The smell in the closet with clothes: how to get rid of the musty, damp, mold, photos and video

Have you ever noticed that after spending some time in the closet, clean thing acquires a peculiar smell, and let's be honest - it's not the most pleasant scent? What is the cause of the musty smell of clothes and linen stored in the wardrobe, and how to get rid of it? Today, I will respond in detail to these questions.

High humidity, ticks, improper storage - the reasons why things smell unpleasant
High humidity, ticks, improper storage - the reasons why things smell unpleasant

Causes of bad smell

Before you get rid of the smell in the closet, you must understand that it becomes the source of the unpleasant odor. May be several reasons:

  1. excess moisture. Due to the high humidity in the room and poor ventilation in wardrobe putrid scent may appear. All the fault of the mold in the closet with clothes - the main source of the stench.
In wardrobes one common problem - poor ventilation
In wardrobes one common problem - poor ventilation

Get rid of the problem will help dryer, heater or hair dryer to dry. prevent the emergence of

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odor Mold can also be activated carbon or silica gel. Spread out on the shelves these funds and do not forget to change them at least once a month.

  1. Improper storage of things. Even in the new cabinet can be formed musty aroma, and it will cause improper storage of things. Remember, you should not be stored in the locker room wearing of things (even once), blouses and underwear impregnated with the smell of perfume or deodorant, things made of low-quality synthetic fibers.
Do not store near worn and clean things
Do not store near worn and clean things
  1. Dust mites. The musty smell of clothes in the closet can say that it wound up dust mites. These small parasites are practically invisible to the naked eye, but can cause a lot of problems. To save the clothes against harmful insects, deal with it with steam and hot dry wipe 20% solution of common salt.
Dust mites (pictured) - one of the most common sources of unpleasant flavor
Dust mites (pictured) - one of the most common sources of unpleasant flavor

We solve the problem in 3 steps

In this section, I'll tell you about the simple but very effective way of getting rid of the smell of old, damp and putrid odor.

Step 1. Cleaning

Completely eliminate unpleasant smell in the closet only after a series of comprehensive measures.

Clean the cabinet - the best cure for the smell of clothes
Clean the cabinet - the best cure for the smell of clothes
  • Ventilation. As I said, poor ventilation can significantly impair your stuff. So do not forget to regularly to get all the clothes from the wardrobe, hair dryer to dry it and ventilate. In sunny weather, hang out on the street or balcony woolens. The same applies to clothing.
Before airing sure to remove all the things
Before airing sure to remove all the things
  • Wet cleaning. Regular cleaning in the closet is not less important than the cleaning of the apartment. Wet rag wipe dust on the shelves, perimeter enclosure treat special cleaning agent with wax content. These manipulations do not only will remove stubborn scentsBut also disinfect a surface.
the smell of tobacco output is difficult, but possible
the smell of tobacco output is difficult, but possible

In a family of smokers, where almost every thing is impregnated with cigarette smoke, the following measures should be taken:

  • treat all surfaces wardrobe weak acetic solution;
  • hang a few wet towels and leave them for at least 30 minutes;
  • wash towels, cupboard dry.

Keep in mind to get rid of this old tobacco smell is quite difficult, so repeat this procedure as often as possible.

Step 2. Getting rid of mold

If after cleaning unpleasant odor has not disappeared, the case is likely the appearance of mold. Instructions will be the :.

  • Free wardrobe of things. Mold able to eat into the material, so that they are subject to further cleaning.
Cope mold help vinegar, hydrogen peroxide or boric acid
Cope mold help vinegar, hydrogen peroxide or boric acid
  • remove the mold. Dilute vinegar with water in a proportion of 1 to 3 and apply it to the field affected by fungal mold. Vinegar can be used instead of boric acid or hydrogen peroxide.

If it was not possible to get rid of the smell of damp in the cupboard, and mold a couple of days back, you must move to more drastic measures. Treat affected "whiteness" places.

If the smell of mold does not disappear, use a white background
If the smell of mold does not disappear, use a white background

While you are doing cleaning shelves, re-wash all the stale stuff and leave it to dry in the sun. Approximately a week later, after you make sure that the mold has receded, you can load the clothes back in the closet.

Step 3. we use perfume

To have in your wardrobe always prevailed a pleasant smell, you can resort to the help of flavors. Use them is necessary after the thorough cleaning and washing clothes closet. Selection of natural fragrances is great, so that you can get something to his liking.

Illustration flavoring
Soap. That you are no longer faced with a situation where your stuff musty smell, sort through small pieces of soap in canvas bags. By the way, they also help to prevent the emergence of moths.
Citrus. Wrap the peel of any citrus fruit in a cotton cloth and put it in the wardrobe. The aroma in the cabinet will be fresh and enjoyable.
Coffee. For a pleasant smell in the wardrobe, use of coffee. This can be a coffee beans and ground.
perfume. You left an empty bottle of your favorite perfume? Do not rush to throw it away and put it on the shelf with the knitted items. Have your things will be pleasant, unobtrusive flavor.
gathering herbs. Meadow aromatic herbs, especially raised their hands, able to give a mouthwatering aroma. It is fine hops, lavender, thyme and oregano. If you do not know what to choose plants that can buy a ready-made mix - price available.

I offered you a few very effective options, and what to put into his wardrobe - you decide.


I think now you understand how to remove the smell of the closet with clothes and make sure that he never returned. Follow these simple guidelines and your clothes will smell.

Some more useful ways to find your video in this article. If after seeing it you still have questions, ask them in the comments.

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