Raspberry is a tasty delicacy, and, with an appetite for absorbing berries in the summer, people do not think about the beneficial and healing properties. However, since childhood many people know that raspberry has the diaphoretic effect of , therefore, having drunk in the winter with raspberry tea or its leaves, you should not immediately go out. This property is often used in the treatment of colds. Berry becomes in national proverbs a symbol of prosperity and abundance: "Life is raspberry."What else is worth learning about the properties of raspberries, benefits and contraindications?
In ancient times, both the ancient Greeks and the ancient Romans bred raspberries. According to legend, baby Zeus ate raspberries. Yuri Dolgoruky imported the berry into Russia and began to develop it.
Wild raspberry grows in shady places of pine and mixed forests, loves moderate moisture. Its yield from year to year is unpredictable. Cumanica and blackberry are close to raspberries, but differ in the color of the berries. It is also known that
raspberry is an excellent honey plant, it is readily collected by bees, increasing the yield of berries by 75%.- Contents: Benefits and Harm to Raspberries for Human Health
- Yellow Raspberry
- Black Raspberry
- What Raspberries to Collect: Harvesting and Medical Use
Raspberry containsthe nomenal amount of multivitamins - is saturated with vitamins A , groups B, C, D, E, PP, as well as micro- and macroelements, bioactive substances. Raspberry seeds contain fatty oil, which is used in cosmetology for the production of essential oil necessary for the care of the skin of the face and hair.

Raspberry leaves, like berries, are rich in nutrients, they contain:
- organic acids,
- pectin substances,
- microelements,
- sugars( glucose, fruit, brain fruit).
The healing properties of raspberry berries
Both fresh berries and raspberry jam strengthen the immune system, increase the vitality of the body .The combination of iron, copper and folic acid is beneficial for people with anemia. The use of raspberry increases hemoglobin.
Vitamin P helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Berry helps to prevent a number of problems of the cardiovascular system.
For colds
Hot tea with raspberry jam is used for colds, flu, and ARVI.Salicylic acid is found in raspberry, which has diaphoretic action.
The combination of raspberry and milk will help in the treatment of sore throats and other sore throats.
In addition, raspberry helps to strengthen the immune system, maintaining the body in a vigorous, elevated tone.

Salicylic acid is part of raspberry, so medicinal aspirin in combination with raspberry tea should be used with caution, it is better to consult a doctor.
Raspberry boosts immunity against flu epidemics and viral infections. Berry can destroy:
- mold spores,
- staphylococcus,
- yeast fungi.
Drinking raspberry tea reduces cough due to expectorant effect.
For Cardiovascular Diseases
Raspberry contains phytosterols - these substances prevent atherosclerosis. The use of raspberry strengthens the capillaries ;will help stop internal bleeding. Berry gives elasticity to the vessels, strengthens their walls, improves vascular permeability, does not allow plaque formation, and also helps maintain normal blood pressure.
Malina also supports the body in the treatment of radiculitis.
Raspberry has a powerful antistress effect .Drinks are recommended for neurosis, depression, help prevent insomnia. Raspberry jam is just as effective as "live" berries.

Gastrointestinal Problems
Organic acids contained in raspberries, improve the digestion and metabolism of , stimulate the motility of all vital organs, save from constipation.
The ability of raspberries to invigorate the work of the internal organs contributes to the normalization of metabolism and helps fight excess weight.
Raspberry helps with gastritis and colitis .
Cleansing the body
Raspberry is an effective antioxidant. The pectins contained in the berry remove heavy metal salts from the body. With the problems of modern ecology, this is one of the most valuable qualities.
Berry helps to overcome the excessive intoxication , produces a sobering effect.
Dried leaves and stalks of raspberry: the beneficial properties of tea, decoctions, infusions
Leaves and stalks of raspberry bring no less benefit than fresh berries, when used in the form of decoctions and tea. Raspberry leaf tea has a tart taste and a pleasant aroma, it boosts immunity, is a firming agent, it is used for rinsing the mouth, against bleeding gums.

Raspberry leaves are used as part of vitamin collections, which are used in gynecology, for kidney problems, and as general strengthening remedies.
Knitting properties of a decoction of raspberry leaves will help stop diarrhea, normalize the bowels.
Raspberry leaf decoction is effective as a lotion or douching agent for hemorrhoids - it relieves inflammation and speeds healing. When hemorrhoids are also used infusion of raspberry flowers.
Some Tips for Women
Berry is used in cosmetology. Rinsing the hair with a decoction of twigs and leaves of raspberry strengthens the hair of , restores their natural shine. Vitamins E, C and B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the beauty and youthfulness of the skin.

Many vitamins and minerals support the health and well-being of pregnant women, the berry also helps with toxicosis. Raspberry is useful for lactating mothers , because it helps to increase lactation.
A decoction of raspberry leaves is used for sedentary baths to cure inflammation of the appendages.
Raspberry leaves reduce pain during menstruation and regulate the cycle.
A decoction of raspberry leaves strengthens the uterus of , increases the elasticity of tissues during childbirth, and helps facilitate this process.
Be careful: the benefits and harm of raspberries for human health
Berry properties are sometimes harmful. Raspberries should not be eaten during exacerbation of urolithiasis, kidney disease. Caution is recommended for people with allergies because of the essential oils .
People suffering from:
- gastritis,
- gastric ulcer,
- duodenal ulcer
- can only use raspberry juice or fresh juice diluted with water. Raspberry berries or natural juice are harmful to them.
The combination of several acids that make up raspberries can harm people with uric acid diathesis, as well as with sick kidneys.
Raspberry is not recommended for diabetes.
Nevertheless, even people from the “risk group”, moderate and careful use of raspberries will not harm.
Yellow raspberry

Yellow raspberry contains a lot of sugar, it has almost no acid, so it is sweeter and tastier. There is a minimum of anthocyanin in the yellow raspberry, therefore yellow varieties do not create problems for allergies, children and future moms. Vitamin B9, which is necessary for blood formation, is abundantly present in the yellow raspberry.
Black Raspberry

Black Raspberry brings high yields, its berries are richer in vitamins and biologically active substances than red raspberries. In black varieties, less acid, but more mineral elements , such as copper, iron, manganese. In combination with folic acid - this berry creates a positive effect on people who have blood diseases. Black Raspberry contains more antioxidants that prevent the development of oncological processes.
What raspberries to collect: harvesting and use for medicinal purposes
Wild raspberries are better suited for medicinal purposes, although there are also many useful substances in garden varieties. When harvesting raspberries, it is recommended drying, freezing , as well as a vitamin mixture of sugar and raspberries, which is prepared in a ratio of 1 to 1.
Raspberry retains most of its beneficial properties in the form of jam, so preparing it for the winter will provide a useful and pleasant delicacyduring the year.
The leaves and stalks of raspberries are collected clean( without dust, midges and damage), dried in a shady place and brewed teas from them, make decoctions, infusions. Store dried and crushed leaves can be in cloth bags or in three-liter jars.
raspberry leaf tea is tasty on its own, but you can combine a raspberry leaf with a currant leaf, with rose, apple or peach petals.
To clean the body of , two tablespoons of dried raspberry leaves are poured with two cups of boiling water, allowed to infuse and consumed in small portions 5 times a day.