent color.

Before you clean suede bag, be sure to check on it cracks or scratches. Some ways to make them more visible - defects better be treated separately.

Picture instruction
table_pic_att14934078758 Method 7. a piece of chalk

Grease stains and zalosnivshiesya space on a white bag without problems remove the chalk, tooth powder or talc:

  1. Sprinkle a little powdered chalk on the stain.
  2. Leave the powder to soak for 7-8 hours.
  3. Remove the remnants soaked in soapy water with a brush.
table_pic_att14934078789 Method 8. Vinegar

Old dirt with light suede things corrode vinegar essence:

  1. Dissolve teaspoon essences in a liter of water.
  2. When using a sponge soaked in liquid, deal with dirt.
  3. Wipe the product with a damp cloth.
table_pic_att149340788110 Method 9. Ammonia

Remove grease and dirt, and you can update the product by means of ammonia:

  1. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of 10% alcohol in a quarter cup of water.
  2. Moisten a cotton pad in the liquid and treat them soiled areas.
  3. Dry the product.

When all methods are tried and did not know what to do with suede products - is a chemical treatment. Remember, dry cleaning sustain only very high quality material. Service price - about 2000 rubles, depending on the complexity of the contamination and dimensions.

Photo: Before you give the product to the dry cleaner, make sure it is quality, cheap fabric will not stand aggressive substancesPhoto: Before you give the product to the dry cleaner, make sure it is quality, cheap fabric will not stand aggressive substances


As you clean suede bag, we understand. But I want to warn, suede does not like moisture - from her material becomes hard and wrinkled.

Strong wetting suede can not deform material from waterStrong wetting suede can not deform material from water

If the bag gets wetAct advise as follows:

  1. After cleaning carefully whisk water with product.

Do not remove a thing - so you deformiruete it.

  1. Take an old newspaper or waste paper and fill their bag close.
Shoe suede at home which is completed by proper drying.Shoe suede at home which is completed by proper drying.
  1. Leave accessory to dry for several hours at room temperature. If necessary, change the paper.

In order not to spoil the bag, it is not drying out in the sun or in the battery. It would be the best warm well-ventilated room.

Drying suede wardrobe items should take place in a natural wayDrying suede wardrobe items should take place in a natural way


I shared the most effective means of cleaning suede material. Using one of them, you are virtually guaranteed to return the original appearance of the bag.

If the product has lost its color during the procedure - it is also correctable. How to paint the delicate material, you learn from the video in this article. If you have any questions - I wait for them in the comments!

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