Why cabbage seedlings turn yellow and dry and what to do

Cabbage refers to capricious crops, if grown at home. This is due to a number of factors: a violation of the temperature regime, excessive watering, an insufficient amount of dressings, infection with diseases and pests, why it can begin to dry out at least. Seedlings dry and turn yellow in almost every novice gardener.

Also, the leaves can twist or fall, become covered with colored spots, special attention must be paid to these signs, because the plant may begin to disappear and eventually die.

The contents of the bookseedlings

  • Effective methods of stimulating growth
  • Why cabbage leaves can turn yellow, dry or wither

    Gardeners point out two main reasons for whicheye begins to tie cabbage leaves:

    • improper care;
    • disease and pest damage.

    If cabbage leaves begin to curl and dry, then this is a sign of the presence of pests on the plant.

    Most often seedlings are prone to spider mites and aphids. Of the diseases found blackleg, fusarium and keel.
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    Pest Control

    1. Aphid. Small bright insects infect leaves of plants. They multiply in large numbers and suck the juice out of young saplings, which is why the plant may start to die.
    2. Spider Mite. Infection is manifested in the form of barely noticeable spider webs on the back of the sheet, sticky secretions and black specks. The surface of the leaves becomes mottled with light spots. Gradually, they begin to turn yellow and dry.
    3. Black Leg. The disease is characterized by blackening and thinning of the legs of the plant. Gradually, it breaks and the sprout dies.
    4. Fusarium. The disease is characterized by yellowing and binding of seedling leaves.
    5. Quila. Characterized by the formation of tubers on the roots of seedlings. Detected when picking or landing in open ground. The disease is transmitted through the soil in which the plants grew.

    Violation of

    1. rules of temperature In the early stages of growth, plants are placed in cool rooms. The conditions of the window sill when the heating is working create a too hot climate, which contributes to the drying of the foliage.
    2. Lighting. The lack of lighting leads to poor development of seedlings and the loss of green mass. Choosing a place for placement of seedlings, you should focus on good lighting or organize additional lighting.
    3. Soil. Most cabbage varieties grow well in a neutral or alkaline environment. Plants do not tolerate high acidity.
    4. Watering. Cabbage is a moisture-loving plant, but excess irrigation leads to acidification of the soil. As a result, the supply of roots with oxygen is disrupted. As a result of oxygen starvation, the leaves dry and wither.
    In order for the cabbage seedlings not to turn yellow, it needs to create comfortable conditions for growth and carry out preventive treatment for diseases and pests.
    Treatment of cabbage against pests

    Methods to combat the yellow foliage

    Preventing the drying of young plants will help compliance with the rules of seedling care and disease prevention.

    Proper dressing

    Cabbage grows well with abundant .With a lack of fertilizers immediately after planting in the ground leaves may turn yellow and dry.

    Experts recommend applying fertilizer 2-3 times at the seedling stage and 3-4 times during the season after planting in open ground. The last dressing is carried out at the stage of the formation of heads. Nitrogen, phosphorus potash fertilizers, and the introduction of iron help with the yellowing of the foliage.

    Organization of competent irrigation

    Excess irrigation leads to the development of diseases and rotting of the root system. Seedlings on the windowsill watered 1-2 times a day .Before watering, check the condition of the soil. The top layer must be dry.

    Watering cabbage seedlings should be carried out 1-2 times a day.

    Compliance with light and temperature conditions

    After germination, seedlings should be placed in a cool room with an temperature not higher than 12 degrees .Excess heat leads to stretching sprouts and the development of a weak root system. Lack of light also leads to stretching of germs.

    Correct the situation allows changing the temperature and light conditions, additional lighting in the dark time of the day, watering with anti-stress drugs Epin-Extra, Zircon.

    Landing in the ground

    When landing on ridges, damage to the root system occurs. As a result, the lower leaves turn yellow. In this situation, the seedlings additionally feed , and dry leaves neatly cut .

    If the lower leaves of the seedlings turn yellow after transplanting - they need to be torn off.

    Pest control

    To control the pests, pre-treat the seeds before planting. The soil in which the seedlings are placed is also subjected to antiseptic processing.

    When aphids or spider mites are found, the leaves are washed under running water and sprinkled with wood ash with a thin layer of .Those affected by blackleg or keelled plant are advised to destroy .

    For healthy seedlings, they organize the right care conditions( reduce watering, reduce temperature, lower acidity, thin out plantings).

    After planting in the ground for the prevention of diseases and pests of the plant is recommended to process a solution of whey with water.

    Causes of poor growth of seedlings

    In some cases, even good seedlings can produce poor growth rates. Experts identify a number of reasons that are associated with poor development of seedlings:

    • seed penetration;
    • excessive or insufficient watering;
    • temperature violation;
    • dry indoor air with landings;
    • strong drafts;
    • disease and pest damage;
    • thickening of landings;
    • lack of lighting;
    • lack of nutrients in the soil.

    All these causes lead to the development of a weak root system and impair the growth of seedlings.

    Thickening of planting seedlings can slow its growth

    Effective methods of stimulating growth

    Stimulate the growth of seedlings at the seed stage.

    Proper selection of seed and its placement in the ground ensures the rapid growth of strong plants.

    1. Selection of seed. For planting, use only even seeds without visible damage. It is important to check the expiration dates on the packaging.
    2. Ground selection. Cabbage grows poorly in acidic soil. An effective method of stimulation is to reduce acidity. To do this in the ground lime.
    3. Disinfecting and soaking seeds. Cabbage seeds germinate faster and less susceptible to pests if they are soaked in a cold solution of manganese or a growth stimulator.
    4. Deepening and thickening of the landings. Seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm. The great depth of the holes leads to poor germination of seedlings. After germination, cabbage is thinned. On 1 sprout allot an area of ​​2 × 2 cm.
    5. Top dressing. Stimulate the growth of seedlings allows timely feeding. It is produced in three stages. The first 10 days after the picks. The second stage - 2 weeks after the first feeding. The third stage - 4-5 days before landing in the ground.
    6. The use of growth promoters. With proper care and insufficient growth of cabbage, stimulants are used. Preparations are used for soaking seeds, planting plants in the ground, the appearance of adverse conditions in the form of disease, frost, and insufficient light. Effective drugs: EPIN, Epin-Extra, Immunocytophyte, Heteroauxin.

    It is possible to grow strong seedlings without dry and yellow leaves at home. The main thing is to follow the rules of caring for plants, choose a suitable place and in time make preventive measures for diseases and when growing a house on a window and on a bed.

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