A properly selected variety increases the chances of a good harvest. Corners zozulya - ideal for growing in greenhouses and open ground in the garden plots. Description and characteristics of this variety are presented below.
- Description and characteristics of cucumber varieties Zozulya
- Advantages and disadvantages
- requirements to the soil for planting
- seeding rules
- Care grade after planting in the greenhouse
- Driving feeding
- Disease Control and Prevention
- dangerous diseases cucumbers Cladosporium
- Harvesting and
retention rulesDescription and characteristics of the varieties of cucumbers zozula
Derived by domestic breeders, the variety of cucumbers is suitable for cultivation in most regions. In the open field, the yield is weaker than under the film cover. It is a hybrid of early ripening. Productivity comes in 42-48 days from the moment of landing. Considered to be a high-yielding variety from one 1 m², up to 20 kg of cucumbers can be collected

Fruits reach a length of 24 cm. The shape is thin, cylindrical, with pimples and spikes. Cucumber color is rich green. It has a thin, soft skin. The pulp is fragrant with small seeds. On the bushes cucumbers do not overgrow. After harvesting for a long time keep a fresh look. Mass of one ripe cucumber up to 300 gr. A variety is considered commercially attractive for resale.
A hybrid plant does not require pollination. However, planting male plants for pollination increases productivity. In the care of unpretentious variety, resistant to adverse weather conditions. The bush weakly weaves without side branches. Pinching and pinching is not necessary. Cucumbers do not turn yellow for a long time; they retain their marketable appearance for up to 5-6 days if they are properly stored.
Advantages and disadvantages of
- Zozulya cucumbers are used for making salads and eating fresh. For preservation, pickling and pickling, they are not suitable.
- Well kept in the refrigerator, if you do not follow the rules of storage, they become soft and shriveled.
- tolerates temperature drops without damage to the growth.
- High yield is observed only during greenhouse cultivation.
- Planting seeds better, planting seedlings is very laborious.

Soil requirements for planting
The soil must be loose and sufficiently fertilized. In particular, cucumbers of this variety are grown in greenhouses. The soil is prepared taking into account the peculiarities of growing vegetable crops under the film. The soil should consist of peat, sod land and humus. The soil should have a neutral acidity. Light and fertile soil - a guarantee of high yield of cucumbers. The thickness of the fertile substrate must be 15–20 , see
To protect the crop from disease, the soil must be decontaminated. You can disinfect the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate. Potassium parchment( potassium permanganate) 3 gr. Is added to 10 liters of water.the resulting solution is watered in a greenhouse or bed. Summer residents often use mustard powder to disinfect the soil. It is scattered over the ground, folded on top, using a rake.

There are also chemical methods of disinfecting the soil. The introduction of drugs into the soil eliminates the causative agents of fungal and bacterial diseases. Use funds according to the attached instructions. Recently, biological preparations have been widely used. After processing the area is dug up, planting cucumbers can be done after 4-5 days.
Planting rules
- Sowing is recommended by seed, exclusively purchased. When purchasing seeds, pay attention to the date of manufacture and shelf life.
- Seeds of this variety are not germinated. However, if you want them to ascend faster, they can be kept in a damp napkin for 2-3 days.
- The distance between the holes of the should be maintained between 30-35 cm.
- The recommended temperature mode for planting Zozul cucumbers is 25-28 degrees Celsius.
- The holes where the seeds are placed are watered, lightly is poured with sawdust and covered with a thin layer of earth.
- Until the emergence of the shoots , the wells are watered, and the ensures that the soil does not dry out.
- It is also necessary to control the temperature in the greenhouse .
Care of the variety after planting in the greenhouse
There are no special recommendations for the variety of cucumbers, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the bushes so that they are not affected by diseases and pests. In the process of growth, bushes are formed, tied with flail sticks. Harvest regularly, so that the greens are not overgrown. Water and fertilize fertilizing bushes. If necessary, use regulators and growth stimulants. Growing cucumbers in the open field, they better make shelter from the sun. Over the bushes to organize a canopy of garden fabric or any other material.

- top dressing has a positive effect on growth processes, promote early flowering;
- prolongs the fruiting period, after feeding, the bushes give a long crop;
- improved taste qualities cucumbers;
- bushes become more resistant to disease and pest ;
- The first top dressing is made when there are good shoots in two leaves;
- in the autumn do additional dressing after harvesting. - this procedure will make the soil fertile for spring planting;
- in the spring make top dressings before planting seeds for several weeks;
- the following dressing is necessary to make for 5-7 days before landing .
Diseases and their prevention

Cucumbers are ill more often in greenhouses than in open ground. Enclosed space provokes the development of disease. If the soil is not disinfected correctly, cucumbers can be affected by melon aphid. The development of aphids occurs quickly, the cucumbers turn yellow, the appearance of the green of the bush changes. It is necessary to treat the plants with Carbofos, Phosbecid or the Commander.
Dangerous disease of cucumbers Cladosporia

The affected bushes are covered with green-brown sores. On day 3, the leaves begin to darken, later collapse and dry. The disease is often found in a period of high humidity, heavy rain. The disease affects the bushes and fruits. To help the plant, you need to stop watering. Treat should Bordeaux liquid or means oxy. Processing is carried out according to the scheme indicated on the packaging.
Harvesting and storage rules
- Cucumbers carefully removed from the kuts, otherwise you can damage the plant. Zelentsy removed from the bush, pinch their tails with nails.
- Harvested harvest folded in boxes .If you throw them, the presentation will spoil.
- Store drawers in a cool place or refrigerator. Shelf life up to 7 days.
- You do not need to wet the harvested crop, to extend their safety, you can put a bucket of water in the room where cucumbers are stored.
Cucumbers Zozulya mainly grown in greenhouses. For blanks, they are not suitable, but give a good harvest. The variety has a good presentation, suitable for commerce. Does not require complex care. It has advantages over non-hybrid varieties.