Amazing kinds and varieties of forsythia - blossoming bush

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In early spring, when many trees are still in hibernation, the exquisite bush puts on its golden decoration. That is why gardeners grow different species and varieties of forsythia on their household plots. For 200 years, shrubs are popular with residents of America, Europe, the Far East and Asia. It has been warmly cared for in China for several thousand years, admiring its amazing beauty of spring decoration.

In the late 18th century the Scottish scholar W. Foresight brought from China to Europe several species and varieties of forcing. The plant liked the people of the cool countries and in gratitude to the scientist, the shrub was named after him. Today the plant is adorned with private gardens, city parks, streets and suburban areas of lovers of greenery. Forsity is considered a unique symbol of spring, which she meets with bright inflorescences. As soon as yellow lights on the bush, summer residents come to life together with nature and prepare for land works.

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Close acquaintance with the bush

Whichever kinds and varieties of Forzitia decorate our garden or city square, it is worthwhile to carefully consider the plant in order to appreciate its true charm. By external characteristics it is a decorative shrub growing to 3 m in height. In early spring, the forsythia wears bell-shaped buds, consisting of four tender petals. They come in different shades:

  • bright yellow;
  • lemon;
  • golden;
  • light brown;
  • dark orange;
  • light green;
  • white.

It is interesting that flowering lasts a long period, sometimes about 40 days. Truly, a wonderful sight! Over time, the bush appears fruits in the form of a cute box, which stores a lot of winged seeds. But for a whole season flexible shoots of forsytia are covered with a lot of oval leaflets, the length of which is about 15 cm.

Since the shrubbery is not demanding for the type of soil, it is freely grown on garden plots of country houses. The main thing is to give him enough sunlight.

Famous species and varieties of forcing: description and photo

Over the years, breeders have diligently deduced many variations of this ornamental plant. Each species has its own characteristics. The bush is characterized by such differences:

  • appearance of the crown;
  • form of the plant;
  • the size;
  • a variety of branches.

Depending on the type of forging, the following sizes of buds are distinguished:

  • miniature;
  • average;
  • inflorescence giants.
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Pigments also differ in pigmentation:

  • sheet plates;
  • shoots;
  • buds.

It is interesting that the leaves can be painted not only in green, but also in yellow. Some species are distinguished by the violet color of the leaf plates. Similarly, the branches of the bush are yellow, green and even red. A detailed description of the forcing helps to get to know this bright symbol of coming to the Mother-Spring land. Consider its popular species and varieties.

It was noticed that in winter, when there is a lot of snow, some birds peck flower buds on a bush. Remembering this, it is desirable to protect the plant from importunate "customers" by taking appropriate measures.


This is the only species of shrub that was bred in Europe. Only in 1897 the biologists described it in detail. As you can see in the photo, European Forsyza has a compact and neat crown, consisting of straight stems. The adult plant reaches a height of up to 3 m, which allows it to fit into the overall landscape of the garden. In early spring, the bush is dressed in a lemon-yellow flower arrangement. The size of the buds can be more than 5 cm in length. Usually flowering is accompanied by the appearance of green on flexible shoots, so the decorativeness of such a large-flowered forcing is inferior to other species of its relatives.

Since European forcing does not always tolerate winter cold, it is better to grow it in areas with a warmer climate.

Egg-shaped (oval)

In contrast to European forcing, this species is distinguished by high frost resistance. Even in areas where the temperature falls below -30 ° C, the plant manages without additional shelter. The only drawback of ovoid ovoid folding is the rapidity of spring flowering.

The bush grows up to 2 meters in height. Thanks to this, it perfectly fits the landscape design of the country plot. It is distinguished by shoots of grayish-yellow color, on which the green foliage is located. Early in the spring on the oval forcing there are single buds decorating the bush for about 15 days. There are several varieties of this ornamental shrub:

  • Tetragild;
  • Spring Glory;
  • Dresdner Forfryling;

Each has its own unique features, thanks to which, fans of greenery choose the right option.


An amazing shrub with arc-shaped shoots of olive color is actively grown to decorate the walls. Forsythia is considered to be the symbol of the Korean city of Seoul. Every year there is a massive admiration for the bright flowering of the bush. There is a huge number of varieties of forsyzia hanging down or drooping, as many call it. Here are some of them:

  • Variegate forcing;
  • Purple-inoculum;
  • Zybold;
  • Dicypience.

In the natural environment, the shrub occurs on the territory of the Korean peninsula and in China. Its name was given to the plant because of sprouting on the ground shoots. In addition, it is characterized by high resistance to colds.

It is better to choose the appearance of forcing, taking into account decorativeness, bush height and frost resistance. Otherwise, the shrub can suffer and even die.

Intermediate (medium)

In 1878, breeders, combining two varieties, received an amazing shrub. The intermediate forcing is distinguished by straight stems. In early spring they dress in large inflorescences of bright yellow shades. Such a sight hangs in the memory for a long time. Therefore, gardeners eagerly await the onset of the new season.

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There are many varieties of this cute bush. For example, Gustotsvetnaya hybrid forsyza has spreading branches, on which small bouquets there are pale yellow buds. And on the upright sprouts of the variety "Spectabilis" with the first rays of the spring sun grow lush inflorescences of yellow color. They consist of 5 or 6 large buds, collected in glamorous bouquets.


Particularly in demand is a variety of bright shrubs - the fording of the intermediate Goldzauber, which was brought out by German breeders. This plant is distinguished by increased frost resistance, therefore it is miraculously taking root in the northern regions of the country. The flowering of the bush lasts approximately 21 days, exuding a pleasant aroma. Buds are large, rich in yellow. Adult plant reaches, m in height.


The intermediate intermediate formation of Spectabilis can boast a rich color of leaf plates, which persists throughout the warm season. Only by autumn they become bright purple. The shrub grows to about a meter high. Its sprawling shoots form the original "weeping" crown. During flowering, yellow-colored inflorescences appear on them.

One of the most attractive subspecies of these shrubs is the forcing of the average Spectabilis. On its magnificent yellow shoots, giant buds about 5 cm in size bloom. The bush usually grows up to, m, forming a smart crown. The plant is actively grown on the territory of Western Europe. He miraculously tolerates arid times without losing his decorativeness. Pictured in the photo is the foretection of Spectabilis, a reliable confirmation of this fact.

«Forsythia intermedia»

The unique deciduous shrub, up to, m in height, is distinguished by a multitude of dense olive-yellow branches. They are delicately intertwined with each other and only for the 5th year of life gracefully lean towards the ground. On the whole length of the shoots decorate egg-shaped leaves of green color, which bloom soon after the flowering of the bush.

It is about the formation of the intermediate Week End. She is able to give her fans a lot of pleasant minutes in early spring. This variety blooms one of the first, which is especially popular with gardeners. Refers to frost-resistant plants, although it does not like the summer drought. "Forsythia intermedia as it is sometimes called biology, successfully coexists on the fertile soil of any acidity. Loves a lot of light and moderate humidity. Widely used to form a garden landscape.

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Forsythia medium is actively grown in the suburbs. Due to the fact that the amount of snow in the winter has significantly decreased, the shrub requires additional shelter.


The lush three-meter bush is distinguished by a dark green bark of erect shoots that stretch upwards towards the sun. Leafy plates of greenery, we can say, have giant dimensions (length 15 cm, width approximately 4). They are densely located on the flexible stems of the plant. Extraordinary cute greenish buds also amaze with their size. Shrub was imported from China to Europe in 1844. Nowadays it is widely used for decoration of city parks and territory of country houses.

The popular variety is the foresight green Weber's Bronx, pleases its fans with lush flowering for 2 months. Her buds, though small in size, are painted in bright gold color gold. And oval toothed foliage does not burn out from burning sun rays. Bushes are used to form group compositions of landscape design.


The shrub of this species belongs to the heat-loving plants, which grow successfully in the southern regions of Europe. The formation of the Girald grows to 2 m in height, forming a lush crown. The leaves are of medium size (up to 10 cm) oval. Buds are painted in light yellow color, and petals are slightly twisted. Most often blooms in May, putting a shrub in a golden outfit.


A pretty bush, whose homeland is a Korean peninsula, is rare in nature. Therefore, biologists are trying hard to keep the snow forcing. This plant can grow up to two meters in height, forming a compact crown. Its branches are covered with an oval dark green leafy foliage. In the summer period, the lower part of the leaf plate acquires a purple color, which gives the plant a special decorative effect.

In early spring, white forsythia wears an elegant outfit of the bride. On the flexible shoots in the axils of the foliage small buds with a pleasant aroma are blossoming. They are collected in inflorescences of racemose nature, from which it is impossible to look away.

The plant prefers shady places away from the sun. And in winter, requires additional shelter.

Acquaintance with forcing - video

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