Most people love raspberries, everyone grows it who owns a plot of land. Raspberry grows in the southern and northern regions.
The period when the plant is bearing fruit is small - the peak occurs in June-July.
In this article we have prepared a detaileddescription of the raspberry variety "Polana"and some tips on how to plant and care for her.
.Table of contents
- Characteristics of the variety, yield
- Description of advantages and disadvantages
- Features of planting raspberries
- Rules and stages
- Secrets of proper care of bushes
- Diseases and pests Polany
- Botritis or gray rot
- Dwarfism or sprouting
- Anthracnose
Characteristics of the variety, yield
Malina Polana refers to new varieties. It was bred by Polish breeders by crossing two varieties - Zeva and Heritage.
In Russia, it has taken root relatively well. Berries are medium-sized, weight varies within 3-5 grams. Color - purple.
According to the reviews of gardeners, the taste of berries is sourish. In sunny weather, the berries are much sweeter. Therefore, by the end of ripening, the taste qualities are reduced, since there are not so many sunny days.
The period of ripening begins at the end of Julyand ends in mid-October. During the ripening period, berries are located along the bush to the top.
If there was good lighting, then 80% of the berries will have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather. For better fruits it is recommended to cover the bushes for the night with light, but durable material. Depending on the climate, the period changes.
Berries are stored for a long time and well tolerate transportation, in consequence of which the market berries are always fresh.
Polana has powerful shoots that lack spines. At the base the thickness of shoots reaches 4 centimeters. The length reaches, meters in height. Despite this, they cope with the large weight of berries even without support.
Leaves alternate with a petiole. They have 3 to 7 leaves. The color of the leaves is dark green on top and white from below.
The ideal climate for cultivation is the middle belt of the south-west. Although raspberries with ease tolerate winter cold, it is not recommended to grow in northern areas. Soils are chernozem and sandy-loam soils.
Scientists call a variety of raspberries for lazy people, since it does not require careful care. The plant is good winter hardiness, it can withstand temperatures up to -32 degrees.
.Description of advantages and disadvantages
Advantages of the variety:
- resistance of the root system to frost;
- high yield;
- rapid maturation;
- a long period of the fruit offering;
- the stability of mature berries - do not fall off the bush;
- ease of transportation;
- simple reproduction;
- resistance to pests and diseases.
Disadvantages of the variety:
- weak resistance to frost shoots;
- ability to dry;
- growth of root.
Features of planting raspberries
To raspberries bring a good harvest,You need to take care of the correct landing. It is believed that the plant is unpretentious, but it is nevertheless recommended that simple rules be followed to achieve a good harvest.
Optimal time for planting seedlings -late fall.
Malina Polana loves a lot of sunlight. Creation of a shadow leads to a decrease in yield and a decrease in the taste of berries.
You may be interested in the following articles:
- Useful properties of raspberry and its leaves.
- Raspberry Tarusa, or "crimson tree characteristics and features, pluses and minuses of the variety.
- Raspberry "Hussar varietal characteristics and tips for planting, reproduction and care.
This variety, like other similar,does not need a thorough selection of soil, but it will be more comfortable for the plant in sod-podzolic non-acidic soils. The fertility of the soil also plays an important role in the future crop.
Variety of raspberry Polana loves moisture, but stagnation of water leads to the death of plants. Therefore, it is worthwhile planting seedlings so that the groundwater is at a height of, meters.
AlsoThe landing site is required to be protected from strong winds. When choosing seedlings, make sure that the roots are not damaged and withered.
To refresh the roots, place the raspberry seedling for a couple of hours in a container of water. When transporting the roots of the plant is recommended to wrap in cloth.
Rules and stages
General stages of planting of seedlings:
.- Dig trenches to a depth and width of 50 centimeters. The length comes from the number of seedlings. It is calculated, proceeding from the fact that the distance between the plants is -1 m from each other.
- One third of the hole is filled with fertilizer mixed with a fertile soil layer.
- The roots of the seedling are carefully spread out and placed in the middle of the well. Before these roots are required to be placed in clay solution.
- Cover the holes with soil, leave the root neck 3-5 cm above the ground.
- Planted seedlings watered, loosened the soil and covered with mulch. As a mulch, take peat or compost.
Raspberry seedlings are planted either in pits or in trenches.Planting in a trench:
- clean soil from soil and debris;
- put the film between the rows;
- insert pegs, which need to pull ropes;
- put fertilizer on the bottom of the trench;
- plant seedlings in a trench a meter apart;
- fall asleep and sprinkle a little water.
Planting raspberry seedlings into the fossa:
- dig deep holes and a diameter of 35 centimeters;
- mix fertilizer with soil and fall asleep in pits;
- make a fence along the raspberry border;
- carefully consider the seedlings and remove the damage;
- plant seedlings at a distance of -1 meters;
- carefully water the seedlings;
- cloud the soil.
Polana likes limestone lands. If there is not enough lime in the soil, artificial liming is required 3-4 times a year.
.Secrets of proper care of bushes
During the whole period of vegetationIt is necessary to moisten the soil, but do not flood the plants.. When drought, you need to water raspberries once every two days, taking into account 2-3 buckets of water per bush.
In the autumn period it is recommended to feed plantsmanure or compost. One bucket requires one bucket per bush.
During the vegetation, raspberries are fedfresh mullein or bird droppings. In the early days of the summer, it is recommended to mulch the soil to make the soil loose.
After the harvest is harvested, it is required to completely cut the bushes. To raspberries has not lost its properties, it is recommendedleave sprouts above the ground no more than 8 centimeters.
After such pruning raspberries are easier to bear winter cold. Every year in April, it is necessary to cut frozen and withered bushes.
The plants can not be sheltered for the winter- it will be enough to have a natural snow cover.
Trim the bushes with the onset of the first frost. If you do this before, then the plants will not receive the necessary nutrients to the roots.
Reproduction of raspberry:
- green shoots- the most popular way;
- root cuttings- It is used when there are not enough green shoots. It is considered the most effective;
- seeds- this way it reproduces naturally in nature, in gardens such a technique is not applied.
Diseases and pests Polany
This type of raspberryis resistant to diseases and pests. But there are several diseases that should be feared.
Botritis or gray rot
This fungal disease, which is characterized by the appearance of dark spots on the leaves and berries. During the disease the berries begin to decay and become covered with gray fluff, as a result, raspberries are killed.
In order that the disease does not harm, it is required to process seedlings.In the spring, spray with a solution of Bordeaux liquid.
Alsoto process after harvesting. If the disease progresses and after treatment, then it is necessary to destroy all the seedlings.
Dwarfism or sprouting
In the people this disease was nicknamed "Broom Witch". The causative agents are insects that carry a variety of viruses. The disease manifests itself in a shallow canopy that does not yield a harvest.
To overcome the disease, it is recommended to destroy the focus of the disease - uproot and burn the affected seedlings.
The causative agent of this disease is the fungus. This disease is considered common and most dangerous.Affected seedlings stop bearing fruit. Gray stains of up to 3 millimeters are covered with plant leaves.
To defeat the disease, you need to get rid of pathogens - berries, leaves and shoots. In the spring it is recommended to spray copper oxychloride.
The first time you need to sprinkle with bud budding, the second time after flowering, and the third time two weeks after the second spraying.
All who are the owners of raspberries Polany, can not boast of high quality of the harvest. Such a variety will be an excellent option for the sale of fruits and for personal use.
From one site Polana can bring up to two hundred kilograms of fruits already in the first year of cultivation.