For small plots of land, bunched cucumbers can be called a find, they take up little space. Hybrids genetically laid the possibility of forming from three to nine ovaries from each node. Thanks to this, the crop is increased several times. Every year, bunched cucumbers for open ground are becoming increasingly popular. We will talk about how to grow this type of cucumber in this review.
. Contents
The bundle cucumbers belong to the pumpkin family. This is an annual plant with a stem up to 2 m. A type of fruiting, called bundle or bouquet, resembles a brush of mini-bananas. Fruits are small - gherkins or pickles. Hybrids of the type of pollination can be parthenocarpic and bee-pollinated. Almost do not form barren flowers. Very light-requiring.

Split by type of branching into:
- Strong .The most fruitful, but time-consuming in the care. It has a long growing season;
- Average .The yield is slightly lower due to the shorter period of fruiting;
- Weak .Almost do not form lateral processes, do not need pinching. The growing season is short, the yield is slightly lower than the previous types. Do not require painstaking care.
The best varieties for open ground
Seeds of bundle cucumbers are more expensive than seeds of classical species. However, from 5 seeds of standard packaging will turn out 5 bushes, which will provide a harvest of fruits about 45-50 kg for the vegetative period.
According to reviews, the following varieties are popular with gardeners:
Prestige F1

Domestic variety of breeding company Zedek. Medium early, with the beginning of fruiting through 43-45 days. Medium branch type, parthenocarpic, self-pollinated. Included in the State Register of Plants of the Russian Federation in 2007.Designed for central Russia.
In the node 3-4 ovary. Yield 25 kg per 1 m2. Fruits are green with whitish stripes, large knobby with spikes. The taste is juicy, the pulp is not bitter, almost without seeds.
Long fruiting until frost. Purpose salad, suitable for blanks.
Beam Splendor F1

Bred in the Urals. Early ripe, parthenocarpic. Medium - branched. Its dignity consists in tolerance in temperature drops, many diseases, pests. Suitable for the northern climate of the Russian Federation. In one node from 3 to 7 ovaries. Prolonged fruiting until frost. Productivity is high, one bush gives up to 400 fruits with proper care.
Planting scheme - 2 bushes per 1 m2.It is better to form the plant in one stem, then the setting of cucumber bunches takes place on the main whip. It will not waste energy on the growth of lateral processes.
Zelentsy cylindrical, medium - tubercular. The color is light green with whitish stripes and spikes. Variety universal for use. Ging's

Bred in Germany. Mid-season, self-pollinating. Vegetation lasts 45-50 days. Shrubs moderately branched. Cereals of medium size 10-11 cm, bright green, with whitish stripes, small-tubercular. Taste without bitterness. Fruits without voids. The yield of 4-6 kg per 1 m2.Well resists cucumber mosaic, powdery mildew.
Alligator F1

An interesting variety in appearance. Medium early, from germination to maturity 45-53 days. Bee pollinated. The bushes are strongly branched, with 1-3 ovaries in the sinuses. Fruits are dark green, long, see 40 , pimples are prickly. Fruit weight up to 300 g. Yield 15 kg per m2.The flesh is very tender, without bitterness. Salad cucumbers. Benefits include resistance to disease and rot.
Okhotny F1 Series

Parthenocarpic hybrid. Early ripe, time before the appearance of ovaries 40 days. A medium-branched shrub with 6 ovaries in the leaf axils. Prolonged fruiting. Recommended rassadny method of growing. Stems of cylindrical shape with spikesTastes pleasant. Variety universal purpose.
The disadvantage is that the plant is not completely resistant to penosporosis - downy mildew, therefore preventive measures are needed.
In addition, there are such common varieties of bouquet cucumbers, as Blizzard F1, Yamal F1, Champion F1, Zyatek F1, Boy with a finger F1, Bouquet F1, Masha F1, Captain F1.It is necessary to note the new early ripe variety Siberian garland F1, resistant to low temperatures, tolerates partial shade.

Selection work on varieties of beam hybrids do not stand still. More recently, a variety of gherkins has been bred with slower growth, that is, the fruits do not outgrow, up to 12 ovaries are formed in one bundle.
All varieties grow well in open beds, without greenhouses.
. Cultivation features and rules: cucumber ovary and fruiting.
. The cultivation of bundle cucumbers in the open field is similar to the cultivation of common varieties, but some nuances are present.

If the plant is weak and unable to provide a large number of nutrients to the ovaries, then they begin to dry up, fall off. In order to avoid such a situation, we fulfill the following rules:
- A week before planting , we put in a ready-made ridge 10-15 kg of compost and 30-40 g of mineral fertilizer per 1 m2.We dig.
- The day before planting seedlings well spill. We plant at a soil temperature of +10 degrees at a depth of 10 cm.
- We disinfect each well with with a liter of warm pink potassium permanganate solution.
- Seedlings are planted in a row through 40-50 cm , asall bunched cucumbers do not like crowding. We mulch humus.
- Install the trellis, preferably with a grid. We form a shrub in time and pinch the side branches for the appearance of ovaries.
- Formed in a special way. Remove all flowers and processes in the axils of the lower 4 leaves. You can not touch the 2 side shoots with ovaries, pinching them. We pursue the task - to achieve maximum harvest from the main stem.

- We pour with warm water , preventing the soil from drying out. After watering we make shallow loosening.
- The root system of cucumbers does not like a high salt concentration, is applied with complex fertilizers in small doses, but more often - once a week, 15 g per 1 m2.Organic supplements are shown 2 times a month with a solution of bird droppings or manure.
- From time to time we conduct foliar dressings for better flowering and fruit formation.
- We collect cucumbers often, maximum in a day. Cut out the whipping of the whips, carry out foliar spraying with urea, fruits grow on new shoots.
The number of sticks depends on growing conditions. Illiterate agrotechnical care gives less result.
Factors negatively affecting the ovary:
- excess nitrogen ;
- irregular watering ;
- lack of solar lighting or its excess.
The main advantages and disadvantages of
Bundle cucumbers have many undoubted advantages:
- Stable, high yield without the formation of "overgrown".The average yield is 10 kg per bush.
- Mass maturity .
- Compact dimensions for canning .
- Sustainable immunity to diseases.
- Tolerance to temperature differences .
- Early maturity .The appearance of the first cucumbers in 38-40 days, even after 35, depending on the climatic conditions.
- Ideal tastes and versatility of use, are well stored.

Conditional disadvantages include , the need for frequent collection of fruits for full ripening of new ones. This inconvenience will affect mainly summer residents who are not able to visit the site on a daily basis. They need to pay attention to varieties that are less demanding to care.
Bundle cucumbers for open ground are modern hybrids that incorporate the best qualities of this vegetable crop. They are unpretentious in the care, but their cultivation involves compliance with agricultural practices. A variety of varieties on the seed market will allow you to choose varieties that are right for you.