Protection against the Colorado potato beetle drug Prestige

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Growing potatoes involves not only appropriate care for the crop, protection of the potato, protection of the heart, protection of the protection, but protection and protection for your protection, protection and protection of your protection, but also protection of your own protection, but also protection of your own protection, protection and protection of your protection, protection and protection, but also to protect your strength and protect your strength and protect the protection of your own protection, but also to protect your strength and protect your strength and protect the protection of your protection, but also to protect your strength and protect your strength and protect your strength,

  • .Prestige of the Colorado potato beetle is recognized as one of the best drugs in this area. Insecticide has a strong effect on pests, but, unlike other means, it is relatively safe for humans.
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    The prescription and composition of the drug Prestige

    The beginning of the summer season makes most gardeners think about protecting vegetable crops from pests, of which there are many in nature. Potatoes are the most troubling, since the most common are organisms that negatively affect growth and yield, in particular, the Colorado potato beetle.

    There are many ways to combat insect pests. These are both folk methods and strong chemical compounds, but the leading position is taken by the prestige of the Colorado potato beetle. The drug is used to process tubers before planting in order to protect the plant and its future harvest.

    Prestige belongs to the group of insecticide-fungicides - it has a destructive effect on both pests and various fungal bacteria.

    The composition of the product includes 2 substances:

    • pencycuron - a pesticide, which has a detrimental effect on fungal bacteria and increases resistance to adverse environmental factors;
    • Imidacloprid is an insecticide of a short period of exposure that destroys harmful insects.
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    Prestige preparation from Colorado potato beetles is produced in the form of a concentrated solution that requires prior dilution in water.


    . The agent is most often used to prevent attacks of the most common pests, while the prestige of the Colorado potato beetle has a fairly wide spectrum of action.

    Substance will help in the fight against the following destructive organisms:

    • aphid;
    • Bear;
    • wire;
    • larvae of the May beetle;
    • small fleas;
    • cicada;
    • mol.

    In addition, the tool is very effective from rot, mildew, and is also suitable for preventive measures.

    Instructions for use of

    The prestige treatment of Colorado potato beetles should be started immediately before the young tubers are planted in the ground, only in this case the drug will have its full effect. Additionally, the substance disinfects planting material.

    Before spraying the tubers should be checked for the presence of cuts - if the whole shell is broken, the potatoes cannot be processed.

    Detailed instructions for the application of the Prestige from the Colorado potato beetles include the following steps:

    1. Dilute 50 ml of the concentrated preparation in 0.6 l of water. The resulting solution is enough for about 50 kg of potatoes.
    2. Place tubers on a film-covered surface.
    3. Spray tubers evenly with a specialized sprayer no more than 1 day before planting.
    4. Dry the tubers for 2-3 hours.
    5. Plant the treated material in the ground.
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    After the seed potatoes are buried in the soil, moisture will spread the substance, due to which a protective layer will appear on the tubers. In the process of growth, the tops gradually absorb the components of the product and become poisonous to pests. If components of the solution get into the insect's body, the effect of paralysis will work - the pest will lose the ability to act, and then will die.

    The effect of the drug continues until the onset of flowering. On average, the protection period is about 30-35 days.

    In addition, the use of the Prestige from the Colorado potato beetle is also permissible for eggplant seedlings, tomatoes and other solanaceous crops. For this concentrate is diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 100 and soaked the roots of seedlings for 8 hours. Then immediately planted into the ground.

    Read also: Harvesting beet tops for the winter


    harm Of course, summer residents are interested in the question of whether there is any harm from Prestige from the Colorado potato beetle. It can be noted here that in the crop, in other words, in tubers, no toxic substances are observed 50 days after treatment. During this period, the molecules of the agent dissolve in the soil, and the residues of the preparation are neutralized. Accordingly, potatoes can be safely eaten.

    The period of decomposition of the toxic substances of the Prestige preparation is 40-50 days, therefore, early varieties of potatoes cannot be treated with the agent!

    Since the drug is a toxic substance, it is necessary to carry out preplant treatment of tubers in a mask, goggles, and preferably in a special robe or suit. The procedure must be carried out in the open air.

    After spraying should take a shower and wash clothes.

    Prestige from the Colorado potato beetles is really considered one of the best options for dealing with all sorts of pests. The drug is harmless, and the degree of its protective functions is large enough. Before using the composition should be carefully read the instructions and act in accordance with its instructions.

    Protecting Potatoes with Prestige - Video

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