Two-pipe heating system of a private house: comparison circuits

Providing heat in the house - the most important task for the owner. It can be solved in different ways, however, according to statistics the majority of buildings in our country are heated with the help of a water heating system.

It is a water version of the most effective and practical in our relatively harsh climatic conditions. Two-pipe heating system of a private house is considered one of its most sought-after species.

We encourage you to investigate options and heating assembly technology with flow and return coolant manifold. Information is based on the building specifications and requirements. For completeness, the perception of difficult topics presented information supplemented by a photo-collections, visual diagrams, video.

The content of the article:

  • Features two-pipe heating
  • Why choose such a system?
  • Types of systems with flow and return
    • Open heating wiring
    • The closed circulation system
    • Structure of a natural circulation
    • Wiring with forced circulation of coolant
    • The horizontal and vertical arrangement of the type
    • instagram viewer
    • Two-pipe heating system with the upper wiring
    • Double pipe structure with the bottom wiring
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Features two-pipe heating

any heating system with the liquid coolant comprises a closed circuit connecting radiators, heating room and the boiler, which heats the coolant.

Everything takes place as follows: the fluid moving through the heat exchanger of the heater, is heated to a high temperature and then flows into the radiators, the number of which is determined building needs.

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Principle of double pipe heating apparatus

The principal feature of two-pipe heating systems lies in the fact that for each device service summarizes two pipes

Pipes for the heated and the cooled coolant

The heated heat carrier in the boiler enters the apparatus through the pipeline, called pitch, cooled - is removed through the tube, called the return line

The main practical advantage dvuhtubnyh schemes

A two-tube type heating device provides the supply of all the devices of the heated heating medium is almost the same temperature

No limitations in size and complexity

The two-pipe heating circuits device embodiments there are no restrictions on the area to equip home rise and complexity of the system

Economic disadvantages of using two tubes

Disadvantages double pipe heating circuits consist in material consumption exceeding monotube analogs almost twice

Manifold variations of heating circuits

The overwhelming majority of the collector radiator heating circuits is carried out on a two-pipe technology, though there are monotube

Radiation distributing pipes from the collector to the floor structure

Commutator heating circuit device can hide the multiple pipe system underneath the floor screed

Aesthetic priorities hidden wiring heating

Hide in structures not only can pipe collector circuit, but also communication tee wiring formed plastic pipes

Principle of double pipe heating apparatus

Principle of double pipe heating apparatus

Pipes for the heated and the cooled coolant

Pipes for the heated and the cooled coolant

The main practical advantage dvuhtubnyh schemes

The main practical advantage dvuhtubnyh schemes

No limitations in size and complexity

No limitations in size and complexity

Economic disadvantages of using two tubes

Economic disadvantages of using two tubes

Manifold variations of heating circuits

Manifold variations of heating circuits

Radiation distributing pipes from the collector to the floor structure

Radiation distributing pipes from the collector to the floor structure

Aesthetic priorities hidden wiring heating

Aesthetic priorities hidden wiring heating

Here, the liquid gives off heat and air gradually cools. Then returns to the heater coil and the cycle is repeated.

As simply the circulation takes place in a one-pipe system, where each battery fits only one pipe. However, in this case, every next battery will receive a coolant, came out of the previous one, and, therefore, more cold.

Two-pipe heating system of a private house

The distinguishing feature of a two-pipe system - the presence of the supply and return pipe, suitable to each radiator

a more complex two-pipe system was designed to eliminate this significant disadvantage.

In this embodiment, to each radiator connects two pipes:

  • First - feed, on which the coolant enters the battery.
  • Second - or as they say tapping master "tank line" on which The cooled fluid leaves the device.

Thus, each radiator is equipped with individually controlled heating medium flow, which makes it possible to organize the most efficient heating.

two-pipe heating scheme of arrangement in a private house

Since the supply of the heated coolant to devices made almost simultaneously by a single tube, and collecting the cooled water other, two pipe systems are optimal thermo-balance - all systems and circuits connected to the battery it work with almost equal emissivity

Why choose such a system?

Two pipe water heating is gradually replacing the traditional monotube designBecause its benefits are obvious and very significant:

  • Each of radiators included in the system receives the coolant at a certain temperature, and it is identical for all.
  • The ability to perform adjustment for each battery. If desired, the owner can put the thermostat on each of the heating devices, which will allow him to obtain the desired temperature in the room. In this case, the remaining heat in the radiators will remain the same building.
  • Relatively small pressure losses in the system. This makes it possible to use the system for efficient circulation pump comparatively low power.
  • In case of breakage of one or even several radiator system can continue its work. The presence valves on the inlet pipe allows for repair and assembly work without stopping.
  • It can be installed in any number of storeys and the building area. You only need to choose the appropriate type of optimal two-pipe system.

The disadvantage of such systems normally include installation and greater complexity, in comparison with the single-tube construction, the cost. This is due to double the number of pipes that have to be installed.

However, we must remember that everything for two-pipe systems are used tubes and small diameter components, giving some savings. As a result, the system cost is not that much higher than the single pipe analogue and benefits at the same time it gives a lot more.

Two-pipe heating system in a private home

One of the great advantages of a two-pipe heating system - the ability to effectively adjust the indoor temperature

Types of systems with flow and return

Two-pipe design is characterized by a variety of species which can be classified according to various criteria. Consider the main ones.

Open heating wiring

Any hydraulic heating system is a closed circuit, which includes an expansion tank. This element is necessary because the heating fluid increases in volume.

For open wiring a tank is selected, which allows fluid communication with the atmosphere. In this case, part of it will inevitably evaporates, resulting in the need to constantly monitor its level.

Scheme two-pipe heating system open type

Two pipe open heating circuit - the easiest and cheapest option constructions system. Strong negative it is that the coolant in the frosty period, directly in contact with the atmosphere, cools rapidly

This is a very important nuance, which should be taken very seriously. Insufficient fluid level in the system leads to a "boiling" of the boiler and its failure. In addition, an open system involves the use of water as a coolant only.

A more practical in terms of this compound glycols or antifreezes, evaporative form toxic fumes, are therefore used only in enclosed constructions.

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Specificity open heating device

The two pipe systems, an open type of heating used outdoor expansion tank, without automatic regulating pressure circuit

Two-pipe heating system with natural movement

Open two-pipe heating systems generally satisfied with the natural movement of the coolant. Among them are dominated by upper wiring scheme as the most simple and functional

Removal of air in the circuits with the lower wiring

Two-pipe system with an open bottom distributing construct extremely rare. In the case of devices for radiators mounted air vent for venting excess

Boiler positioning in open heating systems

In open circuits wild-type boiler adjusted if possible at the low level, e.g., in the basement, so that spontaneous movement coolant zatsirkulirovat

Specificity open heating device

Specificity open heating device

Two-pipe heating system with natural movement

Two-pipe heating system with natural movement

Removal of air in the circuits with the lower wiring

Removal of air in the circuits with the lower wiring

Boiler positioning in open heating systems

Boiler positioning in open heating systems

The closed circulation system

It is different from the open presence of a closed expansion tank. It does not require constant monitoring by the owner. The construction involves the installation of expansion tank membraneWhich is intended to compensate for a sudden drop or increase in pressure in the system. Thus, it prevents damage to equipment as a result of sudden overload.

Two-pipe heating system of a private house

In the closed circuit is mounted an expansion tank membrane type, which does not communicate with the environment, so the heat transfer fluid does not evaporate out of the system

Diaphragm tank makes it possible to hold the optimum system for the pump and boiler pressure. In addition, the closed design allows to use as a coolant in any suitable liquid to its parameters.

This makes it possible to get the most efficient and cost-effective system with the necessary parameters. For example, not fearful of freezing, if it is used antifreeze.

By way of circulating the heat transfer fluid two-pipe heating systems are divided into two large groups.

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Closed expansion tank for heating

Required component closed heating circuits - ekspanzomat - expansion tank in the form of a closed capsule with a rubber bulb inside

Location of the boiler and devices in closed circuits

Closed heating systems predetermine use in the apparatus of the circulation pump, whereby the boiler can be positioned in any convenient location and routed below the supply pipe radiators

Radiators and air vent balancing device

two-pipe heating systems equipped with devices for balancing the temperature regulators, for removing air or excess automatic mechanical bleed valve

Security Group closed two-pipe system

Closed heating circuits require the mandatory installation of safety the group consisting of deaerator for the entire system, and pressure gauge predhranitelnogo valve reset when excess coolant is exceeded pressure

Closed expansion tank for heating

Closed expansion tank for heating

Location of the boiler and devices in closed circuits

Location of the boiler and devices in closed circuits

Radiators and air vent balancing device

Radiators and air vent balancing device

Security Group closed two-pipe system

Security Group closed two-pipe system

Structure of a natural circulation

The basic principle of operation of the system is as follows: the boiler heats the heat medium, which expands with increasing temperature. Liquid density decreases.

With this cooler, and therefore dense water is gradually replacing the heated liquid upwards. It rises to the highest point of the system, which gradually begins to cool down, and gravity moves to the radiators.

The battery gives the water accumulated heat and cools even more and increasing its density, moves to the boiler. It is obvious that the coolant passes the entire cycle by gravity, without the use of additional equipment.

Due to the fact that this is happening quite slowly displaced by water, the air has time to move to the top of the peak point of the system, which allows to get rid of excessive airing.

Two-pipe heating system of a private house

The figure shows a simple diagram of a two-pipe heating system with natural coolant circulation. Among its characteristic features include large diameter pipelines, due to which decreases flow resistance, and the required slope in the course of coolant flow about 2 - 3 mm running meter

The undeniable advantage wild-type construction It considered a long service life. No moving elements, and a circulation pump, and a closed loop system with a finite number of mineral salts and slurries considerably prolongs the time of its operation.

Experts say that the service life of structures with natural circulation, equipped with plastic pipes and bimetal radiators may be about fifty years.

A drawback of such schemes is considered a relatively low pressure drop. It is necessary to take into consideration the specific resistance which have radiators and pipe movement coolant. Therefore the action of such a system will be limited to the radius. Building codes is recommended to use heating with natural circulation in a radius of no more than 30 m.

In addition, such a system has a high inertia, however with firing the boiler and until the temperature has stabilized in a heated building passes fairly large amount of time.

The disadvantage can be considered that all the pipes to be laid under a certain bias, so that the fluid can move in the right direction. Heating with natural circulation is capable of self-regulation.

Two-pipe heating system in a private home

Pipe system with natural circulation is capable of self-regulation: the temperature is lowered below the heated environment, the higher the movement speed of the coolant

The lower the ambient temperature, the higher the coolant flow rate. In addition to promoting a liquid for heating circuit influenced several factors: the cross section and material of the wiring pipe, radius and number of turns in the double pipe heating circuit of a private house, and the presence and kind of the installed locking fittings.

By acting on these factors can be most effective heating systems.

Wiring with forced circulation of coolant

The circuit includes the above-described circulation pumpThat moves the coolant in a closed heating circuit. This gives significant advantages. First of all, increased velocity of the fluid, thereby building is warming much faster.

Thus all radiators connected to the system, the coolant is obtained about the same temperature. This allows them to heat up as uniformly as possible.

When using circuits with natural circulation is impossible, because the temperature of the liquid falling into the radiator depends on the distance at which it is removed from the boiler. The farther away the battery, the colder coolant. Forced circulation makes it possible to adjust the level of the individual heating elements of the network. Furthermore, it is possible to overlap its parts if necessary.

Using a circulating pump allows you to turn the system expansion tank with membrane, that is, to perform it in a closed version. Thus, the amount of liquid evaporated is considerably reduced.

Furthermore, installation is significantly simplified structure, since there is no need to lay pipe under strictly definite angle, precisely calculating the diameter and height of the lift.

Two-pipe heating system in a private home

The figure shows a diagram of a two-pipe heating system with forced circulation. Here there is a pump that moves fluid along the contour

Another advantage designs with forced circulation - the possibility of fairly painless to make the necessary changes to its scheme and layout. For the arrangement of such a structure and components used pipe of smaller diameter, that it substantially reduces the cost.

In addition, such systems are more economical due to the fact that the heat transfer fluid temperature difference at the inlet and at the boiler outlet is much smaller than that of an analogue of a natural circulation.

The presence in the pump circuit prevents zavozdushennosti heating line. In general wiring using forced circulation are considered more effective, but they have disadvantages too.

The most significant of them - volatility. The pump can not operate without being connected to a power source. Blackouts such heating is stopped. With frequent shutdowns desirable to have uninterrupted power source.

The disadvantages are usually related and financial costs. Some of them - the price of the circulation pump, as well as the cost of reinforcement, which is essential for its normal functioning. Which generally increases the price of the system installation. In addition, the need to pay monthly bills for electricity, which ensures operation of the circulation pump.

Two-pipe heating system in a private home

The correctness of the choice of the pump depends largely on the efficiency of the heating system with forced circulation

heating circuit can be configured in two different ways, which determine the location of the risers and conduits in the space.

The horizontal and vertical arrangement of the type

It involves the connection of heating appliances to the horizontal line. mostly mounted in one-storey buildings a large area. Risers in this case optimally positioned in the hallways or the back rooms.

The advantage of this type of arrangement is considered lower cost of the system and its installation. The main drawback - the tendency to design airing, so you must install cranes Majewski.

Driving a horizontal two-pipe routing two-storey private house

The horizontal layout differs from the vertical embodiment in that the number of vertical roads in it is minimal. Plus, it is that the supply and return line can be laid under the floor, minus that flush gaskets is undesirable to apply the polymer tube and is required to be installed on the circulation loop pump

Connection to the radiators is made vertically arranged risers. Such an option is especially good for buildings with several floors, since it allows you to connect to the heating riser each floor separately. no air is considered the main advantage of the system. In this arrangement the heating circuit with the vertical arrangement more expensive than for the horizontal analog.

Two-pipe heating system in a private home

The vertical arrangement of the system allows you to connect to heating each floor individually, which is very convenient

Two-pipe heating system with the upper wiring

The main distinguishing feature of such a structure - laying the supply pipe at the upper part of the room, return pipes are removed via the bottom.

An important advantage of such a system, high line pressure, due to the considerable difference in feedback and feed pipe levels. Due to this fact, their diameter can be the same even when the circuit arrangement with natural circulation.

But this expansion tank, which is located at the highest point of the circuit is most often on an unheated attic, which can cause problems. Alternatively, you can consider the arrangement of the tank inside the overlap, when the lower half remains in the heated room, and the upper part is displayed on the attic and the most insulated.

If the owner is not particularly concerned about the presence of the pipes on the ceiling of the room, it is desirable to have the feed line above the window level.

In this case, the expansion vessel can be positioned under the ceiling, with the proviso that the height of the riser will be sufficient to ensure the normal coolant velocity. Obratku will need to mount as close to the floor level or even lower under it. The truth is the last case in the regeneration line will not be able to use the connectors to avoid the appearance of a leak.

Two-pipe heating system in a private home

The figure shows the upper circuit wiring with forward and backward motion of the natural coolant. Variants of single-and double-circuit wiring

Appearance of the room with the pipes laid under the ceiling unaesthetic. In addition some of the heat goes up, which makes the heating system with the upper wiring insufficiently effective.

Therefore, we can try to collect circuit with supply lines running under the radiators, but it will improve the appearance of the system only, does not affect its flaws.

Pump connection makes it easy to achieve the optimal system pressure even with the use of minimum diameter pipes. The maximum effect of the heating system with the upper wiring type can be prepared in a two private home since natural circulation is stimulated by the large difference in the height of the boiler plant, located in the basement, and a second battery floor.

Once again, heated coolant It will be directed to the expansion tank, which is placed in the attic or on the second floor. Where the inclined line of the liquid will flow to the radiators.

In this case one can even combine responsible for the presence of hot water dispensing vessel and an expansion vessel. If, you get a fully autonomous heating system in the house of a non-volatile boiler will be installed.

Another very good option for a two-storey house - a combined system that combines the two and one-pipe sections. For example, a single pipe structure is installed on the second floor in the form of water floor heating, and is mounted on the first double pipe. The ability to adjust the temperature in all rooms in this fully preserved.

Two-pipe heating system in a private home

Two-pipe heating system with the upper wiring does not decorate a room. Supply pipe must be placed above the window, if the building is not equipped with insulated attic

The main advantage of two-pipe heating system with an upper wiring is considered to be high speed coolant promotion and lack of airing highway.

That is why it is used quite often, not paying attention to significant shortcomings:

  • unsightly rooms;
  • high consumption of pipes and accessories;
  • inability to space heating of large area;
  • problems with the placement of the expansion tank, which can not always be reconciled with the distribution;
  • the additional costs of the decor to be able to mask the pipe.

The whole system with the upper wiring is quite viable, and if properly conducted calculations are also very effective.

Double pipe structure with the bottom wiring

The scheme involves the installation of flow and return below the battery. Unlike systems with upper wiring type coolant flow direction is changed. He starts to move upward from the bottom, passes through the battery and sent by return pipe to the boiler.

Systems with lower wiring may include one or more contours. In addition, possible stall arrangement and wiring schemes with simultaneous movement of the liquid coolant.

Two-pipe heating system in a private home

The figure shows the double-tube type heating system with a lower wiring. Lower Flow diagram pads is advantageous in that it requires no equally strong insulation pipe as when laying within its unheated attic. Heat loss also significantly lower

The main drawback of the design - airing. To get rid of it used cranes Majewski. And if the system is installed in two or more storey building, it is assumed that a crane will have to stand on each battery. This is certainly not very convenient, so we recommend laying special overhead lines, which are included in the system.

These collected air vent air from the heating line and is sent into the central standpipe. Next, the air enters the expansion tank, from which it is removed. Heating circuit with the lower wiring and natural circulation are rarely used, since they have several limitations. First and foremost is the fact that the majority included in the battery circuit are finite.

For this reason, they must be equipped with purger valve. If present in the system expansion tank open, the lower the air have have almost every day. Installation of air lines, looped feeding tube allows you to compensate for this disadvantage. However, they significantly complicate the scheme and make it more cumbersome. Moreover, "vozdushki" laid on top of the room.

A significant advantage of the lower wiring consisting in the absence of paved highways in mind is lost. The amount used for the installation of pipes in this case is comparable with the number of parts required for the upper wiring. Therefore, everything for two-pipe system with the lower wiring is most commonly used variant with forced circulation.

Two-pipe heating system in a private home

Externally, the system with the bottom distributing look much more attractive. Piping made of small diameter pipes, tested under the radiator and almost unnoticeable

By the significant advantages of this system include:

  • The compact arrangement of the entire system control portion. More often than not it is installed in the cellar.
  • Reducing heat loss, which gives the pipe laying at the bottom of the room.
  • The ability to connect and operate the heating system until the completion of construction or repair work. For example, the first floor can be heated, and the second will be carried out the necessary work.
  • A significant heat savings with the ability to distribute it to the heated room.

The disadvantages of lower wirings include a large number of pipes and accessories necessary for installation and low liquid pressure in the supply line. Additionally, a negative point can be considered the necessity of installation bleed screw for radiators and permanent removal of air pockets from the system.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Video # 1. Review and assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of systems of heating with natural and forced circulation:

Video # 2. A detailed analysis of the two-pipe heating circuit for a three-storey country house:

Video # 3. How to build your own two-pipe heating system in a country house:

Heating double-tube type - a common method of practical and effective property heating. There are many modifications of this scheme. It is important to choose the best option for your home and make an educated calculation of all system parameters. Only if the house is guaranteed to be warm and cozy.

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