How to make a manual planter for carrots with your own hands

Planting carrots always takes a long time. If you sow the seedlings in random order, they will have to be thinned and removed as they germinate. To shorten the time for planting, as well as plant evenly use planters. They can be purchased or made independently.


  • Types and benefits of carrot sowing
    • Manual planter for seeds
    • piston
    • funnel
    • planter for the carrot from the bar
    • Mini rake for planting seeds
  • Additional types of drills
  • How to make a hand drill for carrots with their hands?

The types and benefits of using the

carrot planter The seed drills made for manual sowing are divided into several types:

  1. Tuck - recommended to simplify the fertilizer process or the distribution of lime over the territory;
  2. Garden - designed for sowing seeds of agricultural needs in areas near the house or gardens;
  3. Grain-cereal - provide for planting on vast territories - on grain fields.
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A simple seeder can be made from the improvised material, not spending much money. But all simple devices are made only under the hole, that is, it is often problematic or almost impossible to adjust the required volume of the hole.

If you make a simple planter with your own hands, then it is recommended to provide for the moment of planting various planting material. It is necessary so that the hole made of iron sheet, could be regulated.

The advantages of this device are:

  • Uniform sowing of planting material ;
  • Placement at the same depth; ;
  • The same distance between landings;
  • Easy to use;
  • The ease of in the creation.

With the help of such a unit it is possible to land a vast territory quickly and in short order. After working with a seeder for carrots do not have to pull out extra seedlings, injuring those that remain for further growth.

Manual seed planter

This type of planting technology is used over large areas. It is capable of creating even grooves, in which they impose a uniform number of seeds. Can be used not only for planting carrots, but also for beets, onions, parsley, lettuce, or other small seeds.

Manual seed drill for carrots

The groove is made by moving the wheel on which special vanes or spikes are located. With these growths, the wheel creates holes of a certain size with the same depth.

The seeder device is such that a spout from the bunker goes through which a certain amount of seeds is sown. Feed seedlings are strictly regulated by a special valve.

Behind in addition there is a wheel with a smooth surface, which as it moves, it falls asleep and tampers holes with planting material.

Some hand drills may have several rows of planting, as well as be adjusted according to the depth of an indented groove.


A piston seed drill for carrots looks like a plastic container, a cylindrical character. It contains planting material. At the bottom there is an adjustable cone hole for sowing seedlings into soil. At the top of this device is a piston equipped with a spring.

Piston planter of carrots

This unit works on the principle of extruding a certain amount into a previously prepared recess in the ground. So that the seedlings do not fly apart, the piston seeder is placed 5 cm above the ground level.

Some farmers consider a piston planter to be a problematic device, while replacing it with an ordinary medical syringe. But working with a syringe gives a lot of inconvenience:

  1. When squeezing out seeds, they often fly apart in different directions ;
  2. Pressing the syringe can not be controlled, so the seeds are poured out in different volumes.

Piston landing system is designed for large areas, and with a syringe do not infuse a lot. Therefore, it is better to use a piston with a springy pressing.

. Funnel-shaped

One of the simplest mechanisms is a large dispenser with a miniature “spout”.A cone extending into the ground has a hole, the volume of which can be adjusted by the diaphragm inside.

The funnel is installed above the ground surface at a height of up to 15 cm and the is gently shaken. Seeds, rolling out along the groove, evenly fit into the furrow.

Using such a funnel-bowl, it is possible to achieve correct, even grooves, while not thickened by an excessive amount of seeds.

The disadvantage is the need to adapt or adapt to such work .If you shake it often or strongly, you can plant the seeds not at all in the groove, but around the whole area.

Sazhalka for carrots from the bar

This method of planting resembles the method of planting with the help of a tray from under the eggs. Production of planters from a bar will require several plastic covers and a wooden block. . Its dimensions can be arbitrary, but it is better to adhere to the verified wooden volume - 5x5x50 cm .

Sazhalka for carrots from the bar and lids

Lids are nailed on one of the sides. It is required to loosen the ground well so that it is airy and soft. The topsoil is leveled evenly. The side with the covers is lowered into the soil and pressed into the .After the bar is raised above the surface, even holes for planting carrot seeds remain in the soil substrate. It remains only to put the prepared seedlings and sprinkle.

Mini rakes for planting seeds

Rakes for planting are easy to perform if you have previously had experience with a hacksaw or a jigsaw. For a prepared bed, you should choose a long board, such that it completely covers the area.

It is recommended to clear the area for working with such equipment not more than 40-50 cm wide.

Also for the production of rakes will need a tree bar, up to 20 cm long - it will be a handle.

Home-made rake for planting carrot seeds

The bottom side( end) is to be cut. On it, peculiar teeth are cut in the shape of a trapezoid, so that the bottom base is no more than 1 cm, and the depth reaches 2 cm. On the flat side, place the handle on the center. This can be done with a nail. Work on the mini-rake is over.

To perform the sowing, it is required to lower the improvised rake to the dug up, air section and run along the perimeter. On the site in an instant smooth grooves are formed, in which it is required to lay planting material.

Additional types of seeders

There are many methods for planting seeds. Seedlings of carrots represent the greatest difficulty for gardeners. They are quite small and difficult to plant evenly. After germination, a very large number of young shoots must be removed. Therefore, it is recommended to use different methods for planting:

  1. Sowing with the help of toilet paper - numerous seeds are glued onto a piece of toilet paper in a random or strictly defined order. Later this site is covered with a small layer of earth. When sprouts sprout, they do not need to be discharged. Only, among them weeds sprout abundantly. The disadvantage of the method is the long-term gluing of small seedlings on a piece of paper;
  2. The seeder from the egg container is an original and easy way. The advantages of the method is the simplicity and evenly planted seeds at the required distance. To do this, press the tray into the ground and pour planting material of 1 or 2 seeds into the resulting holes;
  3. Using the tape - in specialized stores you can find a special ribbon for planting carrots. Seedlings are already glued to it in the required order and at the optimal distance. Landing is easy to perform - a tape is applied to the furrow made and powdered with earth.

seeds Thus, in order to plant carrots without a drill at home, you can easily, but before that you need to spend either money or have patiencelaying on the toilet paper small seeds. But to get a rich, and most importantly, even harvest, you can make any sacrifices.

How to make a hand seeder for carrots with your own hands?

In the case when there are no excess funds for the purchase of a seed drill, it can be done personally. Before work, draw up a drawing and an individual design of the future unit. It is best to do everything with simple models.

Axis, aluminum production tubes, and wheels, as well as sheet metal, are required for production. From these parts you can make an excellent home-made planter without resorting to heavy and costly technologies.

Scheme homemade planter for planting carrots

Collection scheme:

  1. Aluminum tubes turn into handles. Requires tilting out the angle and adjust the height of the planter to grow; it is best to design the handles “away from you”;
  2. Bunkers for sunflower seeds are formed from iron in the form of cones or funnels. They are located on the axis in such a way that between them there is a small space of 1 cm;
  3. Each funnel should go down with a sharp cone , inside of which there is a hole 0.1 cm wide;
  4. The central axis is connected to the wheels of the , the hoppers are located on top of the axis to which the handles are attached;
  5. Additionally, you can optionally install an limiter for marking rows.
Having tested the design, you can adjust it to yourself as needed so that the seedlings fall out evenly and at the same speed.

Thus, with the use of seeders, one can not only engage in planting seeds in one's garden or dacha with pleasure, but also spend less time. In addition, does not have to remove sprouts as the crop grows when working with such planting techniques. If you follow the recommendations, you can make your own high-quality equipment and plant large areas, not only carrots, but also other crops.

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